#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    JUL 25 th, 2005                  #
#          Rashis 3141-3141 Of 7700 (40.7%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

List of verses with      EL = TO, ON, IN, WITH, FROM
Nu01-01 TO God spoke TO Moses *10
------ --- ------------------------------------------------- --
2S21-01 ON*4 The famine happened ON ACCOUNT of Saul R
1S04-21 ON She named her son NoHonor ON ACCOUNT of the defeat R
Gn37-35c ON I'll go down to my grave BECAUSE of Josephs murder R
Ex06-13b ON God commanded Moses CONCERNING the Jews R
Ex14-03 ON Pharoh said CONCERNING the Jewish people*11 R
Nu14-14a ON And they will say CONCERNING this nation
Nu13-30b ON Calev quieted the nation AGAINST Moses*5 R
1S17-49 ON He smote the Philistine ON his head K
2S02-09 ON He gave him reign on Gilad and Shuri K
1S26-14 ON Who is it that calls ON (ABOUT) the King K
------ --- ------------------------------------------------- --
Gn49-29b WITH Bury me WITH (EL) my fathers R K
Lv18-18a WITH Don't take a woman WITH her sister RNK
Jo11-19 WITH They didn't make peace WITH the Jews K
2S18-27 WITH He is a good man and comes WITH good news *4 K
------ --- ------------------------------------------------- --
Gn23-19 IN They buried them IN the cave *1 NK
Ex25-21a IN And IN the ark give the Two Tablets NK
1S10-22 IN ..behold, Saul is hidden IN the utensils NK
Gn37-36 IN And the Medanim sold him IN Egypt *3 K
Jo05-03 IN Joshua circumcised them IN the ..valley K
Ez44-30 IN Give .. so you will have blessings IN your house K
------ --- ------------------------------------------------- --
Gn41-57a FROM They came to buy food FROM Joseph *2 K
Ez15-29 MORE You prostituted more than the Canaanites K
*1 'Bury IN the cave' also occurs in Gn49-29
*2 RDK also suggests 'They came TO Joseph to buy food' using
an inversion of the sentence
*3 The verse (in my opinion) could also read
>The Medanim sold him TO the Egyptian (Empire)
*4 RDK points out that the preposition ON can mean both
RDK also gives 3 mores meanings
>B when it means WITH (But these are all covered here)

*5 In other words he quieted the people by beginning
>Is this the only thing that Moses did to us
At that point they quieted expecting to hear more complaints
He then continued
>He took us out of Egypt
>gave us the Manna
>So he can help us conquer Israel


*10 This list presents meanings of the word EL.
The SOURCES for these meanings come from the
- Ramban on this verse;
- Rashi on a variety of verses (you have to laboriously
read thru all Rashis);
- RDK in the book of ROOTS.

The last column in the table, entitled, WHO, cross references the     Rishon involved
--K=RadacK--thus "RNK"

Here is an example of our notation:The RNK on
Lv18-18 means that ll 3 Rishonim, Rashi, Radack
and Ramban use Lv18-18 as an example  that EL can mean WITH}

*11 This posting corrects an incorrect posting in
http://www.rashiyomi.com/h24n12.htm and at

A colleague Gilad Gevaryahu asked for an explicit
statement that LAMED can have other meanings like
I incorrectly thought Ex04-26c identifies LAMED as
meaning ALEPH LAMED. But in fact of course LAMED means
AYIN LAMED. Since Gilad asked the question I gave him
credit for the answer...but the truth is the incorrect
answer was made by me and the question was made by him.

My previous comments to Gilad about the meaning of
one-letter prefixes stands. A full answer to Gilad would
require finding a set of verses with LAMED meaning TO ON
IN WITH FROM.  The correct place for Ex04-26c is in the
list of meanings of AYIN-LAMED.

My comments on one letter prefixes are as follows:
- Radak explicitly identifies prefix Mem with the
full word Men-Nun (And by analogy this identification
of prefix with word could extend to Aleph Lamed)
- Phonetically the Nun in Mem-Nun drops and is converted
to a Mem+Dagesh. Similarly the initial Ayin would
drop from Ayin-Lamed (Another precedent for dropped
Alephs would be the pair Esh-Ta-Yim vs ShTa-Yim)
- Radak discusses Lamed on the last page of Michlol but
does not seem to mention the Lamed-El correspondence
- Radak discusses El in Michlol several pages earlier
but does not equat El and Lamed (Similarly in his
book ROOTS he does not equate them)
- The equality of Mem and Mem-Nun is mentioned both
in ROOTs and in MICHLOL (Last words in book).
- Perhaps the strongest proof occurs in root
Aleph-Lamed-Hay in ROOTS. Although Radak does
not equate Aleph-Lamed with Prefix Lamed
nevertheless he does equate Aleph-Lamed with
prefix Mem and Prefix Beth. This seems clear
and explicit evidence that Radak equated
prepositional connectives with one letter
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#