#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    FEB 7 th, 2005                   #
#          Rashis 2949-2954 Of 7700 (38.3%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
VERSE: Dt32-40k
RASHIS COVERED: Dt32-40k Dt32-41b Dt32-40L Dt32-40b Dt32-40a
Dt32-39a Dt32-37b Dt32-37a Dt32-36k Dt32-36a
Dt32-35b Dt32-35a Dt32-33a Dt32-32d Dt32-32a
Dt32-30a Dt32-29a Dt32-27b Dt32-27a Dt32-32k
Dt32-32L Dt32-32m Dt32-32n Dt32-33k Dt32-35k Dt32-37k
Dt32-39k Dt32-39L Dt32-41k
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

One of Rashis 5 main goals is the explanation of GRAMMAR
the same way modern grammar books explain grammar. In todays
posting we review how PRONOUNS may refer to SEVERAL possible
references. Sometimes they refer to the LAST MENTIONED while
at other times they are defined by CONTEXT. Both these methods
are equally valid

EXAMPLE Dt32-21:43
Dt32-21:43 makes several explicit statements about the God Man relationship
- Dt32-21:25 explicitly states that the Jews sinned and God punishes them
- Dt32-43    explicitly states that God will avenge Jewish mistreatment

The above three themes are clear: Jewish sin, Jewish punishment, non-Jewish

There are several verses in the chapter which use pronouns to refer to sinners.

One rule of pronoun reference is to use the immediate antecedent.

Another equally useful rule uses context and consistency. If the overall context
agrees with a specific pronomial antecedent then this is a valid interpretation.

Hence it is equally valid to interpret the verses as
- a reference to the SINS,IDOL WORSHIP and BAD DEEDS OF JEWS, or
- a reference to the SINS,IDOL WORSHIP and BAD DEEDS OF NON-JEWS.

Since the chapter echoes BOTH these themes, therefore, both interpretations
are equally viable.It is simply an issue on where there is greater emphasis.
Both these interpretations are the simple meaning of the text since the
text supports both themes.

I would go a step further---I would argue that we do not have controversy
here but rather deliberate ambiguity. In other words, the Biblical Author,
God, deliberately stated His threats ambiguously--as it were God turned
to both Jews and non-Jews and said YOU WILL BE PUNISHED. God in essence
asked them: WHOM DO YOU THINK I AM REALLY ANGRY WITH. Thus the ambiguity
is intrinsic to the poem since it emphasizes to the reader choice in future
behavior--God does not show favoritism---rather God favors those who serve him.
List of Pronouns in Dt32 2 possible references(antecedent / context) (Jew/Non-Jew)
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

