#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                 July 1st, 2002                      #
#          Rashis 1493-1493 Of 7800 (19.1%)           #
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Jacobs (Grand)Daughters

RASHI: Nu26-46a Serach, Jacobs daugher, never died.

By comparing the lists of females (actually only 2) in the
2 chapters we infer that SERACH was still alive in Moses time
but Dinah was not
Gn46-15 Dinah -------- MISSING Hence dead*1
Gn46-17 Serach Nu26-46 nu26-46a Still alive*2
*1 As shown in list 1 above MISSING children of Jacob reflect
   a death(See footnote #3 in the previous list). It could
   be argued that MISSING FEMALES might not reflect death
   but rather the fact that family genealogy is based on men.

   However the presence of SERACH shows that females WERE
   mentioned and therefore we conclude that Dinah was dead
   but Serach was still alive.*10

------------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES ---------------------

*10 Gn46-10 mentions SHAUL the son of the CANAANITE.
    As we have shown http://www.RashiYomi.com/gn46-11a.htm
    it is reasonable to assume that SHAUL was the son of
    Dinah thru the rape of Schem. This fact is not
    repeated in Nu
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2002, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#