Verse Lv16-14:24d, describing the Yom Kippur
(Day of Atonement) service states
And he shall take of the blood of the bull,
and sprinkle it with his finger upon the veil eastward;
and before the veil shall he sprinkle of the blood with his finger seven times.
and he will come out, and offer his elevation offering,
and the elevation offering of the people,
and make an atonement for himself, ...
Rashi diagramatically explains the phrase
come out.
The veil is inside the Temple proper
while the elevation offering is offered on the copper
altar which is outside the Temple proper, in the courtyard. Hence
the verse states he will come out
The diagram below clarifies this Rashi.
Temple Courtyard wall
|| | Temple Table |
|| Holy of | |
|| Holies |Veil Temple Door Copper
|| | | Altar
|| | Candellabrah |
Temple Proper Temple Proper Courtyard
Priest ---Goes out------->