#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    SEP 11 th, 2005                  #
#          Rashis 3208-3209 Of 7700 (41.6%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
VERSE: Ex06-16a
RASHIS COVERED: Ex06-16a Ex06-18a
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

Rashi at times will organize a collection of verses for
purposes of computation and making numerical inferences.
We call this the Rashi rule of SPREADSHEETS. When the
SPREADSHEET is done for purposes of dealing with numerical
lengths we call it the Rashi subrule of AUDIT.

EXAMPLE: The 430 years in Egypt
Here are some highlights

The First jew in Egypt was Abraham at age 75
They attempted to rape his wife The countdown
of 430 starts here

At age 100, 25 years in the countdown Abraham
gave birth to Isaac.

It follows that the Jews, from Abraham spent 430 years
in Egypt; but Abrahams descendants (from Isaac) spent
405 years in Egypt.

Isaac gave birth to Jacob at 60, year 85 of the countdown.

Jacob died at age 147, year 232 of the countdown.

It is not totally clear when Jacobs children died but it seems
reasonable that Levi died at year 309 of the countdown.

This leaves 430-309=121 years during which the Jews were slaves

The chronology below also uncovers some other facts
such as the 14 year gap in Jacobs life. See LIST690K
below for details.

LIST690L shows that the 400 years could not have been from
the time that they were
enslaved (since there were not enough years)
List of 430 years that Jews were in Egypt
------------------------ ---------------------------------
List of years of slavery (less than 400)
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

List of                  430 years that Jews were in Egypt
Gn12-04 0 Abe leave Chrn
Gn12-10 Abe In Egypt
Gn13-09 Abe Lot seprate
Gn14-16 Abe Fights for Lt
Gn15-13 Convenant(400 yr)
Gn16-03 Abe marry Hagar
Gn16-16 Ishmael Born
Gn17-24 Circumcise
Gn17-25 Circumcise
Gn18-10 Announce Isaac
Gn21-05 25*1 Isaac born 0
Gn25-26 85 Birth of Jcb/Esv 74 60
Gn28-05 148 Jcb leaves Isaac 1 37 6 3
Gn28-09 148 Marriage of Esauv 137 63
Gn25-17 148*2 Death of Ishmael 1 37 6 3
Gn25-22 *3 14 Missing years
------- ----- ---------------- --- --- --- --------- --- ---- ---
------- ----- ---------------- --- --- --- --------- --- ---- ---
Gn29-18 Work for Laban 77 0
Gn29-27 Marry Rcl/Leah 84 7
Gn29-34 Levi born third 91 14 4 0
Gn30-25 Joe born last 91 14 4
Gn31-41 *4 14 years for 2 wiv es 91 14 4
Gn41-46 Joe advises Phroh 121 34 30
Gn41-47 7 years plenty 128 41 37
Gn47-18 215 2 years famine 130 43 39
Gn47-09 215 Jacob to Egypt 130 43 39
Gn47-28 232 Jacob dies 147 60 56
Gn50-26 Joseph dies 11 0
Ex06-16 309*4 Levi Dies 137
Ex01-06 309*5 Servitude begins
Ex01-08 309*5 Servitude begins
Ex12-40 430 Exodus Egypt
*1 Gn15-13 mentions 400 years of 'your children in Egypt'
Ex12-40 mentions 430 years of Egypt

Rashi(Ex12-40a) suggests
- 430 years Total from Abraham in Egypt to Exodus
- 405~400 years from birth of Isaac, Abes child

*2 Rashi suggests that the fact that
- Esauvs marriage was arranged by a BROTHER vs FATHER, ISHMAEL
- seems to imply that Ishmael died then(and Hence brother married)

NOTE: Without this conjecture we know
- Ishmael is 14 years older than Isaac
- Isaac is 60 years older than Jacob
- So we know Ishmael is 74 years older than Jacob

It seems reasonable that all 3 of the following happened together
- Jacob leaves Isaac
- Esauv marries Ishmaels daughter
- Ishmael dies or is dead

That leaves a 14 year gap in Jacobs life (See next note)

*3 The 14 year gap is computed as follows
- we know Jacob 130 when he stood before Pharoh
- we know that the following passed
- - 30 years of Joseph till he advised Pharoh
- - 7  years of plenty
- - 2 years of famine
- - 7 years of working for 2 wives
- - 7 years of bearing children
- Hence Jacob was 77 when he started working for Laban
(You could take off 7 years if you believed Jacob worked
14 years and then got married but there are problems with this)

- We know Jacob was 63 when Ishmael died

- IF we assume Ishmael Died, Esauv married and Jacob left
all at same time we have a 14 year gap in Jacobs life

- It is possible to shorten it but we still have gap

- Reasonable conjecture is to use the OTHER VERSE method
Gn25-22 shows that when Rivkah was in trouble she
went to seek God. Since Rivkah advised Jacob to leave
she probably also told him to seek God. (This is
very reasonable and Rashi adds further details)

*4 This addendum to Rashi was added by the Sifsay Chachamim.
We know that
- The 12 children were born during the 2nd 7 years
- Joseph was born last
- Levi was born third
- So there is a 3 or 4 year difference in age between
Levi and Joseph. This is used to make further
computations on the exile.

We can show that Levi died in year 309 after God appeared
to Abraham. Since the exile lasted 430 years we infer that
there were only 121 years of actual servitude and slavery.

*5 Most of the items in the above list are explicitly stated
However some are conjectural and reasonable
The juxtaposition of Ex01-06:08 seems to say
Joe and all his brothers died ...and a new King came on Egypt
So the exile started AFTER the brothers all died.

Levi died in year 309 which places the servitudes beginning
no earlier than year 309
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#