#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    FEB 11 th, 2006                  #
#          Rashis 3398-3398 Of 7700 (44.1%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

BULLETED structure of    Lv22-10:16 Non Priests,no eat TERUMAH
Lv22-10a Strangers*3 Dont eat holies*1
------- --------------------------- ---------------------- ---------
Lv22-10b priest tenants*2
Lv22-10b ------ workers*2 Dont eat holies*1 Lv25-40*2
Lv22-11a Bought Souls PROPERTY*2 He can eat*1 Ex21-21*2
Lv22-11b Born in house*2 They can eat*1 Lv25-45*2
------- --------------------------- ---------------------- ---------
Lv22-12 Priest daughter-stranger*3 Cant eat TERUMAH holy*1
Lv22-13 Widowed Priest daughter*4 Can Eat fathers bread*1
Lv22-13 Stranger*5 dont eat
Lv22-14 If eaten by accident Pay 1/5 fine
------- --------------------------- ---------------------- ---------
Lv22-15a DONT DESCECRATE*6 Holies*1
Lv22-15 TERUMAH to God*1
Lv22-16a Lest they bear sin*7 eating holies*1 Nu18-32
Revu all items with #1 in the above list. The Bible
describes WHAT can/cannot be eaten using 7 terms
- holies
- holies
- holy terumah
- fathers bread
- holies
- Terumah
- holies.
Reviewing this list we easily arrive at Rashi-s inference
The HOLY items referenced in this chapter refer to the
TERUMAH gifts that Israelites give to Priests for food

*2  INFERENCE #2: Bought souls,property=SLAVES
Revu all itmes with #2 in the above LIST. The Bible
describes 4 types of people associated with priests and
indicates whether they may or may not eat Terumah. The
4 types are
- priest tenants*2
- workers*2
- Bought Souls PROPERTY*2
- Born in house*2

The phrase BOUGHT SOULS, PROPERTY is the giveaway. It tells
us that we are talking about SLAVES. This suggests the idea
of searching the Bible for phrases or types of slaves and
comparing to the above list. We arrive at the following
suggested correspondences
- SLAVES FOR 7 YEARS - WORKERS (Cf Lv25-40) (Rashi:Lv22-10b)
- Slaves for 50 years- PRIEST RESIDENT (Rashi:Lv22-10b)

Let us be clear about the inference. We are NOT saying that
the phrase RESIDENT PRIEST intrinsically MEANS 50 year slaves
In fact the phrase RESIDENT PRIEST does not occur again in
the Bible. There is no reason to think it means 50 year slave.
Rather the inference is from the PARALLEL STRUCTURE
- Since there are 4 phrases used in the chapter
- and since 2-3 of them clearly refer to slaves
- - for example PROPERTY BOUGHT(=non-Jewish slave)
- - or, those BORN IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD(=children of slaves)
- - and possibly (WORKER, a term the Bible uses for 7 year slaves)
- therefore, we are justified, based on Parallel structure
- to identify the 4th phrase with the 4th type of slave
- It is for this reason that we identify PRIEST RESIDENT
- with a Hebrew slave who stays with his master for 50 years
Such an inference based on PARALLEL Structure
is not as punchy as a LANGUAGE inference but is a
legitimate methods of justification.

The student who understands the above logic will have
a very clear and rich understaning of many Rashis.

*3   INFERENCE #3: stranger = NON PRIEST
Revu all phrases marked with #3. These verses discuss
who may or may not eat Terumah. We see the contrast of
- male priests
- strangers
- priest daughters married to a stranger
- a man
The Rashi inference is now clear
STRANGER refers to a non-priest
Note that without the CONTEXT and PARALLEL structure
I might think that STRANGER e.g. refers to a non-jew.
However the context clearly indicates that we are
talking about a non-priest vs a priest.
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#