#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                 January 26th   2003                 #
#          Rashis 1856-1856 Of 7800 (23.7%)           #
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#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2003, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#
VERSE: Ex18-01c
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-03

A delightful Rashi. Rashi here uses the very
powerful ALIGNMENT method in which similar verses
are aligned. The resulting differences and nuances
are then seen as intended inuendoes.

Rashi here aligns the 2 dozen or so verses where
JETHRO is mentioned. As can be seen from the
LIST below JETHRO is referred to with 3
possible attributes.
- BY NAME: Jethro
- BY RELATION: Father in Law of Moses
- BY POSITION: Priest of Midyan

We see 4 methods of referring to Jethro
- Jethro, Father in Law, the Priest
- Jethro, Faher in Law
- Jethro
- Father-in-Law

Rashi does not fully explain each occurence
Rather Rashi notes that each situation brings
out certain facets of Jethro: The person,
the in law, and the Priest.

Here are simple example:
- In Ex18-06:07 he brings his daughter back to
Moses after a brief separation--so he acts
as FATHER IN LAW (Which is how he is called)

- But in Ex18-10 he blesses God for saving the
Jews from Egypt. Here he acts as JETHRO the
person since as Idolatrous Priest he could
not bless God and even as Father in Law he
wouldnt bless the God of someone elses

- In Ex18-27 Moses sends him back home.
This is after he gave Moses advice which
Moses accepted. He is called FATHER IN LAW!
I would suggest that the Torah teaches
manners---when your in-laws give you a
good piece of advice which you accept,
then let them go back (before they get
on your nerves)

The footnotes illumine further. I have
deliberately left out Rashis own example!
See if you can solve all 18 cases!
A list of verses with Jethro
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-03

We list all 18 verses where Jethro is referred
to. Three possible attributes are shown:
- NAME     Jethro
- RELATION in law
- POSITION priest
An X indicates which attributes are mentioned
in the verse: eg JETHRO, the FATHER IN LAW
would be X X (BlANK). Footnotes suggest
reasons for the differences.
Ex03-01 X X X*1 Moses Shepard
Ex18-01 X X X*1 Jthro heard miracles
------- ------ ------- ------ --------------------
Ex04-18 X X*2 Moses leaves Jthro
Ex18-02 X X*2 Unite Moses & wife
Ex18-05 X X*2 Unite Moses & wife
Ex18-12 X X*2 Offer sacrifices
------- ----- - ------- ------ --------------------
Ex18-06 X*3 Unite Moses & wife
Ex18-07 X*3 Unite Moses & wife
Ex18-08 X*3 Moses tells Exodus
Ex18-12 X*3 Eat with Jethro
Ex18-14 X*3 Advice on workload
Ex18-15 X*3 Advice on workload
Ex18-17 X*3 Advice on workload
Ex18-24 X*3 Moses accepts advice
Ex18-27 X*3 Jethro goes home
------- ------ ------- ------ --------------------
Ex04-18 X X*4 Jethro blesses Moses
Ex18-09 X X*4 Jethro flinched
Ex18-10 X X*4 Jethro Blesses God
------- ------ ------- ------ --------------------
*1 We see all 3 aspects of Jethro here EG
- Jethro was a kind person and gave Moses
job (To shepard his flock)
- A father in law should held a son in
law get a job
- Moses work involved raising sheep which
might be offered to pagan deities. Thus
we see the conflicts that Moses had to
live under. Perhaps this provides
background for him coming to the
Mountain of God to seek his roots

*2   Here we see Jethro as Person and in law
since these episodes involve separation
and uniting with family

*3   In my opinion the Torah here teaches
etiquette. A father in law SHOULD try
and lighten his son in laws workload
(So as to help out the marriage). Once
the advice is received the father in
law should gently go home and not
push it too much.

*4   Jethro acts as a person here. For his
priesthood forbade him from praising
God. Similarly his in-law-ness does
not require him to give up his religion
But Jethro (the person!) was sincerely
impressed by God.
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2003, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#