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VERSE: Dt01-25b

RASHIS COVERED: Dt01-25b Dt01-22d

======================== Dt01-25b ==============================

One of Rashis 10 main goals was the resolution of contradiction

Rashi had three methods to resolve contradiction. If
the CONTRADICTION could be resolved by viewing the
contradictory verses as two aspects of the same item then
we we employ the the TWO ASPECTS method of resolution. If
the CONTRADICTION could be resolved by viewing the
contradictory verses as two stages of the same process then
we employ the TWO STAGES submethod. Finally if the CONTRADICTION
could be resolved by retranslating the verses using broader
or more literal meanings then we use the BROAH-LITERAL submethod.

Today we illustrate two Rashi methods of resolving contradiction.

The first example nicely illustrates resolution thru

EXAMPLE Dt01-25b
Compare the contradiction in the following verses:
Dt01-25 states
The spies returned a report stating: The Land is Good

They released a report on the land they spied:
- the land we spied eats its inhabitants
- all residents are people of stature

One verse states that the report stated that
the land was good while the other states that
the report stated that the land was bad. This
contradiction is resolved by viewing two
aspects of the report.

- The minority opinion of Caleb and Joshua
was that the land was good
- The majority opinion of the other spies
(which was the final report circulated) was
that the land was bad (Nu13-30:31)

So Dt01-25 in context is in effect saying
There was a minority report that the land
was good. Had you wanted to trust in God
you had grounds on which to rely
LIST510a below brings examples of contradictory
verse pairs resolved thru TWO ASPECTS

The following Rashi nicely illustrates the

EXAMPLE Dt01-22d
Dt01-22 states
And you came to and said: Let us send people
to spy out the land and return a report to us
on which way we should go and WHICH CITIES WE

contradicts numberous verses that Israel
would conquer the ENTIRE land. e.g. Nu33-52:53
LAND .....and you shall CONQUER the land and
dwell in it

Rashi resolves this CONTRADICTION using the
principle of TWO STAGES
- The Jews asked for a report from the spies
  on which cities SHOULD BE CONQUERED FIRST--
  that is, which cities had the least obstacles
  for conquest.
- After an initial conquest they would go on
  to conquer the rest of the land. The initial
  conquest would presumably prepare them for
  the more complex conquests.

LIST530a below gives other examples of CONTRADICTORY
verses resolved thru TWO STAGES.
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== ========================================
SEE BELOW                LIST510a
-----------------------  ---------------------------------------
List of verses with      Contradiction resolved by 2 cases
SEE BELOW                LIST530a
Verse pairs illustrating 2 stages to a process

=================== LIST510a =================================
List of verses with      Contradiction resolved by 2 cases
======= ======= ==============================================
Dt01-25 Nu13-30 The MINORITY repor of the spies was: Land Good
Lv19-20 Lv20-10 adultery: With free person,death;with maid,no
Lv19-13 Dt24-15 day worker:Pay by morn;Night labor by sunset
Lv13-33 Lv13-33 DONT shave[near]leprosy;DO shave rest of head
Lv13-40 Lv13-43 leprosy on baldness:like SKIN,not HEAD,leprosy
Ex09-03 Ex09-09 FIELD livestock died;HOUSE livestock had boils
Ex09-03 Ex09-09 HOUSE livestock who returned outside HAILED
Ex09-19 Ex14-07 FIELD livestock died;HOUSE animals for Chariot
Gn36-02 Gn36-24 Daughter of FATHER & GRANDFATHER=illegitimate
Gn24-08 Gn24-08 DONT marry CANAANITE;can marry out of family
Gn06-19 Gn07-02 Noach took:7 KOSHER animals;2 NON-KOSHER ones
Dt12-18 Nu18-24 Levites get 1st TITHE;also get GIFTS TO POOR
Dt12-30 Ex22-19 SPECIFIC idol worship OR general SACS wrong
Ex30-19 Ex40-31 Tmpl Basin for Priests;Moses was Priest once*5
Ex21-03 Ex21-04 Master only gives a slavegirl to a married man
Ex12-02 Ex12-03 God told Moses on FIRST: Tell Jews on TENTH...
Ex01-16 Ex01-12 EGYPTIANS hated ALL JEWS;PHARAOH hated MALES*4
Ex02-06 Ex02-06 She saw a BABY(in age);a CHILD(in demeanor)*3
Gn18-06 Gn18-06 FINE FLOUR for food;COARSE for pot*2
Dt08-02 Lv26-06 WHEN OBSERVANT God protects;ELSE not*1
Nu21-21 Dt02-26 MOSES sent delegates on behalf of ISRAEL
Nu05-08 Nu05-08 Stolen goods given to PRIESTS on behalf of GOD
Ex20-19 Ex19-20 Gods voice in HEAVEN;His FIRE on EARTH
Ex40-35 Ex25-22 Moses at Entrance; Gods by Crubim
Ex28-37 Ex39-30 Priest MASK went AROUND and OVER head
Ex25-03 Ex30-12 TAXES for base;VOLUNTARY for vessels
Nu04-05 Nu04-15 PRIESTS pack; KEHATHITES carry*10

