#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    Jan 18 th, 2004                  #
#          Rashis 2368-2373 Of 7700 (30.8%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2004, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-03

List of verses with      AFTER THESE THINGS =after a while*1
VERSE 1st EVENT 2nd EVENT (AFTER) WHY 1 after Other
Gn15-01a Abraham kills in war You-ll have children Dont worry
Gn22-01a Ishmael older brother Isaac is chosen one Despite youth
Gn39-07a Joseph promoted/liked Bosses wife seduces Not cautious
Gn40-01a Joseph incarcarated Met Pharohs staff Help escape
Es02-01 Xerxes killed wife Chose a new wife ------
Es03-01 Mrdchi did king favor Haman promoted Mrdchai will save
1K17-17 Elijah gave earnings Son got ill 2nd miracle needed
1K21-01 Punished for violatin Another violation Punished again
---- ----------------- -------------- -------------
Gn48-01a Oath:Where Jcb buried Jacob got ill Fulfill oath
Jo24-29 Oath:Serve God Joshua died Life work done
Gn22-20a Sacrifice of Isaac Isaacs wife born He wont die
*1 Rashi further distinguishes between
- AFTER (Aleph-Cheth-Resh) which means IMMEDIATELY AFTER and
- AFTER (Aleph-Cheth-Resh-yud) which means EVENTUALLY

For example:
- IMMEDIATELY after Xerxes killed his wife, the process for
chosing a new wife began.

- EVENTUALLY after Jacob had instructed Joseph that he
must be buried in Israel, not Egypt, Jacob became
terminally ill*10

*10 Remarkably the above table gives ALL Biblical examples!
There are only 11 (8 with Aleph-Cheth-Resh and 3
with Aleph-Cheth-Resh-yud).The Table is deliberately
terse--MOST of the examples however should be clear
The more interested reader should check the examples
and see how they fit the given principle
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-03

List of verses with      PAST=past perfect(HAD ALREADY...)*7
Gn01-02 The earth HAD ALREADY been astonishing Previous worlds*1
Gn01-05 God HAD ALREADY called the darkness NIGHT Previous worlds*1
Gn04-01 Adam HAD ALREADY (sexually) known his wife Causal link*2
Gn21-01 God HAD ALREADY remembered Sarah Causal link*2
Gn25-34 Jacob HAD ALREADY given Esauv food No blackmail*3
Ex12-36 God HAD ALREADY given grace to the Jews Loaned twice*4
Gn37-36 And the MDANIM HAD ALREADY sold Joseph*5 Reversal of order
Ex24-01 And God HAD ALREADY told Moses to come up Reversal of order
Gn22-23 Bethuayl HAD GIVEN BIRTH to Rivkah*6 Rivkah 5 at Akydh

*1 The Genesis Rabbah Chapter 3, Braiitha 7 states
>God had created many worlds before this one
>He however destroyed them and it is only
>this world that pleased him.
The Midrash Rabbah learns this from various sources
but the PAST PERFECT verbs brought here are the main
source. (For example the Midrash also learns this from
the phrase
>1-1-31 & God saw all he had made and
>BEHOLD it was good
which has the connotation of
>BEHOLD it was good this time but not the
>previous times
While this is supportive it is not conclusive. The
main argument is from the PAST PERFECT verbs as
indicated above

Although the TEXT of the Genesis Rabbah 3:7 does not
seem to indicate that the creation of previous worlds
is derived from the PAST PERFECT nevertheless I found
an explicit statement of this connection between the
PAST PERFECT and the creation of previous worlds in
the Soncino Translation of the Zohar, 16a.

*2 Rashi suggests that the PAST PERFECT (HAD DONE) allows
>rearranging the sequence of chapters
thereby indicating
>causal links.
For example the natural sequence
>1-2-26:28 Intimacy
>1-4-1 Pregnancy/birth
>1-3 Snake gets Eve to sin/expulsion from Paradise
is changed to
>1-2-26:28 Intimacy
>1-3 Snake gets Eve to sin/expulsion from Paradise
>1-4-1 Pregnancy birth

The changed sequence suggests a
In other words, because Adam and Eve were cohabiting before
everybody the snake (a nickname for a slimy person) desired
her and plotted to kill Adam (by having Eve give him the
forbidden food) whereby he could marry her. Although this
appears speculative it is bolstered by the use of the PAST
PERFECT which allows a rearrangement of order.

Similarly the sequence

>1-18:19 The 3 angels
>1-18 prophecy that Sarah will give birth
>1-19 Destrucion of Sedom/Saving of Lot
>1-21-1 Sarah gave birth
>1-20 Abduction of Sarah
>1-20-14:18 Sarah saved; Abraham prays for Avimelech

is reversed to

>1-18:19 The 3 angels
>1-18 prophecy that Sarah will give birth
>1-19 Destrucion of Sedom/Saving of Lot
>1-20 Abduction of Sarah
>1-20-14:18 Sarah saved; Abraham prays for Avimelech
>1-21-1 Sarah gave birth

The changed sequence suggests a
>Abraham praying that Avimelech should give birth
>Abraham-Sarah having a child

Chazal in fact say
>Whoever prays for his friend
>gets answered first (if he needs the same thing)

*3 1-25-29:34 describes Esauv coming home hungry and asking
Jacob for food who in turn asks Esauv to sell him the birthright.
The verses (without proper translation) appear to say that Jacob
only gave the weary Esauv food AFTER he sold his birthright. In
other words he blackmailed him into selling his birthright.

However with the proper translation the verses says
>Esauv asked for food
>Jacob asked for the birthright
>Jacob HAD ALREADY given food to Esauv.

Thus there was no blackmail. It is curious that some major
midrashim do not mention this (I in fact learned the
interpretation of this verse from my 8-th grade Chumash
Teacher, Rabbi Nathan Belitsky who taught us at an early
age that there were grammatical methods to refute slander
on Biblical characters).

*4 In other words we read the verses that
>1-12-34 the Jews exodused form Egypt
>1-12-35 they loaned silver/gold vessels
>1-12-36 they HAD ALREADY been loaning vessels

I would imagine the simple interpretation is that eg
>as slaves they loaned utensils
>they acted like they lost them
>"I lost what you gave me; can you spare me another"
>and because God HAD ALREADY given them grace
>they ended up loaning more vessels

*5 This simple but elegant example was provided by Harry
Rashbaum in my Shomray Emunah Rashi class

*6 See LIST690b for a discussion

*7 To indicate the ordinary past the Bible uses
- the Hebrew letter VAV followed by
- the future tense
All examples in the above list use the pure past which
according to Rashi means HAD ALREADY (PAST PERFECT)
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2004, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#