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VERSE: Dt32-08a

RASHIS COVERED: Dt32-08a Dt32-08b Dt32-09a Dt32-09b

==================== FOR THE JEWS ============================

The Main statement of Dt32-08:09 is that God created
the world and nations for the sake of the Jews. The
Bible gives various details of this
- God gave other nations borders so that Jews could have Israel
- God separated a unified world so Jews could live in peace
- Gods ultimate Goal was the Jews
- Gods desires the  Jacobian ideal of a multi-talented nation
Rashi elaborates on this main theme by
(a) explaining the words in the verses
(b) Citing other verses/incidents to support his thesis


TODAYS RASHI SUBRULE:           Overall Structure

Rashi will sometimes confirm the details of one
verse by citing OTHER VERSES that enrich meaning.
The use of external verses contrasts with the
alternative approach of an internal analysis of
meaning and grammar. These two approaches (OTHER
VERSES) vs (MEANING-GRAMMAR) supplement each other.

A Rashi comment will sometimes focus on the OVERALL
gives a THEME & FLAVOR to the whole set of verses.
This THEME & FLAVOR in turn can return and enrich
the meaning of individual verse phrases.

We present the overall structure of Dt32-08:09
The footnotes present supporting other verses.
A special treat is a discussion of 3 puns in Rashi
======== ========== =======================================
Dt32-08a When       God established nations*1
Dt32-08b When       He separated people*2
Dt32-08  [THEN]     He created national boundaries
Dt32-08  ------     for the sake of numbers of Jews*3
Dt32-09a [BECAUSE]  Gods portion is His Nation*3
Dt32-09b ---------  Jacob is Gods Surety *3 *4

*1 The Hebrew root used in the verse Hey-Nun-Chet-Lamed
   literally means TO PASS AS INHERITANCE. The verse
   metaphorically refers to God establishing nations
   as GOD Giving them inheritance

   We can confirm this meaning of the verse using an
   OTHER VERSE with a similar theme
   Dt02-05 For I,God, Seir as an INHERITANCE to Esauv

   Rashi however dwells on some nuances of puns in the
   verse. For details on this approach see the longer
   footnotes *10

*2 The verse speaks about God separating people out.
   Rashi confirms this using the technique of OTHER VERSES
   For Example
   - Dt02-05 God gave Seir to Esauv
   - Dt02-09 God gave Lot, Ar
   - Gn11 God separates the nations at the Tower of Babel

   Thus Rashis comments should be perceived as EXAMPLES
   illustrating the theme of this verse, Dt32-08, based

*3 These 3 verse segments all echo the same theme
   One purpose of God letting other nations live
   in separate borders is so that these nations can
   aid the Jews.

   Examples of other nations aiding the Jews or of
   God creating the world and its nations for the Jews
   occur in the following verses

   - Gn01-01 For the sake of the CHOICEST nation God
     created the world

   - 1K05-16:20 Chiram helps Solomon build the temple

   - Ezra01-01:06 Koresh helps Jews rebuild the temple

   In addition to stating this main theme Rashi
   makes further comments on how the number of nations
   correspond to the number of Jews. This is another
   example of Rashi focusing on puns---see Footnote *10

*4 The Hebrew word used here Chet-Beth-Lamed has
   6 meanings. One primary meaning is DEPOSIT or SURETY--
   the object of value given to insure that a loan is paid
   Some examples of verses with this meaning are
   Dt24-06 Ex22-05.

   Hence the simple meaning of the verse is that JACOB
   is the DEPOSIT of the Jewish people assuring that Gods
   LOAN to us of Israel will be paid back.

   Rashi points out that unlike the other Patriarchs who
   didnt make good on all payments -- Thus Abrahams son
   Ishmael was wicked for a while--similarly, Isaacs
   son Esauv was wicked for a while---by contrast, all
   of Jacobs children were good. Hence Jacobs COMPLETENESS
   acts as a surety and deposit for the loan.

   Rashi also focuses on the nuances of Chet-Beth--Lamed by
   making some puns.  See footnote *10 for a discussion

------------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES -----------------

*10 3 Puns occur in Dt32-08:09

    Pun 1:
    The verse says that God Gave national boundaries to
    the other nations. The Hebrew root used, Nun-Chet-Lamed
    ALWAYS mean to GIVE OVER (And parallel usages are
    cited above).

    But Nun-Chet-Lamed also COINCIDENTALLY means RIVER.
    Thus Rashi makes a PUN. Rashi interprets Dt32-08 as
    referring to the RIVERING (ie FLOODING) of the MABUL
    Rashi says that after God RIVERED the world God
    gave boundaries to the nations (Gn10).

    Pun 2:
    Dt32-08:09 simply says that God created the MULTITUDE
    of NATIONS for the sake of the MULTITUDE of Jews.

    But coincidentally there are 70 offspring/nations mentioned
    in Gn10 and there were 70 offspring of Jacob that went
    down to Egypt.

    Thus Rashi is punny and says that the 70 nations
    correspond to the 70 Jews

    Pun 3:
    Dt32-09 simply says that Gods portion is his nation--
    Jacob is his surety (Since the other patriarchs had
    (Temporarily) bad offspring like Ishmael & Esauv
    while all of Jacobs children were pure).

    But coincidentally Jacob was the 3rd patriarch and
    the Hebrew word for Surety also means 3-twined Rope.
    So Rashi dwells on this odd coincidence.

    How are we to take these puns? 2 points come to mind

    Point 1
    Even if we believe that Rashi or God INTENDED these
    puns we should never lose sight that God / Rashi
    ALSO intended the simple meaning of the text above.

    (I learned this point from my High School Bible Teacher
    Rabbi Amnon Haramati who emphasized to us that no
    matter what we learn from Rashi we should always 1st
    read the simple meaning and believe that that meaning
    is intrinsic to the verse)

    Points 2 & 3
    Poetry is EVOCATIVE vs DESCRIPTIVE. Hence although
    the Authors did NOT intend the puns, nevertheless the
    study of puns ENRICHS not meaning but EVOCATION of mood.

    Let me give an example to illustrate this.

    If I say FILL ME A GLASS OF WATER then all I want is
    a glass of water.

    But if I poetically say FLUSH ME A GLASS OF WATER then
    I use poetic license. The word FLUSH, is EVOCATIVE.
    It EVOKES pictures of GUSHING water. Maybe I want
    you to fill the glass with gusto. Or maybe I want
    bubbles (Like a good flush) Or maybe I want the glass
    filled with a flushing SOUND. Or maybe I want the glass
    filled in the bathroom (Where flushing is done) from
    the Bathroom sink.

    It IS NOT clear which of these evocations I intended.
    But it IS CLEAR that I intended to EVOKE.

    This therefore defines the method of appreciating Rashis
    use of puns in poetry.

    POINT 1
    - We should first become aware of the simple meaning of
      the verse

    POINT 2

    - We are not obligated to believe that these puns are
    INTENDED meaning of the author.

    POINT 3
    - But we ARE obligated to believe that the author
    desired EVOCATION.

    Therefore by dwelling on several puns and coincidences
    in the verse we enrich our understanding of mood and
    flavor of these verses.

    This middle-of-the-road approach--Dont feel OBLIGATED
    to believe the puns but DO feel obligated to believe
    that puns were intended--seems to be the best way
    to approach these Rashi puns.


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Volume 15 Number 9

#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 15 Number 9