#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                 October 1st,  2001                      #
#          Rashis 980-985 Of 7800 (12.6%)                 #
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#  (c) 1999-2001, RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President     #
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   =============  HOT ITEMS ================================
   I know it is the holiday eve (and not a time when
   people have free time to Read Rashi). But I am sending
   out units #54 and #55 (one unit for 2 days)

   I am still in Israel. I hope to resume my normal
   schedule (2-4 Rashis a day except on Shabbath) when
   I get back Thursday night.

   I had a wonderful time here in Israel and will write
   up on it when I get back.

   ENGLISH RASHI:       http://www.mnemotrix.com/metsudah
   THE WHITE PAPERS:    http://www.RashiYomi.Com/white.htm
This module studies the ALIGNMENT method in Rashi. In this
method 2 different verses are found to be ALMOST the same.
The verses are lined up and the minor differences between
them function as footnotes illuminating the text.

In todays unit we align several verses dealing with
the so called SEVEN NATIONS that God conquered for
us in Israel. A quite beautiful unit: Some verses
say there were 7 nations, some say 6, some say 10.
Resolving these contradictions is Rashis goal.

Todays unit comes from the following postings

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

EXAMPLE 124: Ex13-05a Rashi gives no reason for mention of 5
EXAMPLE 125: Ex33-02a 1 nation fled so only 6 were conquered
EXAMPLE 126: Ex34-11a 1 nation fled so only 6 were conquered
EXAMPLE 127: Dt19-08a Jews get 3 more nations in Messiahs time
EXAMPLE 128: Ex23-28a Poisonous Tzirah fly killed 3 nations
EXAMPLE 129: Dt20-17a Fleeing nations left alone; others killed

It is well known that God gave the Jews Israel. Prior to the
Jews occupying Israel, Israel was occupied by 7 non-jewish
nations. The Bible in several places speaks about

But a closer examination of about 10 verses shows DIFFERENT
COUNTS of the number of nations conquered in Israel.
Gn15-19 God will give 10 nations
Dt07-01 God will give 7 nations
Ex03-17 God will give 6 nations
Ex13-05 God will give 5 nations
Ex23-28 God will conquer 3 nations

This is more an exercise in RESOLVING CONTRADICTORY VERSES than
in ALIGNMENT. Rashi skillfully resolves the contradictions
- There WERE 7 nations prior to Jewish occupation of Israel
- But 1 nation fled; so the Jews only CONQUERED 6 nations
- Only 3 of these nations were conquered by poisonous flies
- Only 5 of these nations descended from the main CANAANITE tribe
- God promised the Jews 3 more nations in Messiahs time
Hence -- Rashi-is-Simple

We present 10 verses which list the nations that the Jews
were promised. Each verse mentions anywhere from 2-10 nations!
Rashi explains why.
Dt07-01The 7 nations the Jews inherited
Gn15-19God promised Abraham 10 nations3 in Messiahs time *1
Ex03-17Only 6 of 7 nations mentioned1 nation fled *2
Nu13-29Only 3 nations mentionedRegionally specific *3
Ex13-055 nations mentionedNo reason given *4

*1 Rashi on Dt19-09a explicitly notes that Dt19-08:09 mentions
   adding 3 lands in Messiahs time, thus explaining the
   discrepancy between the 10 and 7. Thus Rashi supports his
   explanation with the technique of OTEHR VERSES.*10

*2 Rashi says this on Ex33-02a & Ex34-11a. Rashi notes that
   the Girgashi fled Canaan to Africa when Joshua came in.*11

*3 Nu13-29 explicitly identifies these 3 nations as belonging
   to a certain geographic region. Rashi uses this idea of
   regional specificity for his explanation of Ex23-28a which
   discusses the conquest of 3 nations by the poisonous Tzirah
   insect which apparently only lived in the Transjordan region
   Hence only the 3 nations living there are mentioned.

*4 - The 7 nations are referred to as the CANAANITES
     which is the main nation of the region(cf Ex13-11 and Rashi)

   - The person named CANAAN was actually the
     father of FOUR of the leaders of the 7 nations;(Cf Gn10-15);
     The same FOUR nations(besides CANAAN) mentioned in Ex13-05

   - Ex13-05 is mentioned right after the Exodus. The
     idea seems to be that God is telling us
     Just as I conquered the tribal nation of Egypt,
     so too I will conquer the tribal nation of Canaan *12

------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES ----------------------------

*10 In passing I suggest a solution to a problem Rashi did not
    mention. Why is it that Gn15-19 refers to the REFAIM nation
    but everywhere else this nation seems to be referred to
    as the CHIVI nation.

    Basically we suggest as a solution that REFAIM
    was a generic name for ANY POWERFUL NATION
    (cf Dt02-20). Here is a possible argument

    We find that
    --the Philistines gathered in Refaim Valley (2Sam5-19)
    --the Philistines also occupied Givon       (1Ch14-16)
    --but the Chivi came from Givon.            (Jos9-3,Jos11-19)

    So perhaps the Chivi was one of the Refaim states. Since
    the Chivi made a peace treaty with Joshua(Jos9) and the rest
    of the Refaim were destroyed it would make sense to call
    the Chivi, Refaim, after their destroyed parent nation.

*11 The 5 verses where only 6 nations are mentioned are:
   Ex03-17 Ex23-23 Ex33-02 Ex34-11 Dt20-17. (The other 5
   verses where the number of nations inherited are
   mentioned are mentioned in the list above giving a total
   of 10)

     We now go a little deeper in Rashi.Dt20-17 says that we are
     prohibited from allowing survivors for the 6 nations that
     we will inherit AS GOD HAS PROMISED US

     The capped words AS GOD HAS PROMISED US is a cross-reference
     to Dt07-01 and Gn15-19. These 2 verses explicitly mention
     that God will give us 7 nations now (& 3 more in King
     Messiahs time)

     Consequently Dt20-17 is perceived as saying
     You should not allow survivors of the 6 nations that
     you actually have to conquer (from the 7 that God promised

     It immediately follows that it was Legitimate for the
     Girgashi to flee (The Jews were not obligated to pursue
     them and kill them in Africa).

*12 Rashi does NOT present a reason for why only 5 (vs 6 or 7)
    nations are mentioned. He simply says I DONT KNOW and
    offers some supplemental comments. However the excellent
    explanation was presented by Dr Howard Klein of my
    Shomrey Emunah Rashi class and then further developed
    by me.

    Finally I pointed out to Dr Klein that Rashi
    only advances explanations that can be backed
    by LISTS. Since this explanation (that God
    took us out of one tribal nation and will
    bring us to another) is a one-time explanation that
    cannot be backed by a LIST, Rashi did not bring it
    on this verse but simply said I DONT KNOW.
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#