#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                  April 9th, 2002                    #
#          Rashis 1341-1341 Of 7800 (17.2%)           #
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#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2002, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

EXAMPLE: Ex36-07a The LABOR [Of transport] was sufficient

The crafstman made many things for the temple. And they brought
their goods to the temple. and this CRAFTSMANSHIP was sufficient
for all the CRAFTSMANSHIP and more

A general rule of all languages is not to repeat words. So if
you have to refer back to a word you use a pronoun. In the
reference below we outlined 4 methods for dealing with
repeated words. One of these methods is to interpret the
repeated word BROADLY; that is to give it a meaning it usually
doesnt have.

The Hebrew(or English) word CRAFTSMANSHIP typically refers
to artisan work. However because the word is repeated in
the above verse we interpret it to refer to TRANSPORT OF GOODS.
(TRANSPORT is not normally considered an artisan work of

http://www.Rashiyomi.com/doubl-14.htm lists the 4 methods
of repetitions

THe list below gives verses with repeated words and
indicates how Rashi interpreted them broadly with a meaning
it usually doesnt have. The footnotes provide further detail
Gn26-13a & Isaac GREW GREW Even his manure*1
Gn39-11b he left his GARMENT GARMENT Garment of sin*2
Nu17-28a All who come NEAR NEAR ...*3 Even if it was crowded
Nu05-12a A MAN MAN who suspects his wife Even a paranoic man*4
Gn08-21b God will NOT DESTROY NOT DESTROY No matter how evil*5
Ex36-07a the CRAFSTMANSHIP was enough*6 TRANSPORT
*1 THe man GREW usually refers to Assets and connections.
   GREW GREW means even his field MANURE was coveted

*2 A GARMENT usually refers to clothing. But in this context
   Joseph was grabbed by his masters wife and left his
   GARMENT GARMENT there. So we interpret GARMENT to refer
   to a sexually stained garment indicating he thought of

*3 The verse threatens with punishment anyone who comes
   NEAR to the temple. Normally I would interpret this to
   refer to anyone who WILLFULLY came near. The repeated
   word NEAR NEAR endows NEAR with a non-standard
   meaning--even if eg it was crowded and he was bumped
   into and came near he is still liable!!

*4 Recall (Nu05) that we perform a Suspected wife ceremony on
   a woman suspected by her husband. This ceremony is quite
   an ordeal. True the woman is only subjected to it if she
   does something unseemingly. But I would think that if her
   husband in paranoic we dont subject her. Therefore the
   verse says IF A MAN MAN indicating even a paranoic person

*5 God promised Noach not to destroy the world. I would think
   that this only applies if people dont agressively sin.
   The repeated phrase I WILL NOT DESTROY NOT DESTROY implies
   that God will not destroy EVEN IF THEY DESERVE IT.

*6 The verse reads
   The CRAFTSMANSHIP was enough for all
   the CRAFTSMANSHIP and more

   It is translated as
   The TRANSPORT was enough for all
   the CRAFTSMANSHIP and more

   So one of the repeated words, CRAFTSMANSHIP, was translated
   as TRANSPORT. CRAFTSMANSHIP usually refers to artisan
   work which usually doesnt include TRANSPORT. We broadened
   the meaning here because of the word repetition.
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2002, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#