AYIN-VUV-DALET means AGAIN:#2 of 8
#     10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE               #
#              Oct 29, 2000                               #
#          Rashis 373-375 Of 7800 (4.7%)                  #
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In this module we study the meaning of the word AGAIN
The Hebrew word >Ayin-Vuv-Daled< means >AGAIN<; it does not
mean >MORE<. Since this word means >AGAIN< it follows that we
should always seek out >WHEN ELSE< what is being spoken about

For example Gn07-04b says >And I (GOD) will AGAIN give man
7 days to repent before bringing the flood<. The word >AGAIN<
in fact refers to Gn06-03: >I will give man 120 years to
repent< Thus indeed God gave man 2 time periods to repent
and hence the word >AGAIN<

This example shows our approach: We will bring a verse with
AGAIN and then show some other verse that this AGAIN refers

Those who wish to peek ahead at a more in depth discussion
should visit the following url


NOTE: Example 3 is repeated from yesterday since there was
a slight error in the verse citation.

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
EXAMPLE 3: Gn35-10a

You will not be called DOUBLE CROSS anymore

In Gn27-36 Esauv says >You called his name DOUBLECROSS and he
has indeed DOUBLE CROSSED me twice<. Now in Gn35-10 God says >You
will not AGAIN be accused of being named DOUBLECROSS because we
are changing your name< So the word AGAIN (denoting ANOTHER
DOUBLE CROSS is justified)

EXAMPLE 4: Gn35-09a  God appeared AGAIN to Jacob

The reference of course is to Gn28-13. God appeared to Jakob
twice--once when Jacob WENT to Laban and the second time when
he RETURNED. Thus the word AGAIN is justified.

EXAMPLE 5: Gn38-26a  He didn t know her AGAIN*4

The weirdest explanations of this Rashi have occured. The
simple meaning is >HE DID NOT KNOW HER AGAIN<. Recall that the
Biblical word >KNOW< can EQUALLY MEAN >SEXUALLY KNOW< or
>PUNITIVELY KNOW< (Like the English phrase >TEACH HIM A LESSON<)
Rashi simply points out that Judah had done both to her.
In Gn38-15 he had relations with her (Hence the interpretation
>He did not know her sexually AGAIN<) In Gn38-24 he tried to burn
her(not necessarily kill her; but punish her or as we say in
English, >teach her a lesson<. (Hence the interpretation >He did
not know her punitively AGAIN<)

In either event, the word AGAIN denoting that he had ALREADY
done something to her is justified

EXAMPLE 6: Gn08-08a  Waited 7 days AGAIN*5

Gn08-08, Gn08-10 and Gn08-12 speak about Noach sending out
birds to see if the land was dry. In two of these 3 verses it
says >And he sent the birds out after AGAIN WAITING 7 DAYS<. So
Rashi is Simple---he undoubtedly waited 7 days the first time.
Hence the word AGAIN is undoubtedly justified

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*