#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2006, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President,2006        |
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VERSE: Dt26-11b

RASHIS COVERED: Dt26-11b Dt26-11c Dt28-63a

======================== Dt26-11b ==============================

One of Rashis 10 main goals was the resolution of
contradictions. These contradictions typically arise
from two verses stating contradictory things.

Rashi had three methods to resolve contradiction. If
the CONTRADICTION could be resolved by viewing the
contradictory verses as two aspects of the same item then
we employ the TWO ASPECTS method of resolution. If
the CONTRADICTION could be resolved by viewing the
contradictory verses as two stages of the same process then
we employ the TWO STAGES submethod. Finally if the
CONTRADICTION could be resolved by retranslating the verses
using broader or more literal meanings then we use the
BROAD-LITERAL submethod.

EXAMPLE Dt26-11b Dt26-11c
Dt26-05:11 states
- When you come to Israel bring the Bikurim gift,
- ...
- and recite that THANKSGIVING Passage...
- As an Aramean my FATHER was lost then
- he went down to Egypt
- but now God redeemed us and we have it good
- And REJOICE before God...you, the LEVITE and CONVERT

Rashi comments
- The LEVITE and CONVERT must bring the FIRST FRUIT GIFT
But this gives rise to CONTRADICTION
- The LEVITE does not CONQUER Israeli land
- How then can he bring FIRST FRUITS of the land
The answer is that Levites are assigned 48 cities for
habitation and bring first fruits from it if they
plant there.

- The CONVERT is not of Jewish descent
- How then can he say AS AN ARAMEAN MY FATHER WAS LOST
The answer is that the
- Convert does bring FIRST FRUITS
- but does not utter the Thanksgiving recital

In each case Rashi resolve the CONTRADICTION by reviewing
TWO ASPECTS of the issue
- TWO types of land (CONQUERED vs ASSIGNED)
- the BRINGING of the gift vs the RECITAL of the THANKSGIVING

EXAMPLE Dt28-63a
We see the CONTRADICTION in the following verses

- Dt28-63 says GOD will rejoice to destroy us (if we sin)
- Dt28-49:51 says God will bring an ENEMY to contempt us

We see the CONTRADICTION: Which is it? Will the ENEMY
destroy us or God?

Rashi resolves this very simly using the 2-aspects method
God will REJOICE in bringing an enemy to destroy us

LIST510b below gives other examples of CONTRADICTORY
verses resolved thru TWO ASPECTS
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== ========================================
SEE BELOW                LIST510b
List of verses with      Contradiction resolved by 2 cases

=================== LIST510b =================================
List of verses with      Contradiction resolved by 2 cases
LIST510b continues LIST510a
======= ======= ==============================================
Dt28-63 Dt28-49 GOD will rejoice in bringing an ENEMY on us
Dt28-11 Dt28-02 Levite brings first fruits from his 48 cities
Dt28-11 Dt28-05 Convert BRINGS 1st fruits;DOES NOT do recital
Dt19-17 Dt19-16 2 LITIGANTS in case; 1 LITIGANT is maligned
Dt12-13 1K18-20 PROPHETS can temporarily suspend laws
Nu35-04 Nu35-05 1000 cubits for animals/herds;2nd 1000 gardens
Lv07-30 Lv07-34 FAT is offered;BREAST given to Priest*1
Lv05-13 Lv05-11 Its a SIN SAC;EATING rights are as MINCHAH*2
Ex25-03 Ex30-13 Two sources: REQUIRED silver tax &VOLUNTARY*3
Ex24-12 Nu27-05 The 10 commmandments cover all areas of law
Gn37-10 Gn37-11 PUBLICLY:Jacob disagreed;PRIVATELY:agreed*4

*1  Here are the full set of verses
    Lv07-34 I have given BREAST and FAT to Priest
    Lv03-03 Fat is offered on altar Fire

    Hence we read Lv07-30 as follows
    Owner brings
    the [for-the-altar] fire:
    [namely] FAT on breast is brought
    to WAIVE IT[that is the BREAST not the FAT]
    before God.

*2 The Minchah Eating rights are as follows
 - Sin offerings are never eaten by priests
 - Ordinary Minchahs are eaten by Priests
 - Minchahs with a Priest owner are not eaten

In short all MINCHAH EATING laws apply.

There is an ironic subtlety here.
The verse says
It will to the PRIEST as a MINCHAH

Rashi literally says
If a PRIEST offered it no one would eat it

It thus APPEARS that Rashi is PUNNING on the
word PRIEST---
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It will be to a PRIEST OWNER like a MINCHAH
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

But this is not necessary. The verse simply
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It will be to the PRIEST [offerer] as a MINCHAH
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This implies
- If it is an ordinary Minchah the
  PRIEST OFFERER can eat it
- If it is a PRIEST OWNED Minchah
  then no one eats it

Thus Rashi was not PUNNING but rather
emphasizing one extreme case of the
simple meaning of the text.

Ex25-01:03 states
Command the Jews to take DONATIONS
whoever wishes to DONATE.
And these are the DONATIONS you should take
...gold SILVER and COPPER

But Ex30-11:13 states
When you make a CENSUS people
should give HALF A SHEKEL of silver

This is further spelled out at Ex38-25:28
The silver from the half shekels was so much
and so much and used to make the silver stands
for the boards and the curtain hooks

We see the CONTRADICTION: Was the silver a VOLUNTARY
donation or a REQUIRED TAX?

Rashi answers by distinguishing TWO CASES of the silver
- There was a REQUIRED TAX of HALF SHEKEL used for the
stands and curtain hooks
- There was an ADDITIONAL VOLUNTARY TAX---the silver
gathered was used to make silver utensils in the

*4 PUBLICLY: He disagreed so as not to further inflame
    the brothers who hated Joseph

    PRIVATELY: He agreed because he believed in the dream

WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 30 Number 22

#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2006, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
Volume 30 Number 22