#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                 Oct    4th, 2002                    #
#          Rashis 1664-1664 Of 7800 (21.3%)           #
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#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2002, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

RASHIS COVERED: Gn02-25a Sin made man aware of vulnerability
Gn03-07a Gn03-11a

Gn02-25 states that although Adam & Eve were naked, nevertheless
they were not embarassed--i.e., not aware of their vulnerability
Continuing with this theme, Rashi interprets Gn03-07 as pointing
out,that after their sin,they became aware of their vulnerability
This theme of vulnerability is consistent with the implication of
Gn04-01 that the snake lusted Eve because of her nakedness--the
snake wanted Adam dead so he could marry Eve. [The following is
not in Rashi] We can make this more plausible by interpreting
nakedness, not as physical nakedness, but rather as a level of
adult flirting where people are physically aware of themselves*12

Yesterday we showed how Rashi used the method of contradictory
verses to infer that Adam & Eve knew they were naked but were
not embarassed by their nakedness. Today we add many footnotes
showing support for this idea using subtle meanings of words.
Gn02-25 Gn03-07 Adam &Eve were UNAWARE OF VULNERABILITY of sin*1
*1 Gn02-25a says ADAM/EVE werent EMBARASSED by their nakedness
   Gn03-07b says ADAM/EVE became AWARE of their vulnerability

   Thus Rashi interprets the word KNOW in Gn03-07b as AWARE
   This is a BROAD interpretation.

   Similarly Rashi interprets ADAM/EVE EYES OPENED as meaning
   BECOME AWARE (Gn03-07a *10)

   Similarly Rashi interprets Gn03-11a as a reprimand by God
   for sinning and consequently becoming aware of their
   vulnerability and capacity for sin.

   Another approach (instead of using contradictory verses)
   is to use word nuances. In general KNOW in the Bible means
   FAMILIAR. *11

   The above interpretation in terms of vulnerability is
   consistent with the assertion that the snake saw Eve
   naked and wanted Adam dead so he could marry her*13

------------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES --------------------

*10 cf
    - Isa42-20 OPEN EARS
    - 2K07-17  God Open his eyes(and make him understand)

    In both these verses the Hebrew root P-K-Ch

*11 See a dozen examples at http://www.RashiYomi.com/know-5.htm

    Adam was a Prophet. We have never heard that prophecy
    comes to naked people and such an assertion seems
    irreverant and contradictory to prophetic holiness.

    Thus I interpret ADAM & EVE ARE NAKED as meaning
    that they engaged in ADULT FLIRTING where one has
    a heighted awareness of ones physical self. Such an
    interpretation is consistent with the Talmudic observation
    that MARITAL HAPPINESS only happens to the thoroughly
    righteous and thoroughly wicked (but not to those

*13 The following two postings justify this assertion using
    grammatical means


    More specifically Gn04-01 is interpreted to mean that
    Adam HAD ALREADY GIVEN BIRTH TO KAYIN (Prior to the whole
    snake incident). It then remains to discuss why the birth
    of Kayin which belongs at the end of Gn02 is INTERRUPTED
    by the snake incident. The answer is because the follow
    up to the last verse in Gn02

    -- Although Adam and Eve were naked they were not embarassed

    is 2-fold (a) They had Kayin (b) The snake saw Eve naked
    and lusted for her (So the snake tried to Kill Adam &
    Keep Eve) More details are given in the above postings
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2002, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#