*1 See Lv26-03. Thus Lv26-03:06 explicitly states that
   when we observe, God will remove wild animals. Dt08-02
   by contrast, explains that conquest of Israel will
   WOULD COME (because the Jews moral nature was not
   yet  perfected and the protection of Lv26-03:06
   does not yet apply) *11

*2 COARSE flour was used in cooking to wash the pot
   sides to clear it from rust producing agents and
   rotted food particles.

*3 I should mention the Brilliant Malbim who points
   out to a repeated object denoting emphasis
   She opened it and saw HIM -- a CHILD
   Thus the child had a certain regality *12

*4 This distinction is explicitly mentioned in Ex01-10
   Pharoh was concerned that the Jewish minority would
   align with an Egyptian enemy. Hence he killed the
   males. *13

*5 See Lv08-16:21 for Moses acting as a Priest. During
   this brief period Moses used the Temple Basin.

----------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES --------------

*10 Rashis point is strengthened by the abrupt change
    of subject
    Nu04-04 This is the job of the KEHATHITES
    Nu04-05 The PRIESTS come and cover the articles
    Nu04-15 ..and AFTERWARDS the KEHATHITES come

    If one just reads Nu04-04 and Nu04-05 by themselves
    it appears as if the PRIESTS mentioned in Nu04-05
    refer back to the KEHATHITES mentioned in Nu04-04

*11 Interesting Rashi cites a verse in Job rather
    than the  explicit Lv26-03:06. Rashi also does
    not explicitly mention that he is using the rule
    of resolving 2 contradictory cases.
    But that IS what Rashi does. It seems rather
    straightforward to introduce Lv26-03:06. Rashi
    probably  expected the reader to know this verse
    since it comes in the great REBUKE---Rashi complements
    this verses with complementary verses in Job

*12 Rashis actual language is that
    She saw Gods presence with him

    I have tempered this a bit as follows
    She saw the childs regality

    I think Rashis point is to explain why
    she risked her life to save a Jewish child
    This child was different--he had a certain
    regality...why not raise him as an Egyptian
    He would fit in well with the Royal house

*13 Rashi actually says
    Pharohs astrologers said that the Jews
    have just had a male savior born.
    Pharoh therefore decreed the death of
    the male Jews

    However the REAL driving force of Rashi
    is the contradictory verses and the
    resolution from an explicit verse.

    Rashi avails himself of OTHER VERSES
    which show that Pharoh always consulted
    with his astrologers (eg Ex08-12:15).