List of Pronouns in Dt32 2 possible references(antecedent / context)(Jew/Non-Jew)
Dt32-21 The Jews sinned
------- -------------------------------
Dt32-26 I wanted to destroy the Jews
Dt32-27a But I didnt lest non-Jews say*1
Dt32-27b We did it not God*1
Dt32-28 For THEY dont understand JEWS NON JEWS
Dt32-29a If THEY were smart THEY-d see: JEWS NON JEWS
Dt32-29a If THEY were smart THEY-d see: JEWS NON JEWS
Dt32-30a How can 1 non-Jew pursue 1000 Jews
Dt32-30 Unless THEIR God sold out on them JEWISH
------- ---------------------------------
Dt32-31 Because THEIR God is not like ours JEWISH
Dt32-31 How then could our enemies judge us
Dt32-32a For THEIR wine is Sedomite wine JEWISH DEEDS NON JEWISH DEFEAT k-n
Dt32-32d Bittle clusters are for THEM JEWISH DEFEAT NON JEWISH DEFEAT k
Dt32-33a vicious venom for THEIR wine JEWISH DEFEAT NON JEWISH DEFEAT k
Dt32-34 Is THIS not hidden with me JEWISH SINS NON JEWISH DEFEAT
Dt32-35a Revenge on THEM is mine TO JEWS*1 TO NON-JEWS*1 k
Dt32-35b when THEY are weak JEWS*2 NON JEWS*2
------- ---------------------------------
Dt32-36a WHEN*3 God will JUDGE*4 His nation k
Dt32-36k RATHER*3 God will AVENGE*4 HisNation
Dt32-36 God will regret Jewish treatment
Dt32-37a God will say: 'Where are YOUR gods' Jewish idols NonJewish Idols k
Dt32-37b God will say: 'Where are YOUR gods' Jewish Idols NonJewish idols k
Dt32-38 God will say: 'Where is YOUR gods'
Dt32-39a YOU see now that I alone am God TO JEWS To NON JEWS k
Dt32-39b No ONE can be saved from me JEWISH SINNERS NonJewish Sinner l
Dt32-40a I will RAISE-TO-HEAVEN*5 my HAND*6
Dt32-40b I will indeed live forever*7
Dt32-40L Punishment to non Jews will come
Dt32-41b I will sharpen my sword AGAINST NON-JEWS k
Dt32-42 My sword will consume flesh
Dt32-43 Non Jews will praise His nation
Dt32-43 He will avenge Jewish blood
Dt32-43 Jewish enemies will pay
*1 Rashi also discusses the possibility that the Hebrew
word $LM (SheeLayM) is a NOUN vs a VERB. In this digest
however we are concentrating on the REFERENTS OF PRONOUNS

*2 Rashi gives an example of how Jews can be weak:
When the merit of their Patriarchs and Matriarchs

*3 The Hebrew word KI can equally mean
Rashi selects a meaning based on the context
The context in turn is defined by the translation
of pronouns as referring back to Jews or Non Jews*10

*4 The Hebrew word TO JUDGE can equally mean
Rashi selects a meaning based on the context
The context in turn is defined by the translation
of pronouns as referring back to Jews or Non Jews*10

*5 The phrase RAISE-TO-HEAVEN can equally mean
- to RETREAT TO HIGH PLACES (Militarily good)
Rashi selects a meaning based on the context
The context in turn is defined by the translation
of pronouns as referring back to Jews or Non Jews*11

*6 The word HAND can equally refer to
- an OATH
- a STRONGMAN hideout
Rashi selects a meaning based on the context
The context in turn is defined by the translation
of pronouns as referring back to Jews or Non Jews*11

*7 One form of OATHS is swearing by the LIFE OF GOD*11

*8 Here is HOW to read this list
- The first two columns give VERSE REFERENCES and BRIEF

- PRONOUNS like YOU, THEM are capitalized
- the pronouns can refer to EITHER Jews or Non Jews
This is emphasized in the next two columns

For example in the verse text
Is THIS not hidden with me
the THIS could equally refer to
- the defeat of NON JEWISH ENEMIES

By studying each column separately one can glean the two interpretations

- Finally a word about Rashi notation:
Normally a verse occurs ONCE in Rashi then we number the Rashis
a,b,c,d etc

However Rashi explains the chapter twice---one during the chapter
and the other time after Dt32-43. The Rashis the second time are
labeled k,L,m,n etc.

Thus the first Rashi on Dt32-32 is called Dt32-32a. The second
interpretation after Dt32-43 is called Dt32-43k. In this way one can
see side by side the two Rashi interpretations.

A final word about this pronoun interpretation controversy

I would go a step further---I would argue that we do not have controversy
here but rather deliberate ambiguity. In other words, the Biblical Author,
God, deliberately stated His threats ambiguously--as it were God turned
to both Jews and non-Jews and said YOU WILL BE PUNISHED. God in essence
asked them: WHOM DO YOU THINK I AM REALLY ANGRY WITH. Thus the ambiguity
is intrinsic to the poem since it emphasizes to the reader choice in future
behavior--God does not show favoritism---rather God favors those who serve him.


*10 For further details on the meanings of KI visit
The 7 possible meanings of KI are listed there
with examples.

*11 See http://www.Rashiyomi.com/h22n11.htm#LIST955g
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#