#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    FEB 10 th, 2005                  #
#          Rashis 2965-2965 Of 7700 (38.5%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

List of conjugations of  EAST-FROM EAST=outside E;EAST OF,EASTERNMOST
VERSE FORM USED Text of verse with Meaning of QDM capped
Gn03-24a MQDM*1 God posted the Cerubim OUTSIDE of Eden on EAST*11
Gn02-08a MQDM*1 God created a Garden is the EAST OUTSIDE of Eden
Gn11-02a MQDM*1 They journeyed OUTSIDE(AWAY) from the East*12
Gn12-08b MQDM*1 He camped OUTSIDE ON EAST OF BETHEL,in the WEST*13
Gn13-11b MQDM*1 Lot journeyed OUTSIDE OF THE EAST*14
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Gn02-14d QDMT*2 EAST OF Assyria
Gn04-16c QDMT*2 EAST OF Eden*10
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Nu34-15a QDM MZRX*3 2.5 Tribes were on EASTERNMOST part of Israel
Ex27-13b QDM MZRX*3 The EASTERNMOST part of the Sanctuary had the door
Nu02-03a QDM MZRX*3 Judah camped in the EASTERNMOST part of the camp

*2 QDM + Tauv = QDMT means EAST OF (or EASTERLY).

used for emphasis when one might think that something else is
more east. For example

- The 9.5 tribes inherited Israel. But 2.5 tribes inherited
EAST of the EAST of Israel in the Transjordan. Hence they

- There was a GATE ENTRANCE to the Sanctuary. I might think
that the GATE was EAST of the EASTERN part of the Sanctuary.
Therefore the Biblical text calls the EAST part of the
Sanctuary the EASTERNMOST part to emphasize that the door
was part of it.


*10 Rashi makes several other comments on this verse (Besides
the fact that QDM means EAST).

Rashi points out that Based on the OTHER VERSE, Gn03-24a,
Rashi shows that
- Adam, Kayins father, was expelled on the EAST of Eden.
- The Murder-Refuge cities were in the east.
Hence, Rashi concludes that, EXPULSIONS happened in the EAST

Here Rashi uses the DATABASE method. However in this posting
we are concentrating on the fact that BEFORE=QDM=EAST.

In passing the REASON why refuge cities are in the EAST is
because the sun rises in the east and hence the person
seeking refuge can flee immediately in the morning and not
be held up by darkness.

*11 We have seen several times in this email group that Rashi may
comment several times but only once indicate the general principle
On Gn03-24a Rashi explicitly identifies FROM EAST as meaning

*12 Rashi cites an OTHER VERSE---Gn10-30 to prove that they
originally dwelled in the east and moved away from it.

*13 Rashi here is explaining the possible CONTRADICTION that
- he camped on the EAST of the City Bethel, but
- Bethel was on the WEST of Israel.

*14 - Abraham was in BethEl(On the West of Israel)
- But Israel is to the EAST of the Egypt.
So the verses point is that Lot journeyed OUTSIDE/AWAY from
the East of Israel.

Here too Rashi explains possible CONTRADICTIONS that
- Lot journey away from Abraham who was on the WEST of Israel
- Lot went further WEST
Hence he journeyed from the East.

Rashi points out that by separating from Israel and going towards
Egypt Lot separated from spirituality and veered toward Physicality

Rashi expresses this as a Hebrew pun--however the inference is
really logical (It is only the expression that is a pun). Rashis
real point is that Lot left Abrahams spiritual life and journeyed
to what the verse calls the Fertile valley--an emphasis on the
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#