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VERSE: Dt16-22a

RASHIS COVERED: Dt16-22a Dt16-22b

======================== Dt16-22a ==============================

One of Rashis 10 main goals was the resolution of contradiction

Rashi had three methods to resolve contradiction. If
the CONTRADICTION could be resolved by viewing the
contradictory verses as two aspects of the same item then
we we employ the the TWO ASPECTS method of resolution. If
the CONTRADICTION could be resolved by viewing the
contradictory verses as two stages of the same process then
we employ the TWO STAGES submethod. Finally if the CONTRADICTION
could be resolved by retranslating the verses using broader
or more literal meanings then we use the BROAH-LITERAL submethod.

Today we illustrate two Rashi methods of resolving contradiction.

EXAMPLE: One stone vs Many stone altar/monuments
First we note that MONUMENTS (Hebrew, MCBA) were made of
   1 stone. Compare the following verses
   - Gn31-45 Jacob took the STONE and made MONUMENT
   - Gn28-18 Jacob took the STONE and made Monument

   Next we note that God found the MONUMENT that
   Jacob made (and declared to be a house of God),
   God found this altar pleasing.
   - Gn31-13 I am the God of Beth El where you made
   a monument --[I am with you] Therefore leave
   this place

   Finally we compare the following 4 contradictory
   Ex20-21:22 You can make altars of EARTH, STONES
   Dt27-05    Make altar of stones when coming to Israel
   Dt16-22a   Don't make MONUMENT
   Dt16-22b   Don't make MONUMENT, hated by God
   Gn28-18    Jacob took the stone and made a MONUMENT

   In this discussion we treat ALTARS and MONUMENTS
   the same. The contradictory verses can be resolved
   as follows
   - ONE-STONE altars/monuments are
   - - prohibited to us and hated by God
   - - permitted  to Patriarches and liked by God
   - MANY STONE altars/Monuments are permitted*14

   Here we resolve the contradictions using the

    Rashi does not give a reason why 1-stone altars
    are prohibited but many-stone are ok. I would
    suggest that 1-stone altars are so to speak
    BLEMISHED altars-altars made on the rush.
    Throughout the offering literature blemished items
    are considered poor taste. The patriarchs however
    were busy converting people frequently. Hence,they
    made altars on the go (one stone altars) and this
    was liked by God.

LIST510a below gives other examples of CONTRADICTORY
verses resolved thru TWO STAGES.
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== ========================================
SEE BELOW                LIST510a
List of verses with      Contradiction resolved by 2 cases

=================== LIST510a =================================
List of verses with      Contradiction resolved by 2 cases
======= ======= ==============================================
Dt16-22 Gn28-18 1-stone Altar:OK for Patriarchs;not for us*6
Dt`6-22 Nu13-30 The MINORITY repor of the spies was: Land Good
Lv19-20 Lv20-10 adultery: With free person,death;with maid,no
Lv19-13 Dt24-15 day worker:Pay by morn;Night labor by sunset
Lv13-33 Lv13-33 DONT shave[near]leprosy;DO shave rest of head
Lv13-40 Lv13-43 leprosy on baldness:like SKIN,not HEAD,leprosy
Ex09-03 Ex09-09 FIELD livestock died;HOUSE livestock had boils
Ex09-03 Ex09-09 HOUSE livestock who returned outside HAILED
Ex09-19 Ex14-07 FIELD livestock died;HOUSE animals for Chariot
Gn36-02 Gn36-24 Daughter of FATHER & GRANDFATHER=illegitimate
Gn24-08 Gn24-08 DONT marry CANAANITE;can marry out of family
Gn06-19 Gn07-02 Noach took:7 KOSHER animals;2 NON-KOSHER ones
Dt12-18 Nu18-24 Levites get 1st TITHE;also get GIFTS TO POOR
Dt12-30 Ex22-19 SPECIFIC idol worship OR general SACS wrong
Ex30-19 Ex40-31 Tmpl Basin for Priests;Moses was Priest once*5
Ex21-03 Ex21-04 Master only gives a slavegirl to a married man
Ex12-02 Ex12-03 God told Moses on FIRST: Tell Jews on TENTH...
Ex01-16 Ex01-12 EGYPTIANS hated ALL JEWS;PHARAOH hated MALES*4
Ex02-06 Ex02-06 She saw a BABY(in age);a CHILD(in demeanor)*3
Gn18-06 Gn18-06 FINE FLOUR for food;COARSE for pot*2
Dt08-02 Lv26-06 WHEN OBSERVANT God protects;ELSE not*1
Nu21-21 Dt02-26 MOSES sent delegates on behalf of ISRAEL
Nu05-08 Nu05-08 Stolen goods given to PRIESTS on behalf of GOD
Ex20-19 Ex19-20 Gods voice in HEAVEN;His FIRE on EARTH
Ex40-35 Ex25-22 Moses at Entrance; Gods by Crubim
Ex28-37 Ex39-30 Priest MASK went AROUND and OVER head
Ex25-03 Ex30-12 TAXES for base;VOLUNTARY for vessels
Nu04-05 Nu04-15 PRIESTS pack; KEHATHITES carry*10

