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  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
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VERSE: Dt29-18a

RASHIS COVERED: Dt29-18a Dt29-18b Gn26-20a Gn26-20b Ex08-05a
                Gn06-09c Nu22-29a Ex10-02a Nu11-18a Dt01-21a

RULE: Every Hebrew verb can be conjugated in any of 7 MODES.
Each MODE may have a different meaning. The HITPAEL mode
means to be INTERACTIVE with someone else.

   Gn26-20b The Root Ayin-Shin-Kuf means WITHOLD WAGES
             The Hitpael Form means to BICKER ABOUT PROPERTY
  Hence Gn26-20a "And they BICKERED with him about the ownership"
  (Note that we identify roots with a Shin and Sin; this can
   easily be justified by a {LIST})

(2) Ex08-05a The root Pay-Aleph-Resh means to GLORIFY or BRAG
             The Hitpael form means to CHALLENGE (that is to
             BRAG thru interacting with someone else. Here is
             the Rashi).

    Ex08-05a Moses said to Pharoh...'you want the frogs removed
             ...well pick an exact time for their removal and
             if my God doesn't remove them by then you can brag
             how you outsmarted me'

(3) Gn06-09c The root Hey-Lamed-Caph means TO WALK
             The hitpael form mean TO WALK WITH SOMEONE--ie
             to FOLLOW HIS WAYS (eg so when used with God it
             means to follow a Godly life--(Rashi further
             distinguished between WALK TO and WALK OF...but
             we have explained this on Gn06-09c)

(4) Dt01-21a
    Dt04-37a The root Aleph-Nun-Pay means anger (eg Isa12-1,Ps2-12)
             The Hitpael form means, according to Rashi, 'to be
             FILLED with anger'

             I suppose that means that you
             are not only internally angry but you get picky
             on everything the person does--you allow, the person
             you are angry with, no way out---every attempt at
             apology is met with more anger (So you are
             INTERACTIVELY angry)

(5) Nu11-18a The root Kuf-Dalet-Shin means to PREPARE / DEDICATE
             Thus it can be used to DESIGNATE a DAY of fasting
             and prayer. Or it can be used to designate an
             animal for a sacrifice. The Hitpael form would
             A COMMUNITY. Thus on Nu11-18a Rashi says to the
             community, "Prepare yourself for Gods punishment
             for the way you have complained"

(6) Ex10-02a
(7) Nu22-29a
             The original meaning of the root AYIN-LAMED-LAMED
             is to prune grapes from a vine.

             Hence in the Kal Mode it can also mean to HARASS
             To eg continuously bicker away at somebody till
             he gives in.

             The clearest proof of this is Jer6-9 "And they
             will HARASS (Ayin-Lamed-Lamed) away at the Jews
             the way a grape-vine is pruned (Ayin-Lamed-Lamed)"

             In the hitpael mode Ayin-Lamed-Lamed would mean
             to interactively harass---I guess the closest
             meaning would be 'to sport' with someone.

             The difference between HARASS and SPORT is that
             in HARASS you just want to eat away at someone.
             By contrast, when you SPORT with someone you
             don't just harass someone but you also provoke
             them into fighting with you.

             Rashi actually brings a list of verses to
             support this distinction.

  {LIST} {Verses where the root AYIN-LAMED-LAMED can mean
          harass to 'to sport'}

 VERSE    Ayin-Lamed-Lamed  Text
 -----    ----------------  --------------------------------

  In the following verses Ayin-Lamed-Lamed means harass
 Lam1-22  Harass            Harass them,God,like they did to me
 Lam1-12  Harass            The harassment that God brought on me

  In the following verses Ayin-Lamed-Lamed means to sport
  Thus God 'provoked' Egypt into fighting back by
  hardening Pharohs heart in order to show Gods might
 Ex10-02a To Sport          How I sported with Egypt
 Jud19-25 To Sport*1        They sported with her all night
 Nu22-29a To sport*1        I am the donkey you always sport with

*1 In both these verses 'to sport' is interpreted sexually.
   Note how the Talmuds assertion that Bilam 'sported' with his
   donkey means sexual interaction is based on grammar (use of
   the hitpael) not on politics or a desire to defame him.

(8) Dt29-18a The root Bet-Resh-Caph means to BLESS
    Gn26-04a In the hitpael it refers to INTERACTIVE BLESSING
             Rashi gives the following example

             eg When a father wishes to bless his son or friend
             he will say 'May you be blessed like Abraham'

             Similarly in Dt29-18a we could interpret it as

             'The person who sins fancies himself as a blessing
             to his people; he thinks he is a leader leading them
             to peace.'

   COMMENT: Note how this intepretation answers the question in
   Rashi on Dt29-28a: The NATION is punished for the deeds of the
   INDIVIDUAL because the NATION followed him and put up with him
   See a similar theological Rashi on Lv20-05
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Volume 7 Number 17

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Volume 7 Number 17