#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                 Sep   18th, 2002                    #
#          Rashis 1638-1639 Of 7800 (21.0%)           #
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#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2002, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#
R-G-Z means to TREMBLE
(C) Dr Hendel, Sep-02

RASHIS COVERED: Dt28-65a Dt28-65b RGZ=Trembling anger:RGZ=wait-a-sec

NOTE: These lists complete what we did yesterday

In the list below we present 5 verses where R-G-Z clearly
means TO TREMBLE. It also can mean ANGER and refers to ANGER
where the person TREMBLES.
VERSE TEXT OF VERSE with R-G-Z translated as TREMBLE
Job09-06 who makes the earth TREMBLE..her foundations shake
2Sm22-08 there were earthQUAKES...the foundations of heaven TREMBLED
Isa05-25 ..God is angry..he smites...the mountains TREMBLE
Isa13-13 I will make heaven TREMBLE & the earth QUAKE
Ps77-19 ROLLING thunder, lightning FLASHES,TREMBLING/QUAKING earth
R-G-A has 4 Meanings
(C) Dr Hendel, Sep-02

In this list we present the 4 meanings of RGA.
Each meaning is accompanied by verses illustrating
the usage.
Isa54-08 SECOND I hid a SECOND & will return ETERNALY
Nu16-21 SECOND I will destroy them in a SECOND
Nu17-10 SECOND destroy them in a SECOND
-------- ------ -----------------
Dt28-65a REST you will not have REST
Is28-12 REST This is the REST..this is the REST
Is34-14 REST LILITH finds REST and REST there
Jer51-15 CALM*10 CALM DOWN & be silent
-------- ------ ----------------------
Isa51-15 CRACKS Who CRACKS the sea and its waves shudder
Job26-12 CRACKS Who CRACKS the sea
Job07-05 CRACKS My Skin CRACKS


Radack brings several other verses which might
belong to either the REST or CRACK meaning. Thus
Jer49-19 could either be translated as
--for the lion CRACKS the enemy..who can withstand
--for the lion finds a RESTPLACE--who can withstand

One of the great joys in reading Rishonim is finding
odd problems like this and solving them.

In this case what I have done is added one small
component to the Radack...the component of Grammatical
tense. I show in the next list that each tense
has a specific meaning. I also show how each meaning
falls under a unified meaning.

Using this correspondence--between grammatical mode
and meaning--we can settle the questions the Radack
presents: Our discovery is that each word obeys
the unique meaning associated with that Grammatical

R-G-A: 4 Meanings
(C) Dr Hendel, Sep-02

We present here the 4 meanings of R-G-A
We also show the relationship between each meaning &
grammatical mode.

I think these relationships are clear since the
English metaphors are clear.
Active BREAK UP CRACK to particles
Noun SECOND a particle of time
Causative*1 Be Not Rushed A WAIT-A-SECOND atmosphere
PASSIVE*1 Calm down Wait-a-second before proceeding
*1 Thus in the PASSIVE TENSE I passively receive the
WAIT-A-SECOND atmoshphere

Similarly in the CAUSATIVE Tense I cause other
people--bosses, family, friends-- to WAIT-A-SECOND
before doing what they ask. Thus the CAUSATIVE tense
does not refer so much to ME calming down as it refers
to a WAIT-A-SECOND atmosphere.
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2002, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#