#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
  | PERMISSION to reprint WITH this header if NOT for profit |

VERSE:  Dt03-02a

        Dt03-02a And God said to Moses don't fear OG
        RASHI: Rashi compares the 2 verses Dt03-02 Dt02-31

        Dt02-31And God said ----- *1 ------I give you Sichon
        Dt03-02And God said DON'T FEAR HIM I give you OG

            *1 It says DON'T be afraid by OG vs SICHON
               because OG had an additional MERIT that SICHON
               did not have---OG helped Abraham save Lot.(This
               is shown below*2). Hence Moses feared this merit
               would help OG. Hence God had to reassure Moses.

     *2 This posting is an excellent example of how mistakes
       can creatively lead to new insights.

1) Recall that in Volume 4 Number 11 (and also in Number 1)
   I claimed that "Chazal believed that OG was ELIEZER"

2) Akiva Sunness refuted this view. To appreciate the
          refutation we review WHY I believed this

3) Recall the following 4 verses
       3a) Gn14-05 And they smote the REFAIM
       3b) Gn14-13 And the SURVIVOR came and told Abraham
                   that his nephew was captured
       3c) Dt03-11 OG, AT THE VERY LEAST survived the Refamim

           NOTE: This last verse translation is based on
           the translation that the Hebrew word RAK means
           AT THE VERY LEAST (not only)which in fact was
           shown in Volume 4 Number 11. See good examples in

         BASED on these 3 verses we infer that
         1) At the very least OG survived the REFAIM war
         2) He is the survivor who told Abraham that his
            nephew was captured
         3) He must have survived SOMETHING ELSE(probably
            the flood) since it says HE AT THE VERY LEAST
            SURVIVED the REFAIM (implying he survived
            something else)

       3d) Chazal now cite the a 4th verse dealing with the
            sins of the flood people
            Gn06-02 And the Sons of Judges/Powerful people
                    came and snatched girls

            So CHAZAL conjecture that the reason the wicked
            OG came and told Abraham that his nephew was
            captured was probably so that "Abraham would try
            and rescue him, would die in the war with the
            Refaim, and then OG could marry Sarah whom we
            know was very beautiful.

        4) In summary we have
           *given strong proof that OG survived the Refaim
           *given strong proof that he told Abraham about
            the Capture of his nephew
           *given plausible proof that OG survived the flood
           *given a conjecture as to why he wanted to help

           *However my further conjecture that OG volunteered
            to work as a servant for Abraham so that he could
            get Sarah when Abraham died, this further
            conjecture is unfounded.(This is what AKiva
            pointed out)

         5) I finally did the research on WHY I believed this
            and found the following language in Rashi in
	    Dt03-02a And God said to Moses don't fear OG

            RASHI: Rashi compares the 2 verses Dt03-02 Dt02-31
            Dt02-31And God said ----- *1 ------I give you Sichon
            Dt03-02And God said DON'T FEAR HIM I give you OG

            *1 It says DON'T be afraid by OG vs SICHON
               because OG had an additional MERIT that SICHON
               did not have---OG helped Abraham save Lot.(This
               is shown below). Hence Moses feared this merit
               would help OG. Hence God had to reassure Moses.

            Rashi now adds language NOT found in the Midrash
            Rabbah 42:8. Rashi claims that

            "...and since he was interested in Sarah therefore
             OG ***served*** Abraham"

            It was this langauge "***served***" that led me to
            believe that OG actually served Abraham and was

            After a discussion with Akiva we reached the
            following conclusion.
            * If OG had ONLY told Abraham about the capture
              it wouldn't have caused Moses to worry (So
              what?...he did one favor)
            * Therefore OG probably did MANY favors for him
              Eg (An original suggestion of mine in Volume 4
              Number 11) OG may have given Abraham military
              positions and/or loaned him troops. So indeed
              OG **served** Abraham (but was not Eliezer.)

SUMMARY: As the above example shows my mistake caused me
to carefully read Rashi and discover the word ***served***
which is not used by the Midrash Rabbah. This word "**served**"
in turn encouraged me to seek greater depth to OGs so called
favor(OG did more than just tell about Lots capture). Rashi
had a reason for conjecturing this---without the extra service
Moses fear did not seem reasonable.

PSOTSCRIPT: I also privately emailed Barbara, who in Volume
4 Number 15 complained "I really was beginning to believe
that Rashi is simple UNTIL you claimed that OG was ELIEZER..
that blew my mind..." See Volume 4 Number 15 for her letter

Akiva also said the same thing "How can you compare a wicked
person like OG who wanted to destroy the Jews with Eliezer"
(In response I assumed that OG was righteous then and turned
wicked later).

All in all a good exchange of ideas. Barbara was happy I
remembered her question.

WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 7 Number 8

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Volume 7 Number 8