#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                 Sep   8th , 2002                    #
#          Rashis 1624-1625 Of 7800 (20.8%)           #
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#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2002, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

RASHIS COVERED: Dt32-09a Dt32-09b God created world for Jews

Continued from Yesterdays posting (See
Dt32-08a When God established nations*1
Dt32-08b When He separated people*2
Dt32-08 [THEN] He created national boundaries
Dt32-08 ------ for the sake of numbers of Jews*3
Dt32-09a [BECAUSE] Gods portion is His Nation*3
Dt32-09b --------- Jacob is Gods Surety *3 *4
*1 The Hebrew root used in the verse Hey-Nun-Chet-Lamed
   literally means TO PASS AS INHERITANCE but can also
   refer to God giving LANDS to nations. See Dt02-05
   for an almost identical usage.

   For Rashis use of puns see footnote *10.

*2 The verse speaks about God separating people out.
   Rashi confirms this using the technique of OTHER VERSES
   For Example
   - Dt02-05 God gave Seir to Esauv
   - Dt02-09 God gave Lot, Ar
   - Gn11 God separates the nations at the Tower of Babel

   Thus Rashis comments should be perceived as EXAMPLES
   illustrating the theme of this verse, Dt32-08, based

*3 These 3 verse segments all echo the same theme

   -One purpose of God letting other nations live
   -in separate borders is so that these nations can
   -aid the Jews.

   Examples of other nations aiding the Jews or of
   God creating the world and its nations for the Jews
   occur in the following verses

   - Gn01-01 For the sake of the CHOICEST nation God
     created the world

   - 1K05-16:20 Chiram helps Solomon build the temple

   - Ezra01-01:06 Koresh helps Jews rebuild the temple

   Rashi also makes some puns (*10)

*4 The Hebrew word used here Chet-Beth-Lamed has
   6 meanings. One primary meaning is DEPOSIT or SURETY--
   the object of value given to insure that a loan is paid
   Some examples of verses with this meaning are
   Dt24-06 Ex22-05.

   Hence the simple meaning of the verse is that JACOB
   is the DEPOSIT of the Jewish people assuring that Gods
   LOAN to us of Israel will be paid back.

   Rashi also makes some puns (*10)


*10 3 Puns occur in Dt32-08:09

    a) The root Nun-Chet-lamed coincidentally means BOTH
       to INHERIT as well as RIVER (referring to the
       RIVERRING of the world by the FLOOD)

    b) The root Chet-Beth-Lamed means BOTH SURETY for a loan
    and ALSO refers to THREE TWINED rope (Which coincidentally
    reminds us of the THREE patriarchs.

    c) The phrase MULTITUDE of JEWS could refer to the great number
    of Jews. But coincidentally there were SEVENTY Jews that went
    down to Egypt and there were also SEVENTY nations descending
    from Noach.

    Thus Rashi is punny and says that the 70 nations
    correspond to the 70 Jews

    How are we to take these puns? 3 points come to mind

    First let us point out that Poetry vs Prose is EVOCATIVE
    vs DESCRIPTIVE (That is besides describing facts it also
    EVOKES moods and feelings).

    POINT 1
    - We should first become aware of the simple meaning of
      the verse

    POINT 2

    - We are not obligated to believe that these puns are
    the INTENDED meaning of the Author.

    POINT 3
    - But we ARE obligated to believe that the author

    By dwelling on several puns and coincidences
    in the verse we enrich our understanding of mood and
    flavor of these verses without committing ourselves
    to any particular pun.
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2002, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#