    Thus Rashi is simply dressing up the
    contradiction. The real point of Rashi
    is the contradiction and the distinction
    between the people(hated all) and the King.
    (concerned about security)

======================== LIST530a ===================================
Verse pairs illustrating 2 stages to a process
======= ======== ====================================================
Dt01-22 Nu33-52  1st)Conquer EASY cities; 2nd)Conquer WHOLE land
Gn36-35 Nu22-04a 1st)Midyan-Moab enemies; 2nd) Unite against Jews
Nu22-34 Nu22-22b Stage 1) Angel HARASSES (Desired Stage 2)Avoid Sin
Dt02-24 Dt02-26  In war: 1st) Request peace 2nd) Declare war*5
Lv02-14 Lv02-14  1st)Budded Full-grain barley;2)Roasted;3)Grounded
Ex07-03 Ex08-28  1st 5 plagues Pharoh didnt listen;then God hardened
Ex11-01 Ex11-09  ONE more of 10 plagues;2 MIRACLES on Red sea*3
Ex11-04 Ex10-29  FIRST: Moses announces 10 plagues;2nd:No see Phrh*4
Gn50-10 Gn50-10  GRANARY was THORNED;but Joe saved them:HonorJacob*14
Gn37-36 Gn39-01  Joe sold 4 times:Arabs to Midian to Arab to Egypt*13
Nu05-08 Nu05-08d Tithes/Terumah to GOD; GOD gives them to PRIEST
Ex14-27 Ex14-30a Egypt drowns IN sea; then thrown ON sea-shore
Ex15-01 Ex15-04  Egyptians THROWN UP;THEN SHOT down to sea
Ex16-13 Nu11-09  1st Dew bed; then MANNA; THEN dew blanket
Nu08-24 Nu04-03  Levites LEARN Temple at 25;THEN serve at 30
Nu16-32 Nu26-11a Korach sons 1st punished; then repented*1
Nu26-54 Nu26-55a Children inherit units;Parents give equally*10
Lv21-10 Lv16-32c Priesthood succession: Lineage 1st;Merit 2nd*2


*1 Nu16-32 and Nu16-33 together imply that KORACH AND ALL FOLLOWING
   that the sons of Korach did not die

   Note that Psalms 45-49 were written by the SONS OF KORACH
   showing that they repented

*2 In other words if one of the high priests sons is
   qualified for the position he is chosen. If not
   a non-descendant (who is qualified) is taken.

   Lv16-32c presents this SON-MERIT rule for priests
   Dt17-20c generalizes this SON-MERIT rule for Kings.

   This interpretation of the text is further
   clarified by the ALIGNMENT method.*11

   Some further technicalities are noted in note *12

*3 Rashi Ex11-09a

*4 Rashi Ex11-04a Ex10-29

*5 Dt20-10 explicitly requires a request for peace
   The resolution of this contradiction is brought in the
   Rashi at Nu21-22a

--------------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES ------------------------
*10 Here is a simple numerical example
   Assume 3 people in Egypt
   - Bob
   - Dan and David Brothers

   - Bob has 1 child
   - Dan has 1 child
   - David has 2 children

   So GENERATION1(GEN1) has 3 units (Bob,Dan David)
   And GEN2 has 4 units (1+1+2)

   We now have 3 stages

   STAGE 1
   Each GEN2 person gets same number of units (Say 2 units)
   So Bobs child --2 units
   -- Dans child --2 units
   -- Davids-------4 units to 2 children

   STAGE 2
   Now the units are coalesced at the family (GEN1) level
   - Bob has 2 units(Since he has one child with 2 units)
   - Dan-David has 6 units (Dans child 2 units and Davids 4)

   STAGE 3
   - Bob gives his 2 units back to his child
   - Dan-David give there 6 units equally to children so
   -- Dans child receives 3 units
   -- Davids 2 children receive 1.5 units each (Total of 3)

   Here is a time map

   -------------- ---------- ----------- ------------ ------------
   Bob            1 child    2/8         2/8          2/8 @child
   Dan-brother    1 child    2/8         6/8 brothers 3/8 @child
   David-brother  2 child    4/8         6/8 Brothers 3/8 @2 child

