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  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President             |
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VERSE: Ex13-20a

RASHIS COVERED: Ex13-20a Ex16-01a Ex16-02a Ex16-04b

=========== ALIGNMENT OF Nu vs EX on JOUNREYS ===================

Recall that the Jews left Egypt, travelled for 40 years in
the desert and then came to Israel

There are 2 different accounts of these Journeys. One account
is given in Nu33 and one account is scattered thru Exodus.

The alignment of these two versions is interesting.
-- only 3 of the several dozen Journeys are time-stamped. Why?
-- several journeys are missing from the Exodus version. Why?

It is easy to explain why several journeys are missing from
the Exodus version. The PURPOSE of Exodus is to tell the STORY
of the Exodus. Hence it skips over journeys without STORIES.
By contrast the PURPOSE of Numbers is to tell the HISTORY
of the journeys. Hence ALL Journeys are mentioned in Numbers.

As for the dates, Rashi gathers several obscure verses and
paints a beautiful picture of the Manna commandment.

-- Rashi shows that the typical Jew took out 3 cartons of
   bread when they left Egypt and this food lasted a month.
-- Rashi also shows how this prepared them for the Manna
   experience of an Omer of food per day.
-- Finally Rashi beautifully shows a fundamental principle
   of Jewish philosophy in this Manna commandment:
   A major Goal of Judaism is to teach DELAYED

Here is the list. The footnotes present the beautiful ideas
just mentioned.
Nu33     DEPART FROM   ARRIVE AT           Ex      Date
======== ============= =================== ======= ==============
Nu33-03  Egypt         RaamSayth           ---*1--
Nu33-05  RaamSayth     Succoth             Ex12-37 15th Nissan
Nu33-06  Succoth       Aytham              Ex13-20
Nu33-07  Aytham        Chiroth-Migdol-Zion Ex14-02
Nu33-08  Chiroth       Red Sea             Ex14-15
Nu33-08  Red Sea       Aytham/Shur Desert  Ex15-23
Nu33-08  Aytham Desert Marah               Ex15-24
Nu33-09  Marah         Aylim               Ex15-27
Nu33-10  Aylim         Red Sea             ---*1--
Nu33-11  Red Sea       Sin Desert          Ex16-01 15th Iyar
Nu33-12  Sin Desert    Dafkah              ---*1--
Nu33-13  Dafkah        Alush               ---*1--
Nu33-14  Alush         Refidim             Ex17-01
Nu33-15  Refidim       Sinai Desert        Ex19-01 1st Sivan


*1 Note that although the Raamsayth Succoth journey is not
   mentioned in Ex13-20 it is mentioned in Ex12-37. Also
   note that although Rashi only comments on the missing
   RAAMSAYTH-SUCCOTH journey nevertheless there are other
   missing journeys as noted in the list above(Ex13-20a)
   Thus this Rashi should be taken, not as focusing on
   one journey but rather as indicating a general rule
   for any missing Journey in Exodus.

*2 Only 3 places in the journey are time stamped.
   Rashi explains that since the Bible relates that
   - the Jews complained about lack of food here
   - the Jews had travelled one month
   it seems reasonable to assume that they took one months
   supply bread with them. (This would be the volume of 3
   Grocery cartons per person *10) Hence they complained
   when they ran out of food(Ex16-01a,Ex16-02a)

-------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES --------------------------------

*10 The computations are simple
    -- A person eats One OMER of food in a day (Ex16-18)
    -- An OMER is the volume of 43.2 eggs (Ex16-34)
    -- An egg has a volume of 3-5 fluid onzes
    -- A fluid onze fills 2-3 cubic inches
    -- Hence 30 days food equals
    ---- 30 days x
    ---- 43.2 eggs per day (One omer) x
    ---- 3-5 fluid onzes of volume per egg x
    ---- 2-3 cubic inches per onze  [Divided by]
    ---- 1728 cubic inches per cubic foot [Divided by]
    ---- 2.5 cubic feet per Grocery carton
         (A grocery carton = 24 in x 16 in x 12 inches)
    The above comes out to 3-4 cartons per person

    Such an analysis gives credibility and richness to
    the Egyptian exodus. It also shows that God prepared
    them for the Manna experience by putting them in a
    situation where they, ALREADY FOR A WHOLE MONTH, had
    to eat only an OMER of food per day.

    Thus it would seem that the Manna experience embodied
    the fundamental Biblical theme of DELAYED GRATIFICATION

*11 Rashi (Ex16-04b) explains the Biblical sentence
    I give them the Manna to test if
    they will walk in my Torah or not

    Rashi explains
    The manna tested whether the Jews watched such
    commandments as
    -- not leaving over Manna from day to day (Ex16-19)
    -- Not gathering Manna on Shabbath (Ex16-26)

    This Rashi APPEARS to interpret the Biblical text
    narrowly. It appears to suggest that the Manna tested
    whether Jews could observe Gods MANNA laws.

    But I would go a step further. I would suggest that
    the Manna commandments were archetypical of Biblical
    commandments. Many Jewish Philosophers have argued
    that the purpose of Biblical commandments is not to
    destroy mans pursuit of pleasure but rather to destroy
    the desire for INSTANT GRATIFICATION.

    In other words mans pursuit of pleasure should be
    controllable (but still enjoyable). Here are some
    major commandment classes that encourage DELAYED
    ------------- ------------------------------------------
    Kosher        Dont eat EVERYthing you see
    Family purity Dont sleep with your wife EVERY DAY
    Shabbath      You dont have to work ALL days of the week
    Charity       Dont hoard EVERY dollar--give to the poor
    Learning      Dont work EVERY minute; learn every day
    Manna         Dont HOARD the manna; new manna tomorrow
    Shabat-Manna  Dont work EVERY day;God gives extra time

    Thus these great commandments of (Orthodox) Judaism teach
    lack of delayed gratification.  This is in fact the
    focal point of the Manna commandments--the emphasis
    on being satisfied with WHAT YOU NEED and not HOARDING
    or WORRYING about the future(one day at a time and
    no work on Shabbath)

    In other words I would interpret the above Rashi
    broadly. God was testing, using the Manna as a good example,
    whether Jews could observe commandments focusing
    on delayed gratification.

    In passing this lesson is derived from the ALIGNMENT
    of Ex and Nu. The fact that dates are not given for journeys
    but the date is given by the start of the manna shows that
    the Bible emphasized the need to see the Manna experience as
    a continuation of the 3 grocery cartons per person that the
    Jews took out of Egypt

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Volume 12 Number 22

#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 12 Number 22