*1 See Lv26-03. Thus Lv26-03:06 explicitly states that
   when we observe, God will remove wild animals. Dt08-02
   by contrast, explains that conquest of Israel will
   WOULD COME (because the Jews moral nature was not
   yet  perfected and the protection of Lv26-03:06
   does not yet apply) *11

*2 COARSE flour was used in cooking to wash the pot
   sides to clear it from rust producing agents and
   rotted food particles.

*3 I should mention the Brilliant Malbim who points
   out to a repeated object denoting emphasis
   She opened it and saw HIM -- a CHILD
   Thus the child had a certain regality *12

*4 This distinction is explicitly mentioned in Ex01-10
   Pharoh was concerned that the Jewish minority would
   align with an Egyptian enemy. Hence he killed the
   males. *13

*5 See Lv08-16:21 for Moses acting as a Priest. During
   this brief period Moses used the Temple Basin.

*6 First we note that MONUMENTS (MCBA) were made of
   1 stone. Compare the following verses
   - Gn31-45 Jacob took the STONE and made MONUMENT
   - Gn28-18 Jacob took the STONE and made Monument

   Next we note that God found the MONUMENT that
   Jacob made (and declared to be a house of God),
   God found this altar pleasing.
   - Gn31-13 I am the God of Beth El where you made
   a monument --[I am with you] Therefore leave
   this place

   Finally we compare the following 4 contradictory
   Ex20-21:22 You can make altars of EARTH, STONES
   Dt27-05    Make altar of stones when coming to Israel
   Dt16-22a   Don't make MONUMENT
   Dt16-22b   Don't make MONUMENT, hated by God
   Gn28-18    Jacob took the stone and made a MONUMENT

   In this discussion we treat ALTARS and MONUMENTS
   the same. The contradictory verses can be resolved
   as follows
   - ONE-STONE altars/monuments are
   - - prohibited to us and hated by God
   - - permitted  to Patriarches and liked by God
   - MANY STONE altars/Monuments are permitted*14

----------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES --------------

*10 Rashis point is strengthened by the abrupt change
    of subject
    Nu04-04 This is the job of the KEHATHITES
    Nu04-05 The PRIESTS come and cover the articles
    Nu04-15 ..and AFTERWARDS the KEHATHITES come

    If one just reads Nu04-04 and Nu04-05 by themselves
    it appears as if the PRIESTS mentioned in Nu04-05
    refer back to the KEHATHITES mentioned in Nu04-04

*11 Interesting Rashi cites a verse in Job rather
    than the  explicit Lv26-03:06. Rashi also does
    not explicitly mention that he is using the rule
    of resolving 2 contradictory cases.
    But that IS what Rashi does. It seems rather
    straightforward to introduce Lv26-03:06. Rashi
    probably  expected the reader to know this verse
    since it comes in the great REBUKE---Rashi complements
    this verses with complementary verses in Job

*12 Rashis actual language is that
    She saw Gods presence with him

    I have tempered this a bit as follows
    She saw the childs regality

    I think Rashis point is to explain why
    she risked her life to save a Jewish child
    This child was different--he had a certain
    regality...why not raise him as an Egyptian
    He would fit in well with the Royal house

*13 Rashi actually says
    Pharohs astrologers said that the Jews
    have just had a male savior born.
    Pharoh therefore decreed the death of
    the male Jews

    However the REAL driving force of Rashi
    is the contradictory verses and the
    resolution from an explicit verse.

    Rashi avails himself of OTHER VERSES
    which show that Pharoh always consulted
    with his astrologers (eg Ex08-12:15).

    Thus Rashi is simply dressing up the
    contradiction. The real point of Rashi
    is the contradiction and the distinction
    between the people(hated all) and the King.
    (concerned about security)

*14 Rashi does not give a reason why 1-stone altars
    are prohibited but many-stone are ok. I would
    suggest that 1-stone altars are so to speak
    BLEMISHED altars-altars made on the rush.
    Throughout the offering literature blemished items
    are considered poor taste. The patriarchs however
    were busy converting people frequently. Hence,they
    made altars on the go (one stone altars) and this
    was liked by God.
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Volume 27 Number 6

#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2005, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
Volume 27 Number 6