#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
  | PERMISSION to reprint WITH this header if NOT for profit |

VERSE: Dt29-15a

RASHIS COVERED: Dt29-15a Dt29-17a Dt29-17b Dt29-17c

RULE: Sometimes the Bible presents several sentences or
paragraphs whose meaning is clear. However the CONNECTION between
these paragraphs is not clear. In such a case Rashis job is NOT
to explain the meaning of WORDS but rather the CONNECTION of
PARAGRAPHS. We call this the rule of OVERALL STRUCTURE.

1) A simple example would be the ARTSCROLL translation of the
Talmud. One of the novelties of the ARTSCROLL translation is
to not only translate the words but to emphasize the CONNECTION
between each Talmudic paragraph.

2) We present Dt29-09:13 with the CONNECTION of paragraphs
   introduced by Rashi

-----1) Dt29-09:10 WHO IS HERE:"You are all here before God"

-----2A)--Dt29-11 WHAT'S THE GOAL:To make a CONVENANT
-----2B)--Dt29-11 WHAT'S THE GOAL:To make a CURSE

----------2A1) Dt29-12 THE CONVENANT: You will be Gods nation
----------2A2) Dt29-13:14 WHO IS CONVENANT WITH: You & children

-*1-------2B1) Dt29-15:16 THE CURSE: SINCE you saw idols in Egypt,
-*2-*3-*4-2B1) Dt29-17--------- PERHAPS you want to go astray
----------2B1) Dt29-18-------MAYBE you think you'll escape curse
------------------Know that if you go astray you'll be punished

*1 Dt29-15a"The word KI means SINCE
   connecting it to the next verse"

   Rashi explicitly says in Dt29-15a that the 4 verses Dt29-15:18
   are all connected as one sentence. "SINCE you saw idols in
   Egypt PERHAPS one of you wants to stray". Thus Rashi
   translates the Hebrew word KI as SINCE. Other examples of
   2 verses forming one sentence are:

   {LIST} {2 verses which form one sentence}

   --------     -----------------
   Gn01-29:30   I've given vegetation TO YOU to eat &
                also TO THE ANIMALS

   Dt02-16:17   When they all died,
                God spoke to me

   Dt29-10:11   You are all standing before God ..elders...
                & Children, & wives.....

   Dt29-15:17   SINCE you were in Egypt and many other nations
                & you saw their idols
                PERHAPS 1 of you is thinking about idol-worship

   Eccl7-20:21  WHEN everyone in the country is sinning
                THEN don't pay attention to what people murmur
                                            about you

*2 Rashi Dt29-17a ingeniously identifies the word PERHAPS with
   the CURSE-SWEAR formula. To illustrate this consider Reuvens
   promise that he would bring back Benjamin from a trip to Egypt

   In English,Reuven would say "I swear I will bring him back"
   But in Biblical Hebrew Reuven said"May my sons die IF I DO NOT
   bring him back" In other words the CURSE formula requires
   an expression, not of affirmation, but rather of doubt, like
   IF NOT or PERHAPS/LEST (Note that the Hebrew word PEN means
   both PERHAPS and LEST).

   Please find below a table of oaths/curses using the IF NOT

   {LIST2} {The language of OATH is I SWEAR IF I DIDN'T...}

   ------- --------------------------------------------
   Dt11-28 May I be CURSED IF I DOn't observe Gods laws
   Ex22-10 Take an OATH IF he DID NOT violate property
   Nu05-19 She will SWEAR her IF she DID NOT do adultery
   Gn42-37 May my 2 sons die IF I DO NOT bring him back
   Gn31-52 This monument is witness IF I will NOT violate it
   Dt29-17 You will be cursed LEST you go astray

*3 Dt29-17b The Hebrew word PEN means PERHAPS or LEST

   Rashi explicitly identifies the Hebrew word PeN with the
   concept of LEST. As just shown in FOOTNOTE 2 this
   corresponds to the concept of the "CURSE IF NOT" style.

   Our explanation that Rashi is commenting on Structure
   is in agreement with the Rashi commentator the RAAM.

   We have also answered the question of the Rashi
   commentator Sifsay Chachamim on why Rashi explained
   that the meaning of the Hebrew word PEN means
   PERHAPS/LEST: The answer is Rashi was emphasizing the

   (In passing the Hebrew word PEN always means PERHAPS or
   LEST and never means DONT. However the compound phrase
   WATCH YOURSELF ...LEST is an indication of a prohibition.
   This explains the verses brought by the sifsay chachamim.)

*4 Dt29-17c The verse is addressing the curse part of the
            convenant to the people standing there that day

   Dt29-17 says "LEST there be a person whose heart goes astray
   TODAY...."  Rashi points out that the word TODAY links
   back to the words TODAY that occur in many other verses
   in this chapter

   {LIST3} {Verses with the LINK word TODAY}

   -----      ---------------
   Dt29-09    You are standing TODAY before God
   Dt29-11    To make a convenant with you TODAY
   Dt29-12    In order to make you TODAY to a nation
   Dt29-14    The convenant is with those who stand with us TODAY
   Dt29-17    Lest someone is thinking of going astray TODAY

   In other words Rashi points out that Dt29-17 and Dt29-11
   both refer to the CONVENANT and OATH/CURSE being made.

   Dt29-11 To make a convenant TODAY
   Dt29-17 You will be cursed if you think of going astray TODAY

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Volume 7 Number 17

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Volume 7 Number 17