#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    Jul 08, 2010                     #
#                    YEAR 11 of 12                     #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2010, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#

    BRIEF EXPLANATION: Commentary on a verse is provided thru a cross-reference to another verse. The cross references can either provide
    • (1a) further details,
    • (1b) confirm citations, or
    • (1c) clarify word meaning.
    This examples applies to Rashis Gn43-14d
    URL Reference: (c) http://www.Rashiyomi.com/rule1319.htm
    Brief Summary: God will send your OTHER BROTHER and BENJAMIN (Gn43-14) REFERS to SHIMON who was taken prisoner (Gn42-36)

Verse Gn43-14d discussing Jacob's hopes to get back his children states And God Almighty give you mercy before the man, that he may send away your other brother, and Benjamin. If I be bereaved of my children, then I am bereaved. Rashi notes that the underlined words, your other brother references verse Gn42-36 discussing the imprisonment of Shimon. Hence the Rashi comment The verse statement Gn43-14 God will send your other brother and Benjamin references verse Gn42-36 which discusses the imprisonment of Shimon.

Text of Target Verse Gn43-14d Text of Reference Verse Gn42-36
And God Almighty give you mercy before the man, that he may send away your other brother, and Benjamin. If I be bereaved of my children, then I am bereaved. And Jacob their father said to them, Me have you bereaved of my children; Joseph is not, and Simeon is not, and you will take Benjamin away; all these things are against me.
Rashi comments: The verse statement Gn43-14 God will send your other brother and Benjamin references verse Gn42-36 which discusses the imprisonment of Shimon.

Advanced Rashi: Actually both Shimon and Joseph were other brothers that were missing. Furthermore, at least in one case Rashi saw an unconscious hint in a verse to the restoration of Joseph (Gn43-08a: Judah's statement We will live refers to the restoration of all including Joseph. In fact Rashi takes Gn43-14e, God will send your other brother as referring to Joseph also!)

However the important point to emphasize is that Shimon was imprisoned Gn42-24 and Shimon was returned Gn43-23. Furthermore as indicated in Gn42-38 Jacob was too depressed to think about the restoration of Joseph. Hence Rashi emphasizes that other brother mainly refers to Shimon.

In fact this suggests that Rashi's main point was Even though we have interpreted other verses as referring or hinting to the restoration of Joseph we must interpret this verse as referring solely to the restoration of Shimon (Since Jacob was depressed and this was the issue at hand.)

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2010, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#