Why are words REPEATED REPEATED:#4 of 14
#     10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE               #
#                  Dec 27  2000                           #
#          Rashis 482-483 Of 7800 (6.2%)                  #
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This module deals with Rashis which comment on verses with
>REPEATED WORDS<. The basic technique for >REPEATED WORDS<
was succinctly formulated by the MALBIM

When a word is >REPEATED< unnecessarily then the
sentence with that word refers to >NON-STANDARD NUANCES<
The examples will illustrate how this is implemented

In todays unit we explore REPEATED VERBS. The Talmud in
Baba Metzia 31 has about a dozen examples. They are
repeated in one of the references below. The basic idea
is as usual: The repeated verb indicates that the activity
denoted by the verb should happen in non-standard circumstances

Material in this module comes from a variety of postings.
Please check


Also the following url has additional comments on yesterdays
postings including extensive discussion of some talmudic
commentaries on REPETITION


#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
EXAMPLE 7: Dt13-16a
The Bible is discussing a city that has defected to idolatry.
The law is that upon conviction the entire city must be destroyed
The Bible says

Dt13-16 >HIT HIT this city by sword<

If the verse had only said >HIT this city by sword< then I would
infer that I should destroy the city by sword but if eg I didnt
have swords available then I would have no obligation to destroy
the city by other means(since the commandment is to destroy it
by sword). When however the verse says >HIT HIT this city by
sword< the meaning of the sentence is extended to non standard
situations---I should hit the city by SWORD, but if I dont have
a SWORD then I should eg BURN the city.

EXAMPLE 8: Dt15-10a
The Bible is speaking about giving charity. The context is
the charity we give to a slave who has completed his term
of service and is leaving

Dt15-10 >GIVE GIVE to him (the slave)<

If it had only said >GIVE to him< it would mean that one should
give CHARITY >GIFTS<. However by using the REPEATED PHRASE >GIVE
GIVE to him< we infer a non-standard nuance of the word
>GIVE<: We are eg obligated to >LOAN< him the charity if eg
he refuses >GIFTS<

Thus in one verse the repeated verb endows the >VERB< (>give<) with
a non standard meaning (even >LOAN if the person wont accept
gifts<) while in the other verse the repeated verb endows the
>SENTENCE< (>HIT by sword<) with a non standard meaning (even
>HIT by burning< if you dont have swords).

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*