AYIN-VUV-DALET means AGAIN:#5 of 8
#     10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE               #
#              Oct 31, 2000                               #
#          Rashis 379-380 Of 7800 (4.9%)                  #
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In this module we study the meaning of the word AGAIN
The Hebrew word >Ayin-Vuv-Daled< means >AGAIN<; it does not
mean >MORE<. Since this word means >AGAIN< it follows that we
should always seek out >WHEN ELSE< what is being spoken about

For example Gn07-04b says >And I (GOD) will AGAIN give man
7 days to repent before bringing the flood<. The word >AGAIN<
in fact refers to Gn06-03: >I will give man 120 years to
repent< Thus indeed God gave man 2 time periods to repent
and hence the word >AGAIN<

This example shows our approach: We will bring a verse with
AGAIN and then show some other verse that this AGAIN refers

Those who wish to peek ahead at a more in depth discussion
should visit the following urls


  In the following verses

  EXAMPLE: Gn08-10 and Gn08-12 says that >Noach waited AGAIN
  7 days before sending out the Dove to see if water had
  disappeared< Rashi says the emphasis is on REPETITION:
  >Just as Noach waited 7 days for the 2nd and 3rd sending so
  too did he wait 7 days at the 1st sending<

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
EXAMPLES: NEW RASHIS: Gn29-30a Dt31-02a

Gn08-08a  Waited 7 days AGAIN*1           waiting 7 days

*1 Noach waited 7 days before the 2nd and 3rd sending of the
   Dove (Gn08-10, Gn08-12). We infer he waited 7 days for
   the first sending of the dove (>He waited AGAIN<)

Gn07-04b  Ill AGAIN give 7 days to repent 2 chances to repent*2

*2 Thus Gn06-03 says that man was given 120 years to repent
   before the flood. Gn07-04 says that man was AGAIN given time
   to repent (another 7 days) (These interpretations are
   according to Rashi)

Gn29-30a  Jacob will work 7 years AGAIN*3 Double crossed again

*3 Jacob was double crossed on his pay for his 1st seven years
   of work for Laban (Gn29-25). We infer that Jacob was double
   crossed in his second set of 7 years of work This is
   explicitly stated in Gn31-07

Dt31-02a  I can't go out AGAIN (To war)*4 Moses won several wars

*4 Moses had successfully (with Gods help) won several wars
   (Cf Dt02 and Dt03). Dt31 clearly states that Joshua will now
   lead the people. We infer that Moses could not lead
   the people in war >AGAIN< since Joshua will(cf Dt31-03:04)

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*