#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    JUN 13 th, 2006                  #
#          Rashis 3584-3583 Of 7700 (46.5%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
VERSE: Nu30-06b
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

One of Rashis 10 major goals is to illustrate complex
geometric designs or algebraic complications. This is
called the Rashi method of SPREADSHEETS, since
SPREADSHEETS are one method of clarifying a complex
relationship.  The SPREADSHEET method can refer to
any illustration of a verse that clarifies it.

EXAMPLE Nu30-06b
The Biblical verse states
But if her husband annuls her vows
on the day she makes them...[then
they are annuled] and God forgives

Rashi gives a clarifying example to the verse GOD FORGIVES HER
- the women vowed to become a nazarite
- the husband annuled her vow
- but the husband did not tell her about the annulment
- the women then violated her vow
- In such a case God forgives the women (despite her
intending to commit a sin) because of the unknown
annulment of her husband
- We conclude that sin is an attribute of ACTION,not INTENT

LIST690a below presents many Rashis based on SPREADSHEETS.
List of Rashis using Spreadsheets/Algebra
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

List of Rashis using     Spreadsheets/Algebra
VERSE Item Spreadsheet is used for
nu30-06b.htm Unknown vow annulment effects forgiveness of sin*2
nu26-54a.htm Israel divided a)Per PERSON b) Per DOLLAR of land
nu21-13b.htm Illustrate complex geometric border design
nu13-22b.htm Israel is superior of all lands
gn49-26d.htm your fathers blessings greater than my fathers
dt21-17a.htm How to give 1st-born double *1
ex38-24b.htm Computation of relative value of Biblical currency
nu03-39b.htm Accounting of Levite children
nu31-26a.htm Division of booty in war
gn05-32b.htm Computation of relative ages of Noachs children
gn25-20a.htm Proof that Rivkah was 15 when she married Isaac
*1  Many people are familiar with the concept of the
FORMULA PLUG IN. That is a problem is solved by a
formula which you plug into.

But some problems intrinsically cannot (initally)
be solved by a formula. Instead you have to
formulate the problem algebraically and solve;only
then do you have the formula.

In other words these problems are solved by

Thus the statement that the eldest gets double
suggests the following model.

- Suppose the are B brothers
- Suppose 1 of them is eldest
- The Fathers total assets are T (Total)

- Let A be the amount each brother inherits
We have no formula for A

- Then each of the B-1 brothers obtains A
- The eldest obtains double, 2A.
- Together this exhausts the Fathers estate, T

Hence we have (B-1)A + 2A = (B+1)A = T

This gives rise to the formula  A = T / (B+1)

An example is a father with 100,000 and 4 children
- T=100,000
- B=4
- So each child take T/(B+1) = 100000/5 = 20,000
- Eldest takes 2*20000=40000
- Other 3 take 20000
- Total distribution =3*20000+40000=100000

See Rambam Inheritance Chapter 2

Rashi gives a clarifying example to the verse GOD FORGIVES HER
- the women vowed to become a nazarite
- the husband annuled her vow
- but the husband did not tell her about the annulment
- the women then violated her vow
- In such a case God forgives the women (despite her
intending to commit a sin) because of the unknown
annulment of her husband
- We conclude that sin is an attribute of ACTION,not INTENT
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#