#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    APR 7 th, 2004                   #
#          Rashis 2515-2518 Of 7700 (32.7%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2004, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
VERSE: Ex06-04a
RASHIS COVERED: Ex06-04a Ex06-05a Ex12-31b Ex12-31c
Ex19-22a Ex12-31b Ex18-18b Dt26-13c Dt22-22a
Ex12-31c Ex06-04a Dt12-31a Gn42-22a Gn19-21a
Dt23-19c Ex06-04a Ex06-05a Gn44-10a Gn07-03a
Gn15-14a Gn30-03b Gn30-30b Gn29-27c Gn27-33d
Ex07-23a Nu22-19a Nu11-04b
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

One of Rashis 5 main methods is the explanation of words
the same way the dictionary explains words. Rashi gave
special attention to connective words like BECAUSE, ALSO,
ON, etc.

Today we review the Hebrew word ALSO which is used in 3 ways

EXAMPLE Ex12-21b
-- To ADD something similar

- (eg You (MOSES and AARON) ALSO will go --
The word ALSO includes the ADULT MEN)

The adults are EXTRA to Moses and AAron

EXAMPLE Ex12-21c
-- To ADD derived things

- (eg The JEWS will ALSO go --
The Word ALSO includes the INFANTS)

The INFANTS are DERIVED (Born) from the Jews

EXAMPLE Ex06-04a Ex06-05a
-- To indicate a similar RELATIONSHIP or METHOD

- eg I(God) ALSO revealed myself to the Patriarchs
(The word ALSO denotes that the METHOD by which God
appeared to the Patriarchs (He promised them something
which was not fulfilled IMMEDIATELY but after many years,
is similar to the method by which God revealed Himself
to Moses--Even though God promised Moses to redeem the Jews
nevertheless, this redemption would not happen immediately
but after 10 plagues)
List of verses with ALSO used in three ways
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

List of verses with      ALSO used in three ways*10
Ex19-22a Extra Object PRIESTS separate FIRSTBORN separate*1
Ex12-31b Extra Object YOU leave ELDERS leave
Ex18-18b Extra Object YOU will wither ELDERS will wither
Dt26-13c Extra Object Give MAASER Give TERUMAH
Gn15-14a Extra Object Egypt punished 4 Kingdoms punished*2
------ --------- ------------ --------------
Dt22-22a Derived object ADULTERERS die FOETUS dies
Ex12-31c Derived object JEWS will leave INFANTS will leave
Ex06-04a Derived Object VISION of God TREATY of God
Dt12-31a Derived Object Offer CHILDREN Offer PARENTS
Gn42-22a Derived object JOSEPH's blood JACOB'S blood
Gn19-21a Derived object Spare LOT Spare his CITY
Dt23-19c Derived object Hire of WHEAT FLOUR also prohibited
--------- ---------- -------------- -----------------------
Ex06-04a Relational*3 Mshe/Abrm propht Long term/not immediate
Ex06-05a Relational*3 Mshe/Abrm propht Long term/not immediate
Gn07-03a Relational*4 7 Kosher;2 Traif ditto animals/birds
Gn30-03b Relational*5 Hagar/Sarah bore Bilhah/Rachel bore
Gn29-27c Relational*6 Marry Leah now Marry Rachel now
Gn27-33d Relational*7 You are blessed He is blessed anyway
Nu11-04b Relational*8 Complain / Cry non-jews / Jews
Gn44-10a Relational He dies/We slave He slave/We free
Gn30-30b Relational Amass food/wealth For Laban/Myself
Ex07-23a Relational Hardened heart Didn't pay attention
Nu22-19a Relational Stay tonight/gone 1st group / 2nd group
*1 Here is the way to use this list. We use the first row

Verse Column
First we look up the verse Ex19-22a AND ALSO THE PRIESTS

Text Column
We see the text---- PRIESTS separate.

Also Column
This column indicates that ALSO includes the FIRSTBORN
(who functioned as priests).

So the verse is read as follows
God told Moses: The Priests ALSO (besides the firstborn)
will separate

In other words the word ALSO is interpreted to include
the FIRSTBORN besides the PRIEST. The FIRSTBORN are
EXTRA to the priest.

To make this easier to see I have CAPPED both FIRSTBORN

*2 So here without the word ALSO I would say that God punishes
nations which subjugate us. With the word ALSO I say that God
both punishes the nation AND with 10 plagues AND with letting
the Jews out with wealth.

*3 God criticized Moses for wanting an IMMEDIATE fulfillment
of the prophecy that the Jews will be redeemed. God said
I ALSO gave prophecies to the Patriarchs (And they did
not demand immediate fulfillment)

*4 7:2--7 Kosher animals vs 2 non-kosher animals--
is only mentioned by the ANIMALS. The word ALSO
implies the 7:2 ratio was preserved by the birds ALSO.

*5 Just as when Sarah couldn't have children she gave her
husband(Abraham) her maid (Hagar) so too when Rachel
could have children she gave her husband her maid

*6 Laban had tricked Jacob into marrying Leah vs. Rachel.

*7 Jacob had tricked Isaac into blessing him. Isaac says
he is ALSO blessed. In other words, EVEN if he hadnt
tricked me he would still be blessed.

*8 The Non-jews complained about the lack of food in
the desert. The verse continues THEY RETURNED AND
that the Jews complained with the same cynicism
as the non-jews.


*10 The three methods are
- ALSO connotes an EXTRA extraneous object
- ALSO connotes a DERIVED object
- ALSO connotes a SIMILAR RELATIONSHIP or method

See http://www.Rashiyomi.com/dt23-19c.htm
for a previous presentation of this list
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2004, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#