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  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President             |
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VERSE: Dt14-06a

RASHIS COVERED: Dt14-06a Dt14-05c

======================= Dt14-06a ======================

One of Rashis 10 main goals is the explanation of
meaning the same way a dictionary explains meaning.
We call this the Rashi method of WORD MEANING.
Rashi will sometimes explain meaning by providing
a UNIFIED MEANING to a root.

EXAMPLE 1: Dt14-06 Pay-Resh-Samech means TO SPLIT
Although this root does occur 6 dozen times in
the Bible, surprisingly,
- most of the occurrences are repetitions
 of the word SPLIT-HOOF.
- The root Pay Resh Samech
  also refers to PERSIA (The English PERSIA comes
  in fact from the P-R-S root-PeRSia)
There are only TWO other occurrences of the root
- Is58-07 SPLIT YOUR BREAD to the poor
- Jr16-07 They will not SPLIT [bread] for mourners

Rashi on this verse states
Pay-Resh-Samech means SPLIT-HOOF--that is,
the hoof is not smooth but rather has, so
to speak, tread: The hoof has two sides with
an indentation in the middle (Making it look split)

Traditional English translations translate
Pay-resh-Samech as meaning OPEN (OPEN your bread
to the poor).  However an examination of all
verses indicates that it really always means SPLIT.

Dt14-04:05 lists the Kosher animals that may be eaten
Among the list is the Tauv-Aleph-Vav.

The root Tauv-Aleph-Vav means BORDER. Hence
Rashi translates Tauv-Aleph-Vav as the FOREST-BORDER-OX
Presumably this is an OX that grazes on the

LIST863c below presents other examples of the
root TAUV-ALEPH-HEY which can also refer to
- ethcing out a BORDER of a country
- the ATTIC (The room on the BORDER of the house)
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== =========================================
SEE BELOW                LIST864c
List of verses with      Root Pay-Resh-Samech means SPLIT
---------------------    ----------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST863c
List of verses with      root Tauv-Aleph-Hey = Border/Border room

===================== LIST864c ===============================
List of verses with      Root Pay-Resh-Samech means SPLIT
VERSE    Text of verse with Hebrew Pay-Resh-Samech=SPLIT
======== =====================================================
Is58-07  SPLIT YOUR BREAD to the poor*1
Jr16-07  They will not SPLIT [bread] for mourners
Dt14-06a ...all animals with SPLIT[ie TREADed] hoofs*2

*1 The traditional English translation is OPEN
   OPEN your bread to the poor
   But as can be seen, the translation
   SPLIT your bread to the poor
   is superior.[You cut bread by knicking it with a knife
   and splitting it]

*2 A SPLIT HOOF is a hoof with an indentation in the middle
   (like the TREAD of car tires). This indentation makes
   the hoof appear like a split. Such tread facilitates
   movement (Which is why car tires have them)


===================== LIST863c ===============================
List of verses with root TAUV-ALEPH-HEY = BORDER/BORDER ROOM
VERSE    Text of verse with Hebrew TAU-ALEPH-HEY=BORDER/ATTIC
======== =====================================================
Nu34-07c From the western sea the BORDER TURNS to the mountain
Ez40-07  The ATTIC (ie the room on the BORDER) measured....*2
1R14-28  They returned the weapons to the SOLDIER ATTIC*3
Dt14-05c ...the FOREST-BORDER-OX (It grazes on Forest Borders)

*1 Rashis Nu34-07c Nu34-07d

*2 See RADACK, METZUDATH ZION and RASHI. The Hebrew TA does
   not just mean a CHAMBER but means a CHAMBER on the BORDER
   of the house

*3 I use ATTIC as a good English apprximation. ATTIC
   definitionally means a room on the house border. But the
   Hebrew TA could refer to ANY chamber on the house border
   whether in the roof (ATTIC), basement (STORAGE ROOM), or
   on the side

----------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES --------------------

*10 There are about a dozen occurrences of the Hebrew TAH
    The verb form (TO BORDER) occurs in Nu34-07. There are
    several occurrences in Ez 40. There is one occurence
    each in 1R14-28 and 2C12-11. But all other occurrences
   (outside of Nu34-07) clearly refer to some type of
    room (Which the commentators interpret as a storage
    room---I have given the English equivalant, ATTIC).

    The secular scholar Mendelkorn in his Konkordance suggests
    that the root may come from Tauv-vav-hey (To OUTLINE).
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 27 Number 3

#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2005, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
Volume 27 Number 3