#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                  Sept  19, 2001                         #
#          Rashis 963-963 Of 7800 (12.3%)                 #
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This module studies the ALIGNMENT method in Rashi. In this
method 2 different verses are found to be ALMOST the same.
The verses are lined up and the minor differences between
them function as footnotes illuminating the text.

In todays unit we compare the BLESSINGS of Isaac and
Bilam. While certain CONTENT is the same, nevertheless
ORDER was changed.

Todays unit comes from the following posting


#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi, 2001 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

EXAMPLE 107: Gn27-29b Rashi aligns BLESS-CURSE order by 2 people

Isaac, before his death, Blessed his son Jacob and the Jewish
people whom he would lead (Gn27-29).Similarly Bilam blessed
the Jewish people (Nu28-09)

- Curse be those who curse you; bless be those who bless you
- Bless be those who bless you; curse be those who curse you

Notice how the CONTENT of these two verses are the same. But,
the ORDER differs. Rashi explains that the ORDER reflects
the individual experiences of the person giving the blessing.

Here is the list
Gn27-29Isaac JacobCursed be your curserBlessed be blessors
Nu28-09Bilam JewsBlessed be blessors;Cursed beyour currser

*1    The order is reversed. Isaac first curses those who curse
      and then blesses those who bless him while by
      contrast Bilam first blesses those who bless and
      then curses those who curse.

      Each party (Isaac, Bilam) used an order relative to their
      life experiences as follows
      - RIGHTEOUS people usually SUFFER in their EARLY years
        RIGHTEOUS people then have HAPPINESS in LATER years

        HENCE ISAAC, who was RIGHTEOUS, used the same order in
        his blessings (CURSES 1st, BLESSINGS 2nd) as he had
        personally experienced in life

      - WICKED people typically are happy in their EARLY years
        WICKED people then see suffering in their LATER years

        HENCE  BILAM, who was WICKED, used the same order in
        his blessings (BLESSINGS 1st, CURSES 2nd) as he had
        personally experienced in life

      In summary each party used
      - the SAME order in the their blessings of the Jews
      - as they had personally experienced in their lives

      The fact that righteous people usually suffer early
      in life is documented in the following LIST. The
      suffering early in life helps remove immaturities
      and consequently perfects their righteousness
Person How did he suffer             Happiness at end
------ ----------------------------- ----------------------------
Jacob  His sons tried to kill Joseph He lived to see family unity
Joseph He was sold as a slave        He was King;family reunion
David  Saul pursued him to kill him  He was King
Jews   Suffered in Egypt,wilderness  Inherited Israel
Moses  Pharoh tried to kill him      Was leader of Israel
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