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  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President             |
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VERSE: Dt32-16a

RASHIS COVERED: Dt32-16a Dt32-16b Dt32-17a Dt32-17b Dt32-17c
                Dt32-18a Dt32-18b Dt32-21a Dt32-21b

REFERENCES: http://www.RashiYomi.Com/h7n18.htm POETRY GUIDELINES
            http://www.RashiYomi.Com/dt24-10a.htm  MEANING OF NSH


It is well know that in the Bible, the five books of Moses,
- there are passages that are LEGAL
- there are passages that are NARRATIVE
- there are passages that are POETIC
Each of these 3 literary vehicles has special rules for
interpretation. Today we study POETIC passages.

The Rashi-is-Simple guidelines for studying poetry
may be found at http://www.RashiYomi.Com/h7n18.htm

Dt32-16 They made Him Jealous with strange ones;
        with disgusting things they made Him Angry
Dt32-17 The offered to demons, no-gods, UnKnown gods, recent gods
        gods that had not been demoned by tradition
Dt32-18 The ROCK that Gave Birth to you you have neglected
        You have forgotten the ALmighty that wombed you
Dt32-19 And God saw and Blew up from the anger of His Children

The Rashis on these poetic passages do a variety of things:
- they clarify strange or unknown words
- they clarify strange grammar
- they clarify parallel and chiastic structures
- they clarify OVERALL STRUCTURE: The overall poetic
  force, drive and focus

In this LIST we present the OVERALL GUIDELINES for poetry AS
APPLIED to this chapter. This is followed by 3 other lists
illuminating the meanings of the 3 verses. In the list below
we show that there are 4 stages to ANGERING GOD: STANDARD SINS,
followed by REBELLION SINS, followed by FORGETTING GOD followed
by GODS ANGER. Such a holistic perspective enriches Biblical
POETRY GUIDELINES     Application to Dt32-16:20
===================   ==========================================
GET UNIFYING IDEA*1   Jews sin, make God Angry & He punishes
LIST KNOWN WORDS*2    Dt32-16:20 have mostly clear meaning
LIST UNKNOWN WORDS*3  We use PARALLEL Structure on each verse
1-1 CORRESPONDENCE*5  We align the 4 subcategories & verses
Dt32-16               STANDARD:  Jews do DISGUSTING sins
Dt32-17               REBELLION: Jews turn to non-standard idols
Dt32-18               FORGET:    Jews FORGET GOD
Dt32-19               ANGER:     God gets ANGRY

*1 This part can be hard. The reader must consciously throw-away
   detail and see an underlying unity

*2 After seeing the unifying principle we begin to look at
   details by studying those passages with clear meaning

*3 There are a variety of techniques to study WORDS with
   unknown meaning. In Dt32-16:20 we use the technique
   of PARALLEL structure. A full list of techniques can be
   found at http://www.RashiYomi.Com/naming-8.htm

*4 In other words to anger God one starts with STANDARD
   sins; then proceed to news sins that are NOT STANDARD;
   and finally thru involvement with sin you FORGET GOD.

*5 The one-to-one correspondence between the 4 categories
   be found in the remaning rows of the table

================ DETAILS OF Dt32-16 =============================

  Continuation of the analysis begun above.
  We analyze in this LIST, Dt32-16 which corresponds to

======= ==============  =======   ===============================
Dt32-16 They make Him   JEALOUS   with STRANGE OBJECTS
Dt32-16 They make Him   ANGRY--   with DISGUSTING IDEAS
Differs *1              *2        *3

*1 This phrase is identical in both verses. Such PARALLELISM
   strengthens the cohesive unity of the verse

*2 (Dt32-16a) (RASHI)They make him ANGRY & JEALOUS (So Rashi
   emphasizes the parallel structure by unifying both elements,
   JEALOUS and ANGER) *11

*3 (Dt32-16b) They did sins that are called STRANGE & DISGUSTING
   These keywords are usually used for severe sins such as
   abnormal sexual sins or the idolatrous practices associated
   with them *12

------------------------ LONGER FOOTNOTES ----------------------

*10 I call this verse STAGE 1 in angering God: STANDARD SINS.

    The reason I call this verse STANDARD SINS is NOT
    -- because of any language or
    -- any grammar in the verse
    Rather I use the OVERALL STRUCTURE of Dt32-16:20
    Dt32-16 refers to disgusting idolatrous sins
    Dt32-17 refers to worshipping NEW GODS, NOT YET KNOWN
    Thus it is the CONTRAST Of the verses that teaches us:
    Since Dt32-17 speaks about NEW gODS, therefore Dt32-16
    speaks about STANDARD gods.

