#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    MAR 18 th, 2004                  #
#          Rashis 2481-2481 Of 7700 (32.2%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2004, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

List of                  Poetic clauses in Gn49-06:09
Gn49-06a My soul will not come in their logic Schem*1 Midyan*1
Gn49-06b My soul: Do not come to their mobs Schem*2 Korach*2
Gn49-06e For they killed people*11 in anger Schem*3 Joseph*3
Gn49-06f For they pillaged/castrated livestock Schem*4 Joseph
Gn49-08b You have a grip on your enemies Shimn*5 David*5
Gn49-09a A cub--A Lion--That is Judah Josph*6 David*6
Gn49-09b You are above (mere)plundering Josph*7 David*7
Gn49-09c You are above (mere)plundering Josph*7 David*7
*1 We believe the simplest way of taking Rashi is the following:
- The Patriarch Jacob is commenting in the blessings on PERSONALITY
- The primary proof of personality is the PAST
(eg Shimon pillages Schem)
- But Rashi enriches our understanding by giving FUTURE examples
(eg Shimons descendants rebel against Moses in Korach rebellion)

So in this verse the PAST refers to
Gn34-31 Shimon and Levi killed a city because

The FUTURE refers to
Nu26-05 A high ranking Simonian prince
had relations publicly before the whole
congregation. The suggestion was that the
Simonian prince used the following logic
If you Moses could marry a Midiyanite
why cant we

*2 We believe the simplest way of taking Rashi is the following:
- The Patriarch Jacob is commenting in the blessings on PERSONALITY
- The primary proof of personality is the PAST
(eg Shimon pillages Schem)
- But Rashi enriches our understanding by giving FUTURE examples
(eg Shimons descendants rebel against Moses in Korach rebellion)

So in this verse
For PAST: Gn34-25 Shimon and Levi killed a city
For FUTURE: Nu16 -- Shimonites incited a rebellion against Moses

*3 We believe the simplest way of taking Rashi is the following:
- The Patriarch Jacob is commenting in the blessings on PERSONALITY
- The primary proof of personality is the PAST
(eg Shimon pillages Schem)
- But Rashi enriches our understanding by giving FUTURE examples
(eg Shimons descendants rebel against Moses in Korach rebellion)

So in this verse
For PAST: Gn34-25 Shimon and Levi killed a whole city
But another good example is the attempted murder of Joseph

See http://www.Rashiyomi.com/gn49-05a.htm in
the digest (Volume 20 Number 14) It was Shimon
who tried to kill Joseph (See Gn37-19)

*4 See Gn34-28. It explicitly says that Shimon

*5 We believe the simplest way of taking Rashi is the following:
- The Patriarch Jacob is commenting in the blessings on PERSONALITY
- The primary proof of personality is the PAST
(eg Shimon pillages Schem)
- But Rashi enriches our understanding by giving FUTURE examples
(eg Shimons descendants rebel against Moses in Korach rebellion)

THE PAST: Refers to Judah getting a hand/grip on Shimons
attempt to Kill Joseph and preventing it(Gn37-26)

THE FUTURE: Refers to King David (From the tribe of Judah)
who conquered many nations and brought peace to the Jews

*6 We believe the simplest way of taking Rashi is the following:
- The Patriarch Jacob is commenting in the blessings on PERSONALITY
- The primary proof of personality is the PAST
(eg Shimon pillages Schem)
- But Rashi enriches our understanding by giving FUTURE examples
(eg Shimons descendants rebel against Moses in Korach rebellion)

THE PAST: Judah started out as a cub or rookie in saving
Joseph (Gn37-26). He couldnt prevent his sale to Egypt.
But in the end Judah saved the whole family and took
full responsibility when Binyamin was kidnapped(Gn43-08)

THE FUTURE: King David from the tribe of Judah also
started out as a rookie saving Israel and in the end
became King (e.g. 2S05-01:03)

*7 We believe the simplest way of taking Rashi is the following:
- The Patriarch Jacob is commenting in the blessings on PERSONALITY
- The primary proof of personality is the PAST
(eg Shimon pillages Schem)
- But Rashi enriches our understanding by giving FUTURE examples
(eg Shimons descendants rebel against Moses in Korach rebellion)

THE PAST: Judah was ABOVE (mere) plundering in the
sale of Joseph. He convinced his brothers not to
murder Joseph if all they wanted to do was get rid
of him

ANOTHER EXAMPLE: Gn38-26 Judah admitted to being wrong in
The Tamar incident (He tied her up--prevented her from being
married; she seduced him; when he tried to kill her he
admitted he was wrong)*13


*10 The word Samech-Dalet means SECRET can can be used
to denote (Twisted) logic.

*11   At a simple level Rashi is simply generalizing
everything in the verse. That is, not only were
Shimon and Levi violent in Schem they were also
evil and violent in many other places.

However Rashi is also commenting on the
use of the singular in the verse. Instead of
the verse saying
In their anger they killed PEOPLE
When they felt like it they castrated OXEN

It instead says
In their anger they killed a PERSON
When they felt like it they castrated the OX

Rashi points out that military victories can
be described either against a PERSON or against
a PEOPLE. However the use of the singular suggests
that Shimon and Levi sinned against a single
person besides a whole city.

*12 Rashi on this verse says CASTRATE AN OX refers to Joseph
We have already explained that Rashi takes the verses
for granted but enriches our understanding by referring
to other events. Since Joseph was the OX that plowed
the fields in the 7 years of plenty and provided food
for Jacob and his family therefore SHIMON TRIED TO CASTRATE
THE OX could refer to his attempt to thwarting Josephs
dreams(The dreams of the OX)

*13 Rashi states
Therefore because of Judahs honesty or
avoidance of mere plundering he merited
during the time of Solomon universal
political respect and achieved peace
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2004, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#