#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                  Jan 17th, 2002                         #
#          Rashis 1207-1208 Of 7800 (15.5%)               #
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This module reviews the NAMES OF JACOBS CHILDREN. 11 children
are named and the Bible uses ALMOST  identical language in
describing their names. But there are 4 minor differences
which indicate subtle nuances about these children.

Today we finish the explanations of the 4 differences.

This module came from the following postings

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2002, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

EXAMPLE 2: Gn29-34b Jacob personally named Levi;Leah named others
EXAMPLE 3: Gn29-34c THEREFORE HIS NAME IS used by populous tribes

Gn30 describes the naming of the 12 tribes.

The text is presented below. The naming  of almost all 11
children is described by the Bible in identical language. However
there are 4 minor differences. e.g.
SHE conceived ----- & gave birth (Typical phrase)--eg Gn29-31
SHE conceived AGAIN & gave birth--Gn29-32

Rashi explains each of these 4 minor differences. For
example the phrase CONCEIVED AGAIN is mentioned when a woman
has a 2nd child but is not mentioned by the first child. Hence
as might be expected there are 4 exceptions---by the first child
of each matriarch.

We present below the 4 differences. We explained one difference
yesterday and explain the remaining 3 today.
She CONCEIVED & gave birth She gave birth Gad, Asher
She conceived AGAIN She conceived Rvn,Dn,Joe,Yschr
SHE named him so & so HE named him so & so Levi*3
THEREFORE she named him she named him*4 Judah,Dan,Levi
*3 Recall that Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah. Hence Leah
   tried to stabalize her marriage by bringing in more children.
   Since, by prophecy, everyone knew that Jacob would have 12
   children (This is proven in the main posting) therefore when
   Leah had her 3rd child she had contributed 3/12 or 25% of
   the children and hence was equal in wifehood to Rachel.

   While the other names of the children reflect Leahs
   bitterness (God has SEEN my SUFFERING (REUBAYN), God
   has HEARD my SUFFERING (SHIMON)) by contrast Leah named
   Levi because she now expected LOVE (LEVI=LOVE).

   Jacob accepted this and HE named the child LEVI=LOVE to
   show his acceptance of Leahs desires. (By contrast the
   other children were named by Leah) Other sources cited
   by Rashi point out that BRINGING LOVE was a theme in LEVIS
   life (He brought love to Jacob and Leah; later he helped
   marriages in the Temple; he also brought together God &
   Israel in the Temple)

*4  In the main posting we review the census figures from
    Nu01 and Nu25 on the 12 tribes. As can be seen Judah & Dan
    are the only tribes who had the most people in both censuses
    and the keyword THEREFORE is mentioned by their naming in Gn
    (THEREFORE SHE NAMED HIM SUCH AND SUCH). Rashi concludes that
    THEREFORE creates an emphasis by those tribes that
    are populous.

    However THEREFORE is also mentioned by LEVI who had
    the smallest population! Maharzu on Midrash Rabbah 71:5
    points out that the LEVI had a big population in the
    times of the Temple of Solomon. I add that LEVI is
    one of the 3 remaining tribes today in Exile and hence
    is numerous now.

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2002, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#