#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    Nov 17th, 2003                   #
#          Rashis 2285-2288 Of 7700 (29.7%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc.2003, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-03

God frequently introduces prophecies thru symbols (LIST605g)
God used Rivkahs pregnancy to prophesy about Jews vs Rome
We present list of pregnancy-prophecy relations
Gn25-22a The infants fought in womb The nations will fight*1
Gn25-23d The infants fought in womb Nations will be separate*2
Gn25-23e The infants fought in womb One nation overpowers other*3
Gn25-25a Ruddy colored Esauv bloody;like animal*4
Gn25-25b hairy like animal coat Esauv behaves like animal*4
*1 Rashi gives an alternative explanation that one womb infant
made a fuss when they passed a synagogue while the other
womb infant made a fuss when they passed an idolatry house.

Doesnt this however appear far-fetched.

But it appears to me that the only logical and simple
way to take Rashi is that he is using the PRINCIPLE that
- prophecies frequently use symbolic events (LIST605g)
- The prophets that Rivkah asked used her difficult
pregnancy to symbolize what would happen to the 2
nations that came from her

So Rashi points out that if pregnancy disruptions happened
at certain places (as happens with some women) then this
too could have been in the prophecies.

*2 This is straightforward--FIGHTING symbolizes SEPARATION

*3 See LIST901d for proof that the Hebrew root AMATZ means

Rashi points out that
When one nation is powerful the other will be
weak and vice verse

Rashi of course is simply citing the prophecy blessings
of the Patriarch Isaac (Gn27-39:40) who predicted
alternating balance of power between Jacob and Isaac

Thus Rashi is supplementing the SYMBOLIC explanation
using the technique of OTHER VERSES

*4 Rashi translates the Biblical phrase as a FURRY ANIMAL COAT
(or HAIRY ANIMAL COAT). Hence this would symbolize BEHAVING
like an ANIMAL.

The HAIRY ANIMAL symbolism seems to be primary. Rashi would
then supplement this with the complementary symbolism that
Esauvs RUDDINESS symbolizes BLOOD THIRSTY NESS (Cf Gn25-30)

Again: The REASON for interpreting the pregnancy acts this
way is because we use our fundamental principle that
God uses symbolism to present prophecy
God used Rivkahs pregnancy to symbolize what would
happen to her two children
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2003, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#