   Although this may seem complicated it fulfills the 2 verses
   - The actual exodus people from Egypt inherit
   - The descendants determine inheritance

*11 We align Lv21-10 Lv16-32 as follows

The priest --------------- ...annointed ...trained replace father
The priest who is advanced ...annointed ...trained --------------
*a         *b              *c           *d         *b

As the double #b clearly shows there are two criteria
- priest is advanced (bigger than his brothers)
- priest replaces father

These conflicting criteria are resolved using
the RabbiIshmael method of 2 STAGES
- if the son is qualified pick him
- if not pick a qualified non-descendant

*12 Interestingly heridatary appointment is mentioned by
    - Slaves (Lv25-41)
    - Kings (Dt17-20)
    - Priests (Dt18-05)
    - Levites (1C23-13)

    The Bible EXPLICITLY advances a LINEAGE-MERIT duality
    for priests (As shown above by the alignment presented
    in footnote #11).

    We generalize this to Kings (Rashi Dt17-20c).

    We do not apply this to slaves since merit is not involved

    We also do not generalize this to Levites since
    the Bible explicitly states that they replace the
    first-born and hence merit is no longer relevant
    (A qualified 1st born could NOT function as a
    Levite because the Bible states explicitly that
    they were replaced (See eg Nu03-40:43)

*13 There are 4 texts involved as follows
    Gn37-27 states idea of sale to ARabs
    Gn37-28 states Midianites passed but Joe sold to Arabas
    Gn37-36 states Midianites sold Joe to Potifar
    Gn39-01 states Arabs sold Joe to Potifar

    Rashi (Gn37-28a Gn38-28b) resolves these contradictions by
    assuming 4 stages of sale:
    - Brothers to Arabs (Gn37-27)
    - Arabs to Midianites (Hinted at in Gn37-28)
    - Midianites to ARabs (resolving Gn37-36, Gn39-01)
    - Arabs to Egypt (Gn39-01)

*14 Gn50-10a. Rashi cites an Agaddah from the Talmud. We explain this
    Talmudic agaddah here. However we preface our explanation with
    the explanation given above
    - Recall that Joseph saved the world from famine
    - Granaries dried up and GREW THORNS except for Josephs
    - Joseph gave food to these people and saved their lives
    - One granary that dried up was called the THORNED GRANARY
    - The people gave respect to Jacob since it was his belief
    - in Josephs dreams which gave Joseph his greatness

    The Talmudic Agaddah states
    All the kings came and took off their crowns and hung them
    on Josephs coffin

    We interpret this to mean
    This is a familiar English idiom.

    The Agaddah states
    The Arabs and canaanites came to wage war with Josephs
    brothers but could not because of Jacobs merit

    We need not interpret this literally. Very often Agaddah
    uses the technique of EXAGGERATION. Recall that
    Jacobs two sons destroyed an entire Canaanite city;
    Also recall that their attempt to murder Joseph led to
    selling him to Arabs who brought him to Egypt

    There were natural ill feelings.

    However when the Arabs and Canaanites saw the greatness
    of Jacob---that because he believed in the dream of the
    bratty immature Joseph, who was a teenage tattletale and
    hung out with rif-rafs, and then had a severe prison term
    -- because Jacob believed in the dream, Joseph, despite
    his past, grew to greatness and saved the world--

    -- When the Arabs and Canaanites saw the greatness of
    Jacobian prophecy, they TOOK OFF THEIR HATS TO HIM..since
    they realized there was something higher in life..something
    that could redeem them from their own low life to a
    higher life

    In summary the Agaddah uses exaggeration -- WANTED TO DECLARE
    WAR -- to indicate ill feelings. The Agaddah used metaphor--
    TOOK OFF THEIR HATS--to indicate respect. All this is based
    on the fact that Jacobs belief in Josephs dreams made him
    what he became.
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Volume 26 Number 22

#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2005, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
Volume 26 Number 22