The METONOMY method seeks to obtain meaning
by equating a word or phrase with something RELATED.
For example --AMERICA defeated IRAQ-- really means that
--the AMERICAN PEOPLE defeated the IRAQii PEOPLE--.
It is common in POETRY to use entire phrases to indicate
something related. I call this the method of
EXAMPLE Nu25-10:15
The paragraph Nu25-10:15 describes Pinchas's
heroism in killing someone having sex with a
non-jewess publicly. God states
Pinchas assuaged my anger on the Jewish
people by his zealous act of killing the
people sleeping. Therefore I give him
my convenant of peace
Several other verses are stated in this
chapter. In each verse we use the METONOMY
method (meaning by relation) to indicate
the contextual point of the verse
EXAMPLE 1 Nu25-14
Nu25-14 states
The name of the man having
public sex ZIMRI a TOP
PRINCE of the tribe of SHIMON
Rashi states
The contextual point is that
Pinchas was not afraid to start
up with a tribal head. In fact
ZIMRI was one of the five top
tribal chieftains
EXAMPLE 2,3 Nu25-15
Nu25-15 states
The name of the women killed
was CAZBI-TZUR who was one
the head of the MIDYAN tribes
Rashi states
The contextual point is twofold
A) Pinchas was not afraid of a
Midyanite princess He killed her
B) It shows how evil the Midyanites
were that they used the daughters
of leaders for the seduction(In fact
as Rashi shows some leaders disapproved
and CAZBI's family went down in power)
In each case Rashi shows that the
meaning of the verse is not what it says
- that the person killed was from Shimon
but rather has meaning by relation
(metonomy) to the main point of the
- the person killed was important
See LIST210x for a list of verses with meaning
clarified by an OTHER VERSE.
A powerful but simple Rashi method is the CITATION or CROSS-
REFERENCING of an OTHER VERSE for the purpose of adding
FURTHER DETAILS to a verse we are studying. We call this
the Rashi METHOD of OTHER VERSES and the Rashi submethod
EXAMPLE 1 Nu25-15b illumined by Nu31-08
Nu25-15 states
The stricken women was Kozbi daughter
of TZUR, the HEAD of Midyan family's
Rashi clarifies the meaning of HEAD of
a MidYan family thru an OTHER VERSE
They killed the 5 heads of Midyan:
Evi, Rekem, Tzur, Chur, Reva...
EXAMPLE 2 Nu21-15c illumined Gn25-04
Nu21-15 states
The stricken women was Kozbi daughter
of TZUR, a head of a MIDYAN FAMILY
Rashi clarifies the meaning of MIDYAN
FAMILY thru an OTHER VERSE Gn25-04
The children (Families) of Midyan are
1) Ayfah
2) Ayfer
3) Chanoch
4) Avidah
5) Elda'ah
Thus we see confirmed that there are FIVE
Midiyanite families
LIST210x presents many examples of verses illumined by
other verses
EXAMPLE 3: Nu26-04a cites Nu30-13
Nu26-04 states
The census was on adults from 20 years and
upward as God commanded Moses and the Jews
who left Egypt
Rashi points out that Nu26-04 cites
or cross references Ex30-13 which states
God commanded the Jews....perform a census
...all above 20 will participate
LIST270a contains verses citing other verses