    The idea that inference can be made from OVERALL STRUCTURE,
    even if the language does not support it, comes from
    the Rabbi Ishmael rules of style which may be found at

*11 (See an identical Rashi on Dt32-21a
   which Rashi Flashbacks to this verse)
   (God Speaking) They have made me JEALOUS with NO-GODS
   RASHI states:
   They have made me JEALOUS and ANGRY

   So Rashi sees Dt31-21a flashing back to Dt32-16a

    occur by the following sins.
   -- idolatry      (eg Dt07-26,Gn35-02,Dt31-16)
   -- homesexuality (eg Lv18-22, Lv20-13)
   -- wife-swapping (Dt24-04)
   -- Kashruth      (Dt14-03)

   I would suggest that TOAYVAH refers either to sins of
   abnormal sexual passion (WIFE SWAPPING or HOMOSEXUALITY)
   It also refers to those rites connected with such
   behavior (Such as IDOL WORSHIP & NON KOSHER FOODS)

================== DeTails of Dt32-17 ===========================

 Continuation of the analysis started above
 We analyze Dt32-17 which presents STAGE 2 in angering God:
 The stage of NEW IDOLATRIES

VERSE   PHRASE1       PHRASE2            PHRASE3
======= ============= ================== ========================
Dt32-17 They offer to demons             (to) no-gods
Dt32-17 ---- ----- -- ------             gods that are not known
Dt32-17 ---- ----- -- ------             new gods, just developed
Dt32-17 ---- ----- -- (gods)not demoned  (gods) not feared

Differs *1            *2                 *3

*1 The first word: THEY-OFFER, applies to each of the
   the 4 phrases in the verse but is only written by the
   first one. Such a style (writing a repeated verb once
   even though it applies to many phrases) is characteristic
   of poetry (It is called ellipsis)

*2 I bring your attention to the last phrase in the list (and
   verse). The Hebrew is technical. The root is Shin-Ayin-Resh.
   Rashi brings two interpretations based on 2 possible

   -- PARALLEL WITH PHRASE2: S-A-R means DEMONS: The verse reads
      gods that were not DEMONED by your fathers

   -- PARALLEL WITH PHRASE3: S-A-R means FRIGHT: The verse reads
     (gods) which your fathers were not AFRAID of

   For further details and defenses see footnote *10

*3 The 3-4 phrases in the PHRASE3 column form a sequence
   which is interpreted using the CLIMAX principle. The Jews
   are depicted  offering to
   gods                       what type of god
   ------------------------   --------------------------------
   no-gods                    gods not known to do anything
   gods not known             gods not popular among idolaters
   new gods                   gods that were just made up
   gods that are not feared   worship for the sake of worship

   For further details see footnote *11

------------------ LONGER FOOTNOTES ----------------------------

*10 The two meanings brought by Rashi arent just 2 translations
    but rather two approaches to applying the PARALLEL STRUCTURE

    In other words a superficial reading of Rashi would appear to
    suggest that Rashi found 2 VERSES with the root
    Sin-Ayin-Raish, the same root used in the Dt32-17 verse
    And because of these two verses Rashi inferred two
    dictionary meanings

    But I am suggesting that
    it was the 2 PARALLEL STRUCTURES that motivated Rashis 2
    interpretations. The two verses support the structure. It was
    the structure, not the verse, that was primary.

    Here are the two interpretations
    (The Hebrew root used in the last part
    of the verse is SAAR which can mean GOAT, HAIR etc. As will
    be seen below we can derive new meanings of FRIGHT & DEMONS)

     Rashi parallels the last words of the verse with the
     statement THEY OFFER TO DEMONS. HENCE, concludes Rashi, the
     last words of the verse also have this meaning. To cement
     this approach Rashi brings a supporting verse where the
     Hebrew word used (SAIR) has a meaning of DEMONS (Isa13-21).
     Lv17-07 is another example. In these 2 verses SAAR means
     GOATS which refer to DEMONS since GOATS are symbols of
     FRIGHT. Hence, Rashi translates the  verse as follows
     they worshipped gods not DEMONED by their fathers

     Rashi parallels the last words of the verse with PHRASE3.
     Hence Rashi interprets the last words as referring to
     worshipping different types of gods. Note that
     the Hebrew root SAAR means HAIR and hence it can refer
     to a FRIGHTENING EXPERIENCE (As in the English HAIRY
     EXPERIENCE or in the Hebrew NAIL(SMR) (Job4-15
     MY HAIR WILL BECOME NAIL LIKE(SMR) (ie I will become
     frightened)) referring to the goose pimples some people get
     when frightened) According to this approach Rashi interprets
     the verse as
     they worship no-gods, unknown gods,
     new gods, GODS THEY DO NOT FEAR

