#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    Mar 27, 2010                     #
#                    YEAR 11 of 12                     #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2010, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
      BRIEF EXPLANATION: Rashi explains verses using grammar principles, that is, rules which relate reproducable word form to word meaning. Grammatical rules neatly fall into 3 categories
      • (a) the rules governing conjugation of individual words,Biblical roots,
      • (b) the rules governing collections of words,clauses, sentences
      • (c) miscellaneous grammatical, or form-meaning, rules.
      This examples applies to Rashis Dt32-20a
      URL Reference: (c) http://www.Rashiyomi.com/rule1309.htm
      Brief Summary: WIFE-OF = Married woman; END-OF = wages / rewards; BEGINNING-OF = choicest;

Today Hebrew grammar is well understood and there are many books on it. Rashi, however, lived before the age of grammar books. A major Rashi method is therefore the teaching of basic grammar.

Many students belittle this aspect of Rashi. They erroneously think that because of modern methods we know more. However Rashi will frequently focus on rare grammatical points not covered in conventional textbooks.

    There are many classical aspects to grammar whether in Hebrew or other languages. They include
  • The rules for conjugating verbs. These rules govern how you differentiate person, plurality, tense, mode, gender, mood, and designation of the objects and indirect objects of the verb. For example how do you conjugate, in any language, I sang, we will sing, we wish to sing, she sang it.
  • Rules of agreement. For example agreement of subject and verb, of noun and adjective; whether agreement in gender or plurality.
  • Rules of Pronoun reference.
  • Rules of word sequence. This is a beautiful topic which is not always covered in classical grammatical textbooks.

    Today we review a rule unique in Hebrew grammar. Hebrew grammar teaches how to use the construct state to create intrinsically new words. The construct in English is indicated by the word of. In Hebrew the construct is indicated by a terminal tauv, for example, Sarah, the wife of Abraham. However if I write a sentence Sarah, is a well dressed wife-of without completing the phrase wife of .... then I have created a new term. Rashi explains that wife-of without completion means married woman. So the sentence Sarah, is a well dressed wife-of would mean Sarah, is a well dressed married woman Some examples of this principle found in both Radack and Rashi are
  • Ishah, means wife; Eysheth without completion means married woman.
  • Rosh means head,beginning. Rayshith without completion means the choicest of.
  • Achar means after. acharith .... means the end of the matter. Acharith without completion means the reward / wages.

Using the above rule we would translate Dt32-19:21 as follows And God saw and He loathed, because of the provocation of his children [nation] And He said, I will hide my face from them, I will [wait to] see their reward [from the idols they believe in] for they are a very changing generation, unstable children [and if after receiving no reward they don't repent then....]

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2010, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#