#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    Jul   15th,   2003               #
#          Rashis 2105-2106 Of 7800 (27.3%)           #
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#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2003, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#
VERSE: Dt02-09a
RASHSI COVERED: Dt02-09a Dt02-09b
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-03

Most people think of DEFINITION and GRAMMAR when they
mention COMMENTARY. However the function of commentaries
is also to comment on relations with other verses.

One powerful OTHER VERSE method is the ALIGNMENT method.
In this posting we ALIGN Gods warnings to Moses in
passing thru 3 foreign lands

RE: Amon   Dont incite them
RE: Esauv  Dont incite them
RE: Moav   Dont incite them TO WAR

You dont have to be a Talmudic Rabbi to see that
- Amon and Esauv should not be INCITED at all while
- Moav should not have full fledged war but can be incited

Rashi even suggests a reason: Moabs border city was
called AROUSAL--they were steeped in pleasure and
therefore God didnt protect them as much
Alignments of 3 verses Jews went thru their land
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-03

Alignment of 3 verses discussing Jews passing thru foreign
lands. The alignment shows differential of treatment. Supporting
ideas are indicated in the footnotes
VERSE NATION Phrase1 Phrase2 Phrase3
Dt02-04 Esauv They are afraid Watch yourself Dont incite them
Dt02-09 Moav Dont upset them Dont incite to war
Dt02-19 Amon Dont upset them Dont incite them
Differs *1 *2a *2b *2c
*1 The Jews passed thru 3 lands (among others) on their way
to Israel

*2 Note the contrast: We should be careful with Esauv(2b)
and not incite them AT ALL (2c) while with Moav we are
told not to incite them TO WAR(2c).

In fact Rashi cites Nu22-03 showing that Moav was afraid
of the Jews. Rashi suggests (Consistent with 2c) that
the Jews plundered the Moabites (but did not engage
in full fledged war).*10

Rashi suggests a possible reason for the differential
treatment: The Moabites were steeped in Lewdness and
therefore God didnt protect them


*10 See Dt02-06 BUY WATER FROM ESAUV IN CASH. Thus the
Bible emphasizes that EVEN water should not be taken
from the Esauvites. There is no such verse by the
Moabites--hinting that perhaps the Jews plundered
the Moabite land (Without engaging in full fledged

*11 Dt02-09 states I HAVE GIVEN Ar TO MOAB
Rashi states that AR is the name of a Metropolis

Rashi was undoubtedly motivated by the technique of OTHER
VERSES since Dt02-18 explicitly states that AR was a
border city of Moab.

But we can go deeper. AR comes from the root A-R, TO AROUSE
So perhaps their border city was called AROUSAL because
of the pleasures there - people travelled to the border
for their vacations.

It would then be logical that God did not protect a people
like this.

Further support can be found in Nu24 showing how Moab
used prostitutes to get the Jews to sin which incurred
Gods wrath and led to the death of several 1000.

Amusingly Rashi says none of the above. Instead Rashi
cites Gn19-31:38
Lots 2 daughters committed incest with their
father and had children. One daughter was
open about it and called her childs name
MOAB which literally translated means FROM-DAD
The other daughter was more discrete and simply
called her child MY NATION

Thus we see that MOAB (FROM-DAD) was a brazen
nation and hence punished.

We get tremendous insights here into how Rashi
comments. Rashi is not an academic writing
professional papers. He does not cite several
examples(as we have done---we cited the act
of war of Moab and the name of their border

By contrast Rashi might just cite something
punchy and to the point--Moab means FROM-DAD
showing the way they are.

The point here is that Rashi did not believe
that this -- the name of FROM-DAD -- was the
WHOE reason. Rather Rashi simply cites
something punchy that will be remembered.
#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc.2003, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#