Verse Ex03-02b describing the Revelation of God to
Moses in the thornbush states
And the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire
from the midst of a thornbush;
and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.
Rashi, using the symbolism of the fire and thornbush states
God appeared with burns from the midst of the suffering and pain.
Here Rashi interprets fire and thornbush as indicating
pain and suffering. The verse, according to this interpretation
indicates that God was empathic with the suffering of the Jews.
Advanced Rashi: We can not fully defend the symbolic
Rashi's in a newsletter of this size. We refer the more interested reader
to my article on
symbolism, available on the world-wide-web at
Finally I point out that we in no way intend to exhaust the explanation of the Rashi with the above.
There is a rich literature on the symbolism of the burning thornbush. We have given the basic ideas