#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    JUL 17 th, 2005                  #
#          Rashis 3131-3131 Of 7700 (40.6%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

List of verses with      EL / LAMED = TO, ON, IN, WITH, FROM
Nu01-01 TO God spoke TO Moses *10
------ --- ------------------------------------------------- --
2S21-01 ON*4 The famine happened ON ACCOUNT of Saul R
1S04-21 ON She named her son NoHonor ON ACCOUNT of the defeat R
Gn37-35c ON I'll go down to my grave BECAUSE of Josephs murder R
Ex06-13b ON God commanded Moses CONCERNING the Jews R
Ex04-26c ON Hubby was almost murdered ACCOUNT OF circumcision R
Ex14-03 ON Pharoh said CONCERNING the Jewish people*11 R
Nu14-14a ON And they will say CONCERNING this nation
Nu13-30b ON Calev quieted the nation AGAINST Moses*5 R
1S17-49 ON He smote the Philistine ON his head K
2S02-09 ON He gave him reign on Gilad and Shuri K
1S26-14 ON Who is it that calls ON (ABOUT) the King K
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Gn49-29b WITH Bury me WITH (EL) my fathers R K
Lv18-18a WITH Don't take a woman WITH her sister RNK
Jo11-19 WITH They didn't make peace WITH the Jews K
2S18-27 WITH He is a good man and comes WITH good news *4 K
------ --- ------------------------------------------------- --
Gn23-19 IN They buried them IN the cave *1 NK
Ex25-21a IN And IN the ark give the Two Tablets NK
1S10-22 IN ..behold, Saul is hidden IN the utensils NK
Gn37-36 IN And the Medanim sold him IN Egypt *3 K
Jo05-03 IN Joshua circumcised them IN the ..valley K
Ez44-30 IN Give .. so you will have blessings IN your house K
------ --- ------------------------------------------------- --
Gn41-57a FROM They came to buy food FROM Joseph *2 K
Ez15-29 MORE You prostituted more than the Canaanites K
*1 'Bury IN the cave' also occurs in Gn49-29
*2 RDK also suggests 'They came TO Joseph to buy food' using
an inversion of the sentence
*3 The verse (in my opinion) could also read
>The Medanim sold him TO the Egyptian (Empire)
*4 RDK points out that the preposition ON can mean both
RDK also gives 3 mores meanings
>B when it means WITH (But these are all covered here)

*5 In other words he quieted the people by beginning
>Is this the only thing that Moses did to us
At that point they quieted expecting to hear more complaints
He then continued
>He took us out of Egypt
>gave us the Manna
>So he can help us conquer Israel


*10 This list presents meanings of the word EL.
The SOURCES for these meanings come from the
- Ramban on this verse;
- Rashi on a variety of verses (you have to laboriously
read thru all Rashis);
- RDK in the book of ROOTS.

The last column in the table, entitled, WHO, cross references the     Rishon involved
--K=RadacK--thus "RNK"

Here is an example of our notation:The RNK on
Lv18-18 means that ll 3 Rishonim, Rashi, Radack
and Ramban use Lv18-18 as an example  that EL can mean WITH}

*11 A colleague Gilad Gevaryahu points out that Rashi makes
a novelty on Ex04-26c, namely, Rashi explicitly points
out that prefix lamed has the same status as Aleph

Gilad asked me for sources (That Lamed is treated the
same as Aleph-Lamed). The following sources shed light
- this Rashi Ex04-26c
- Radak explicitly identifies prefix Mem with the
full word Men-Nun (And by analogy this identification
of prefix with word could extend to Aleph Lamed)
- Phonetically the Nun in Mem-Nun drops and is converted
to a Mem+Dagesh. Similarly the initial Aleph would
drop from Aleph-Lamed (Another precedent for dropped
Alephs would be the pair Esh-Ta-Yim vs ShTa-Yim)
- Radak discusses Lamed on the last page of Michlol but
does not seem to mention the Lamed-El correspondence
- Radak discusses El in Michlol several pages earlier
but does not equat El and Lamed (Similarly in his
book ROOTS he does not equate them)
- The equality of Mem and Mem-Nun is mentioned both
in ROOTs and in MICHLOL (Last words in book).
- Perhaps the strongest proof occurs in root
Aleph-Lamed-Hay in ROOTS. Although Radak does
not equate Aleph-Lamed with Prefix Lamed
nevertheless he does equate Aleph-Lamed with
prefix Mem and Prefix Beth. This seems clear
and explicit evidence that Radak equated
prepositional connectives with one letter
*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2004, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#