*11 I again emphasize the fundamental rule of CLIMAX.
    Rashi can infer meaning and nuances either from
    -- special words
    -- special grammar
    -- a style of climax
    For other examples where CLIMAX determines meaning see

    Thus it is the STYLE, not necessarily the words, that motivated
    interpreting this list of idol-gods in a climactic manner:
    -- worthless gods
    -- obscure gods (Few people have heard of them)
    -- newly created gods

    Nevertheless we can also find SUPPORT for this analysis in the
    the words used. The expression NO-GODS is composed of the
    words GOD and NO. There are other idioms in Hebrew using
    NO and a word. For example Job30-08 speaks about NO-NAME

    Just as NO-NAME people, are people who may have names,
    but dont have respectable names, so to, NO-gOD gods, are
    gods that may be idols, but arent known for doing anything
    specific (eg they are not gods you come to for healing,
    love etc).

    Rashi also echoes this on Dt32-21b. The Biblical text states
    They angered me with NO-gODS
    Rashi sees this as a flashback to Dt32-17 and explains the
    same way
    gODS that have no USE:
    In other words some gods are USED eg for healing, victory etc
    By contrast the no-gods are not used for anything

============= DETAILS OF Dt32-18 ================================

We continue the analysis begun in the above tables. In
this LIST we review the phrases in Dt32-18 which corresponds
to STAGE 3 in angering God: The stage of FORGETTING GOD

VERSE   PHRASE1        PHRASE2                 PHRASE3
======= =============  ======================  ==================
Dt32-18 The Rock(God)  who gave BIRTH to you   you have NEGLECTED
Dt32-18 The Almighty   who WOMBED you          you have FORGOTTEN
Differs *1             *2                      *3

*1 God is Frequently called the ROCK.(eg Dt32-27, 1Sam2,2
   1Sam22,32, 2Sam23,3)*10

*2 Rashi points out that BIRTH and the Hebrew CH-L-L are parallel
   Hence CH-L-L means TO GIVE BIRTH. This can also be justified
   thru the unifying meaning of the Hebrew root CH-L-L which
   means HOLLOW. So to HOLLOW a Baby=to WOMB a baby=GIVE BIRTH*11

*3 Rashi points out that NEGLECTED and FORGOTTEN are PARALLEL
   Hence: NEGLECTED means FORGOTTEN in this verse. Rashi
   also suggests a second interpretation which focuses more
   specifically on the nuances of TESHI the Hebrew word used*12

----------------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES ------------------

*10 Most people see this (the translation of ROCK as GOD)
   as related to the STRENGTH attribute of God. But my teacher
   the Rav, Rabbi Joseph Baer Soloveitchick also related this
   to the SHADE BEARING QUALITITES of a big rock(The Rav
   explained that Shepards used ROCKS for shade)

*11 If we look at the other
   meanings of CH-L-L (RADACK, ROOTS) we see a UNIFYING concept
   of HOLLOW
   -- FLUTES (HOLLOW instruments)
   -- CAVES  (HOLLOWS in the earth)
   -- BIRTH  (Womb is HOLLOW from which the infant comes)
   -- DEATH  (Metaphorically: The body is HOLLOWeD from its SOUL)
   -- PROFANE(Metaphorically: The object is HOLLOWED from holines

*12 We have previously explained the Hebrew word used in this
    verse TESHI from the root N-S-H. See the following posting

    We showed there that N-S-H means to BE OVERLY INVOLVED IN
    -- to OVERUSE a muscle/tendon (and dislocate it)
    -- to BE INVOLVED in debt
    -- to FORGET from being overly involved in other matters

    Hence we could offer two interpretations of TESHI in
    this verse
    -- we are so INVOLVED in idols that we FORGET God
    -- God is so INVOLVED in punishing us that He, so to
       speak, doesnt have time to devote to the rest of the world
       (This interpretation would see TESHI as being in the
        CAUSATIVE mode--we cause God to neglect the world. I will
        not get into the grammar of this rare root here but
        eg see Jer37-9 for a similar grammatical form)

   Just to recap: In this posting we have focused on the
   PARALLEL structure meaning of TESHI while in the dt24-10a
   posting we focused on the specific meanings of the
   underlying root.

WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 11 Number 17

#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 11 Number 17