LIST313r (C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04
Align 2 verses with Number of animals Noach took
Phrase 1
Phrase 2
Phrase 3
From the KOSHER animals
Noach took
Seven each
From the NON KOSHER animals
Noach took
two each
*1 The verse clearly indicates 2 cases: Kosher vs Non Kosher
*2 This phrase is the same in both verses
*3 Noach took 7 from the Kosher but only 2 from the Non-Kosher
This is further illumined in Gn08-20a
Noach offered sacrifices from the Kosher animals when he
left the ark
So Rashi-is-Simple...Noach reasoned that God ordered
the 5 extra Kosher animals (over the standard 2) in order
to have animals to sacrifice.*10
*10 In passing Rashi on Gn07-02a comments that
God told Noach to take KOSHER animals---we therefore
infer that Noach learned the Torah
But there are many places where the Torah used future events
to name a concept. This is an attribute of the Torah writing
and does not justify inferences of prophecy or learning.
Rather the SOURCE for inferring that Noach LEARNED THE TORAH
is Gn08-20 not Gn07-02
Noach offered from the Kosher animals, sacrifices
Rashi,ibid, states(paraphrased)
Since Noach was never commanded to make sacrifices
we infer that Noach studied the difference between
Kosher and non-Kosher animals and decided that
the Kosher animals were worthy of sacrifice
Hence we see that Noach employed Torah methods to
make inferences and serve God