#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                 August 17th, 2001                       #
#          Rashis 913-913 Of 7800 (11.7%)                 #
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This module studies the ALIGNMENT method in Rashi. In this
method 2 different verses are found to be ALMOST the same.
The verses are lined up and the minor differences between
them function as footnotes illuminating the text.

In todays unit we align 2 sets of verses on
the number of sacrifices brought for 2 holidays

Todays unit comes from the following posting


#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#
Alignment of 60 children & their Tribes

EXAMPLE 57: Nu26-05a To preserve faith, connect names to God

Nu26 describes the genealogy of the Patriarch Jacob. All
the children had a tribe named after them. As a simple
illustration a child name JOE would be the founder of
THE-JOEY tribe (Note how we prefix the childs name with
the word THE and suffix it with a Y)

English analogies of the text would be:
--JOE led THE-JOEY tribe; ANDY led THE-ANDY tribe
SAM led THE-SAMY tribe; etc

- Of the 60 names ALL BUT ONE have a [Yud] added to the end.
- This one exception is the only name among the 60 names
that begins and ends with the letters of Gods name Yud,Hey.
The consequences of this one exception is then expounded

Here is a partial LIST of the 60 names.

*1 Note the beginning/ending letters of the names listed
   --There are names that begin with a [Yud] like [Y]aMiN
   --There are names that end with a [Hey] like PV[H]
   --But only YiMNaH begins and ends with the Y,H,
     the letters in the name of God

   Still another way of seeing this is to perform an advanced
   database query and ask which feature distinguishes YIMNAH from
   the other tribes. The simplest (ie shortest) such feature is
   begin and end with letters of Gods name--[y][h]

*2 When changing the name of the person to the name of the
   tribe the letter HEY is prefixed; recall that the letter
   HEY is normally translated as THE. For example, a person
   named JOE would have his tribe named as THE-JOEY

*3 The Tribe name corresponds exactly to the CHILD name:
   Thus e.g. JOE the person became THE-JOEY tribe.

*4 Every child, EXCEPT YIMNAH, had a Y suffixed to their
   name.  Thus JOE became THE-JOEY, RUSSELL became
   THE-RUSSELLY while YIMNAH became THE-YIMNAH without a Y.

   But [Y]iMNa[H] is the only one of the 60 names that
   begins and ends with the letters of Gods name, Y,H.

 Once we see the suggestion of surrounding the child with
 the letters of Gods name it is straightforward to interpret
 this surrounding with the letters of Gods name
 as a symbolic strengthening of faith, presumably to fight
 against the destructive forces of Egypt. Hence Rashi comments
 that the Jews, to preserve their identity surrounded
 Gods name on all their names by adding BOTH a [Yud] and [Hey]
 to the name of their tribes--but YIMNAH already had his
 named surrounded with a [h,y];hence no further change was

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*# >