AYIN-VUV-DALET means AGAIN:#4 of 8
#     10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE               #
#              Oct 31, 2000                               #
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In this module we study the meaning of the word AGAIN
The Hebrew word >Ayin-Vuv-Daled< means >AGAIN<; it does not
mean >MORE<. Since this word means >AGAIN< it follows that we
should always seek out >WHEN ELSE< what is being spoken about

For example Gn07-04b says >And I (GOD) will AGAIN give man
7 days to repent before bringing the flood<. The word >AGAIN<
in fact refers to Gn06-03: >I will give man 120 years to
repent< Thus indeed God gave man 2 time periods to repent
and hence the word >AGAIN<

This example shows our approach: We will bring a verse with
AGAIN and then show some other verse that this AGAIN refers

Those who wish to peek ahead at a more in depth discussion
should visit the following urls


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Based on discussions in my Shomrey Emunah
Rashi class I decided that my previous approach needs
improvment. In particular, I should mention the RADACKS
approach to the Hebrew root AYIN-VUV-DALETH--Radack presents
5 meanings. By contrast Rashi will insist that there is only
one meaning--- REPETITION or AGAIN. Several of my students
improved some previous explanations (Read the footnotes
on Gn04-25a below)

First we present the RADACK explanation of AYIN-VUV-DALET

The 5 meanings of the Hebrew root Ayin-Vuv-Dalet as
brought down by the RADACK in his book ROOTS.(By
contrast Rashi below seems to suggest that there is

======= ===============================  ==============
WHILE   WHILE they were speaking to him  Ester6-14
FOREVER There'll NEVER be a flood AGAIN  Gn08-22
STILL   The day is SILL big              Gn29-07
AGAIN   & God said to him AGAIN...       Ex04-06
YOUTH   You rode me from YOUTH           Nu22-30

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
EXAMPLES: Nu18-05a Dt19-09a NEW

Verses where the Hebrew word >Ayin-Vuv-Daled< means >AGAIN<.
This prompts seeking an OTHER TIME when the event happened.
For example Nu18-05a says >& there wont be ANOTHER holcast<
This is obviously a cross reference to Nu17-11 where the
holocast from the Korach rebellion is mentioned. For further
details see the Biblical text.

  In the following verses AYIN-VUV-YUD means AGAIN.
  In other words, something that DID happen once will
  happen AGAIN (or it wont happen AGAIN)
=======   ===============================  ==============
Nu18-05a  & there wont be ANOTHER holocast Nu17:11
Gn35-09a  God appeared AGAIN to Jacob      Gn28-13
Gn08-08a  Waited 7 days AGAIN*5            Gn08-10, Gn08-12
Dt19-09a  And add another 3 cities         Dt04-41
Gn04-25b  Adam was with his wife AGAIN*1   Gn04-01*1

*1 Last issue we argued that the word AGAIN meant that Adam
   had increased desire for this wife. Harry Rashbaum from
   my Shomrey Emunah Rashi class suggested the following
   simpler explanation:

1a >Adam knew his wife AGAIN<--after a long period of separation
   This is consistent with the Midrashim (brought by Rashi)
   that Adam separated from his wife (which explains the 130
   year gap between his wives births)

1b By contrast it is not the word AGAIN but rather
   It is the comparison of Gn04-25b and Gn04-01 that teaches
   us that Adam had greater desire. (I neglected to give credit
   last time to the MHARZU on BRESHIT RABBAH who suggested this
   approach of comparison of verses).

   Comparison and alignment of Gn04-01 and Gn04-25
   VERSE                   *a              *b
   ======= =========       ==============  =====
   Gn04-01 Adam knew       his wife Chava
   Gn04-25 Adam knew       his wife        again

   *a Notice how one verse mentions his wife by name, Chava,while
   the other verse just says his wife. There are a variety of
   views of marriage in the Talmud (brought down in Shir Hashirim
   Rabbah)--is the love more intense at the beginning or end of
   marriage? Rashi simply points out that one verse refers to
   >CHAVA his wife< while the other verse refers to >his wife<.
   Thus one situation is more intimate (And you can read which
   ever view of marriage you prefer into the verses).

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*