The 6 meanings of AL:#1 of 5
#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                  Apr  23, 2001                          #
#          Rashis 715-716 Of 7800 (9.2%)                  #
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        Hi everybody
        Yesterdays posting went out quickly. I had to
        summarize over a month of postings. The summary
        at top was missing.


        * I am attaching the summary of the 6 (not 4)
          usages of THE here.

        * I am updating the Rashi calendar tonight.
          At about 12 PM (EST) you can find the updated
          summary of THE (along with correction of
          other typos)

        * We spent about a month on the last module.
          To achieve some variety we will now lightly
          spend a shorter amount of time on some
          shorter topics.

        * Today we start with the 6 meanings of
          the Hebrew word AL.

=======The word THE can have the following meanings=============

 These are the 6 basic usages of the word THE. Each usage is
 illustrated with an example. Further LISTS of examples are
 presented in the URL, http://www.RashiYomi.Com/the-35.htm

THE CAN MEAN  VERSE    TEXT OF VERSE        The Verse means
============= ======== ===================  ===================
A proper noun Ex23-16c THE HARVEST holiday  Succoth*1
Pointing      Dt31-19a Write THE SONG       The SONG in Dt32*2
Established   Ex19-11b THE gods*3           The major religions
SubSpecies    Ex08-02a THE SPECIAL frogs    e.g jumping frogs*4
The best      Dt19-03a THE BEST road        The THRUWAY*5
An Idiom      Gn09-24a THE Small            Smallest*6

*1 A HARVEST Holiday would mean a holiday on any harvest.
   THE HARVEST Holiday is focused--it refers to Succoth

*2 Thus THE SONG points to the SONG in the next chapter

*3 THE gods refer to the KNOWN and ESTABLISHED religions

*4 Thus the phrase THE (SPECIAL) FROGS (vs FROGS) refers
   to a special species of JUMPING FROGS which particularly
   humiliated Egypt

*5 The BEST ROAD is of course the THRUWAY

*6 The phrase THE SMALL is used to denote the SMALLEST. The
   etymology of such an idiom should be clear


A person completing this module will be able to correctly
identify the specific usages of >AL< in the Bible. AL is
normally translated as ON. In reality it has 6 meanings.
This module also beautifully illustrates how our early
commentaries complement each other; what one commentator
misses the other supplements.

In todays unit we introduce the basic list of meanings
as well as some examples from Rashi.

This module comes from the following digests in the
Rashi-is-Simple series


#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2001 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

==============The Hebrew AL Has 6 meanings====================

Most people think that the Hebrew word AL means ON.
In reality the Hebrew word AL has 6 meanings. They are...

AL can mean Verse    Sample Text with this meaning
=========== ======== ==============================
ON          Gn03-14  Crawl ON your belly
WITH        Ex12-09e Eat it WITH Matzoh & Marror
IN          Ex29-03  Place the Matzoh IN the basket
TO          1S01-10  Channah prayed TO God
NEAR        Gn18-08  Abraham stood NEAR his guests
AFTER       Lv03-05a Offer the Peace offering AFTER the Daily*1


*1 This list affords us a beautiful example of how the early
   Jewish commentaries complemented each other. Radack only
   lists the first 5 meanings in his excellent book THE ROOTS,
   while Rashi also lists a 6th meaning, AL can mean AFTER.
   A list of examples for each of these meanings is provided


EXAMPLE 1: Ex12-09e Eat it WITH Matzoh & Marror

EXAMPLE 2: Lv03-05a Offer the Peace offering AFTER the Daily*1


*1 We will have more to say about these examples in later
   issues. Right now, in our first posting, we suffice with
   pointing out that the Hebrew word, AL, normally translated
   as ON, can also mean a host of other things including
   WITH and AFTER.

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2001 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*