CAPITAL CRIME:Execute Vs Cut Off:#3 of 5
#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                  May  13, 2001                          #
#          Rashis 740-741 Of 7800 (9.5%)                  #
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#    Reprinted with permission from Rashi-is-Simple,      #
#  (c) 1999-Present, RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President  #
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In this short module we compare verses on 5 capital crimes.
in each case we will see a pair of verses.

* One verse says there is a DEATH penalty
* One verse says the person is CUT OFF from his nation

The traditional approach says that a DEATH PENALTY happens
if there are witnesses while if there are no witnesses
then there is extinction.

This module will be a bit different in flavor than previous
modules. The punchy proof of Rashi will not occur till the
end of the unit. In other words the proof will come from
the ENTIRE list and not from any PARTICULAR verse

In todays unit we review the crimes of witchcraft and
blasphemy. Both these crimes have 2 phrases connected
with them: One of them means there will be extinction
while one of them refers to death. The Rashi on
these two crimes is the clearest from all verses
that we have reviewed.

This module comes from the following references in the
Rashi-is-Simple series.


#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

EXAMPLE 5: Lv29-07a
The Bible is discussing the sin of Witchcraft. Two different
phrases for punishment are mentioned.

Lv20-06  I will CUT him off
Lv20-27a they shall be Stoned to death

(NOTE: Rashi resolves the contradiction between the
2 verses)

* If there are witnesses the person is Stoned to DEATH
* If the person does the sin privately he/she is CUT off

A similar dichotomy (witnesses-death; private-extinction)
should be applied to other capital crimes.

For the 5 methods of Rabbi Ishmael in resolving contradictory
verses please visit http://www.RashiYomi.Com/ri-14.htm

EXAMPLE 6: Lv24-15a
The Bible is discussing the sin of blasphemy. Again
two types of punishment are mentioned

Lv24-15a He will BEAR his sin
Lv24-16  He will DIE

(NOTE: Rashi resolves the contradiction between the
2 verses)

* If there are witnesses the person is Stoned
* If the person does the sin privately he/she is cut off

Further details on the blasphemy punishments will be given
tomorrow. For the moment we suffice with observing that
with witnesses there is death while without witnesses
there is extinction.

#*#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2001, Dr. Hendel President #*#*#*#*#