4 Methods of Cross reference:#4 of 5
#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                  May   7, 2001                          #
#          Rashis 735-737 Of 7800 (9.4%)                  #
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Now let us complete this module

This module presents Rashis on cross reference.
A person completing this module will develop skill competency
in 4 levels of cross-reference:
* By word
* By concept
* By chapter
* By guessing

We present CROSS REFERENCE at the Profound level.

This module comes from the following references in the
Rashi-is-Simple series.


#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

EXAMPLE 9:  Ex35-19a
EXAMPLE 10: Ex31-10a
EXAMPLE 11: Ex31-10b

                --THE PROFOUND LEVEL--

    EXERCISE: Well I never said you could imitate Rashi
              on ALL verses.

              Here is a real toughy which I dont expect
              anyone to get.

              Ex35-19 mentions the >SeRaD CLOTHES<.
              What were they? What do they refer to?

              Again there are no hints---I dont expect
              you to get this one. This is simply the
              difference between a Rishon and you & me.
              Read Rashis' analysis below on the cross
              referencing of Ex35 to Nu04.
========== ============== ========== ============================
Ex35-19a   Serad Cloths   Nu04-04:15 Utensil Covers when moving*3

*3 What does the Biblical phrase >BIGDAY SERAD< refer to?
   There are a variety of techniques that a person studying
   Bible can use. Using Rashi we supply at least 4 methods

   We can examine a UNIFIED MEANING of the root:
   The Hebrew root SIN-RESH-DALET literally means LEFTOVER

   Thus my suggestion would be that the Biblical
   phrase SRD Clothes could mean the CLOTHES for LEFTOVER

   Rashi (Ex31-10b) suggests that these utensil covers LOOKED
   LIKE leftover clothes--that is they were clothes that looked
   like nets with many holes (for air). Because of the net like
   appearance with holes these utensil covers could be called

   At any rate, it is not 100% clear what LEFTOVER would refer to!

   A 2nd technique is to review the VERSES where the phrase,
   >SRD CLOTHS< occurs. There are only 3 such verses

   Ex31-10 The SeRaD Clothes                  ;Priestly clothes
   Ex39-41 The SeRaD Clothes to SERVE holiness;Priestly clothes
   Ex39-01 The SeRaD Clothes to SERVE holiness;Priestly clothes

   Collectively the 3 verses together seem to say that there
   are 2 types of >CLOTHES<:
   --Priestly Clothes
   --SeRaD Clothes used to >SERVE THE HOLINESS<

   This in fact is one of the arguments used by Rashi (Ex31-10b)

   Again there is no clear proof

   We can examine the LIST in Ex35 and compare it to
   the available items in the rest of the Bible for

   The only temple items discussed in the Bible not
   yet mentioned in Ex35 were the COVERING CLOTHS listed
   in Nu04-04:15--their goal was not to be holy clothes
   but rather to cover the holy items when moving took place.
   So, so to speak, these clothes SERVED HOLINESS.

   Again this is reasonable but not clear and unambiguous.

   We can examine the properties of the item and see which
   items in the rest of the Bible have similar properties.
   This is probably the strongest approach

   Rashi brings this method in Ex31-10a.

   Rashi points out that according to Ex31 these SERAD
   garments were made of BLUE-WOOL, RED-WOOL etc. But,
   Rashi continues, ALL garments of the priests had linen.
   By contrast if we examine Nu04 we see that the garments
   there were made of wool but had no linen.

   Hence, concludes Rashi, these SERAD clothes COULD only
   refer to the clothes mentioned in Nu04.

   In all 4 methods there are many possibilities of
   interpretation. Hence we call this the PROFOUND method.

   However this does not mean we are not sure of the
   interpretation. Rather the reason we are sure is because
   the COVER GARMENTS mentioned in Nu04 are the only item
   that COULD be referred to.

   That is, we derive the meaning of the term not by a DIRECT
   reference but by ELIMINATING other possibilities.


#*#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2001, Dr. Hendel President #*#*#*#*#