#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                 September 25, 2001                      #
#          Rashis 973-974 Of 7800 (12.5%)                 #
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#  (c) 1999-2001, RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President     #
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   =============  HOT ITEMS ================================

   I am writing from Israel where I went for my nephews
   Bar mitzvah. I am actually writing from Ephraim Kings
   computer. So things will be hectic in the next few days
   Here are some details

   - #51 in the Alignment series is identical with #50
     and #49. Recall these were 7 Rashis that lasted
     3 days (2 a day)

   - Normal RASHI YOMI will resume Oct 5th.

   - I took my new laptop along but because I had an advanced
     security check (probably because I was carrying almost
     no luggage) they did not allow it on board. SO..I have
     to live off borrowed computers. Tonight I am using
     Ephraims computer after he went to sleep at midnight.


   - HENCE also these will be TEXT files not HTML. However
     you can peak at the URLS in the Reference section
     to see the whole thing in living color

   - Finally: Ephraim, Rachamim, Hadassah & I spent a very
     nice day together here in Jerusalem. We ate at Sbarros.

   - An EASY FAST and HAPPY HOLIDAY to all. I will try and
     get at least one other posting thru before the 5th.

   - When I get back I will put the professional looking
     version of these postings out on the web at the
     RashiYomi calendar.

   ENGLISH RASHI:       http://www.mnemotrix.com/metsudah
   THE WHITE PAPERS:    http://www.RashiYomi.Com/white.htm
This module studies the ALIGNMENT method in Rashi. In this
method 2 different verses are found to be ALMOST the same.
The verses are lined up and the minor differences between
them function as footnotes illuminating the text.

In the next few days we will be aligning 2
parallel phrases in Dt32-16:20. This set of 4
verses sheds light on a 4 stages process by which
the Jews sinning leads to Gods anger.

Todays unit comes from the following postings

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

EXAMPLE 117: Dt32-18a ROCK is parallel with (& means) GOD
EXAMPLE 118: Dt32-19a TO WOMB is parallel with(& means)give BiRTH

Dt32-16:20 discusses how God gets angry at the Jewish
people for deserting Him.

Dt32-18 You have FORGOTTEN the GOD who gave BIRTH to you
Dt32-18 You have NEGLECTED the ROCK who WOMBED you

Note how in the first half of the verse God is referred
to as ROCK while in the second half God is referred to as GOD
Hence we assume that ROCK means GOD in this verse. That is
because the two sentence halves ALIGN, therefore we assume
both halves have identical meaning which sheds light on
word meaning.

Other parallelisms are presented in the LIST below and its
Dt32-18The Rock(God)who gave BIRTH to youyou have NEGLECTED
Dt32-18The Almightywho WOMBED youyou have FORGOTTEN

*1 God is Frequently called the ROCK.(eg Dt32-27, 1Sam2,2
   1Sam22,32, 2Sam23,3)*10

*2 Rashi points out that BIRTH and the Hebrew CH-L-L are parallel
   Hence CH-L-L means TO GIVE BIRTH. This can also be justified
   thru the unifying meaning of the Hebrew root CH-L-L which
   means HOLLOW. So to HOLLOW a Baby=to WOMB a baby=GIVE BIRTH*11

*3 Rashi points out that NEGLECTED and FORGOTTEN are PARALLEL
   Hence: NEGLECTED means FORGOTTEN in this verse. Rashi
   also suggests a second interpretation which focuses more
   specifically on the nuances of TESHI the Hebrew word used*12

----------------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES ------------------

*10 Most people see this (the translation of ROCK as GOD)
   as related to the STRENGTH attribute of God. But my teacher
   the Rav, Rabbi Joseph Baer Soloveitchick also related this
   to the SHADE BEARING QUALITITES of a big rock(The Rav
   explained that Shepards used ROCKS for shade)

*11 If we look at the other
   meanings of CH-L-L (RADACK, ROOTS) we see a UNIFYING concept
   of HOLLOW
   -- FLUTES (HOLLOW instruments)
   -- CAVES  (HOLLOWS in the earth)
   -- BIRTH  (Womb is HOLLOW from which the infant comes)
   -- DEATH  (Metaphorically: The body is HOLLOWeD from its SOUL)
   -- PROFANE(Metaphorically: The object is HOLLOWED from holines

*12 We have previously explained the Hebrew word used in this
    verse TESHI from the root N-S-H. See the following posting

    We showed there that N-S-H means to BE OVERLY INVOLVED IN
    -- to OVERUSE a muscle/tendon (and dislocate it)
    -- to BE INVOLVED in debt
    -- to FORGET from being overly involved in other matters

    Hence we could offer two interpretations of TESHI in
    this verse
    -- we are so INVOLVED in idols that we FORGET God
    -- God is so INVOLVED in punishing us that He, so to
       speak, doesnt have time to devote to the rest of the world
       (This interpretation would see TESHI as being in the
        CAUSATIVE mode--we cause God to neglect the world. I will
        not get into the grammar of this rare root here but
        eg see Jer37-9 for a similar grammatical form)

   Just to recap: In this posting we have focused on the
   PARALLEL structure meaning of TESHI while in the dt24-10a
   posting we focused on the specific meanings of the
   underlying root.
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#