We all know that the three baskets in the chief baker dream corresponded to
three days to execution. In the table below we interpret other aspects of
the baker's dream. For example the holed baskets symbolize an exposed
body (after beheading). This aspect of the symbolic interpretation of the baker's dream
is often overlooked!
We could summarize the table as follows:
I saw [that in] three days my basket [body] is
holed [exposed / vulnerable]. And even though the] topmost
[goal] basket [of my being was providing ] all types
of royal food, professional baker standards, to Pharoh, [nevertheless]
the birds were eating them [my flesh] from the basket [my body]
on [upon] my head [after my beheading].
Verse text
| Symbolic interpretation
| Source
My dream showed
| My dream predicted that in
| Joseph/ Bible
| three days
| Joseph/ Bible
| there is exposure / vulnerability to my
| Rashi / Me
| body
| Me
| after
| Hebrew Grammar
my head;
| my beheading
| Joseph/ Bible
And in the uppermost basket there were
| Even though my uppermost goal in life was providing
| Me
all kinds of baked food for Pharaoh;
| all kinds of baked food for Pharaoh;
and the birds ate them out of the basket
| nevertheless the birds ate my flesh from my body
| Joseph / Bible
| after
| Hebrew Grammar
my head.
| my beheading
| Joseph / Bible.
Advanced Rashi: The above table uses the so called
linear translation method. This method was introduced (or popularized)
by Rabbi Dr. Benjamin Sharfman in his Linear Translation of the Bible and
Rashi. Rabbi Sharfman's linear translation is still very popular among
those who are beginners in learning Rashi. Rabbi Sharfman was in fact Rabbi
of my synaggoue when I was young and I spent many enjoyable Shabbath afternoons
listening to his very lucid explanations of Rashi.