#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    Mar 05, 2011                     #
#                    YEAR 12 of 12                     #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2011, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
    BRIEF EXPLANATION: The common denominator of the 3 submethods of the Spreadsheet method is that inferences are made from non textual material. The 3 submethods are as follows:
    • Spreadsheet: Rashi makes inferences of a numerical nature that can be summarized in a traditional spreadsheet
    • Geometric: Rashi clarifies a Biblical text using descriptions of geometric diagrams
    • Fill-ins: Rashi supplies either real-world background material or indicates real-world inferences from a verse. The emphasis here is on the real-world, non-textual nature of the material.
    This example applies to Rashis Nu09-12a Nu09-12b
    URL Reference: (c) http://www.Rashiyomi.com/rule1415.htm
    Brief Summary: If the Nazarite is defiled he has to (1) nazarite a new count of days and (2) not let the old count of days be included in the new count.

A Nazarite abstains from wine and ritual impurities. Verses Nu05-09:12 discuss what happens when the Nazarite count is interrupted by an unexpected defilement: And if any man die very suddenly beside him, and he defile his consecrated head, then he shall ... And he shall consecrate unto HaShem the days of his Naziriteship, and shall bring a he-lamb of the first year for a guilt-offering; but the former days shall fall, because his consecration was defiled.

    Rashi interprets the two underlined phrases, numerically:
  • he shall consecrate unto HaShem the days of his Naziriteship is interpreted to mean He shall begin a new vow and count of nazariteship;
  • the former days shall fall, because his consecration was defiled is interpreted numerically - he may not use the former count of days (during which he was suddenly defiled) in the new count of days.

We have classified this Rashi as using the spreadsheet method since Biblical text is interpreted numerically. Some readers may consider this obvious. However there is a point: Notice words like fall which although physical and picturesque refer to numerical events.

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2011, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#