#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                 July 16th, 2002                     #
#          Rashis 1519-1523 Of 7800 (19.5%)           #
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#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2002, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

RASHIS COVERED: Gn01-14e Gn02-14c Items named because of future
Gn10-25a Gn14-07a Dt01-24a

This posting is repeated verbatim from Volume 12 Number 17
with the additional Rashi on Dt01-24a. You can see the original
at http://www.Rashiyomi.com/Ex03-01b.htm and

When God created the Garden of Eden He created 4 rivers. The
Bible explains that these rivers surrounded the countries of
CUSH and ASSYRIA. But CUSH and ASSYRIA werent even born for
over a 1000 years (See Gn10-07:11)
Rashi is Simple: The OBJECTS were named by what they would BE
RADACK gives an example of this: You name cookie dough based
on what WILL happen to it--it will be COOKED. So this is a
Rashi rule that words can be named on what they will become
(In some cases the items were named by prophets)

The list below gives examples of Rashis where things are
named because of future events. The last item in the list
is new.

See http://www.RashiYomi.Com/gn10-25a.htm in this issue
for a more thorough explanation.
Gn01-14e Moon designated for holidays Ex12-02*1
Gn02-03a Sabbath Ex16-23*2
Gn02-14c Rivers surrounded KUSH & ASSHUR Gn10-07:11*3
Gn10-25a His name was SPLIT because world SPLIT UP Gn11-01:09*4
Gn14-07a Place where people are judged Nu20-12*5
Ex03-01b Mountain of God Ex19-18*6
Dt01-24a The GRAPE CLUSTER RIVER Nu13-23
*1 God designated the Moon for holidays even though holidays were
   not proclaimed till Ex12

*2 God blesses the Sabbath at creation even though the double
   manna blessing doesnt happen till Ex16

*3 The rivers surrounded the countries of KUSH and ASSHUR.
   But these countries werent so named for another 1000 years
   (See Gn10-07:11 where the people founding these countries were

*4 See http://www.RashiYomi.Com/gn10-25a.htm which
   discusses how the grammar of the verses indicates that
   SPLIT was named by what happened at the end of his life*10

*5 Moses and Aaron were judged at this place several 100
   years later. (Rashi cites Oonkelos who suggests that
   it was not necessary to cite the prophecy of future
   judgement since it is reasonable that this was a place
   of courts where people came for judgement cases)

*6 It says that Moses came to the mountain of God even though
   the 10 commandments and the revelation of God on this
   mountain did not happen for several years.

*7 The spies cut a cluster of grapes to bring back to the
   Jews as an example of Israeli fruit. Hence the river is
   named by what the spies WOULD DO--they would cut a CLUSTER

-------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES ---------------------------

*10 Roughly speaking the text says as follows
    His name was SPLIT because the world was split up(eg Gn11-09)
    But his brother had ALREADY HAD children who lived in the
    EAST (home of the tower of Babel which caused the split up)

    The past perfect(HAD ALREADY HAD) suggests that the
    SPLITTING up happened after the tower of Babel (In other
    words SPLIT was named by what happened at the end of his
    life) See the url cited above for more details.
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2002, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#