#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2005, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President             |
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VERSE: Ex21-22c

=========================== Ex21-22c ============================

One of Rashis 10 main goals is the explanation of GRAMMAR
the same way modern grammar books explain grammar. In todays
posting we review how PRONOUNS may refer to SEVERAL possible
references. Sometimes they refer to the LAST MENTIONED while
at other times they are defined by CONTEXT. These Rashis
can often be stated in RIDDLE form and given
humorous delivery.

EXAMPLE Ex21-22c
Ex21-22 states
Ex21-22  When men fight
Ex21-22  and they attack a PREGNANT WOMAN
Ex21-22  who miscarries her CHILDREN
Ex21-22  but there is NO DEATH

Rephrasing Rashi using the RIDDLE approach we would ask
There is NO DEATH to whom? The miscarried CHILDREN?

Note that in this verse the MISCARRIED children are the IMMEDIATE
antecedent of NO DEATH.

Rashi answers
There is no (ACCIDENTAL) DEATH to the pregnant
woman--(that is she miscarries but does not die)

LIST090a presents other verses where Rashi's main point is
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== ===========================================
SEE BELOW                LIST090a
List of verses with      2 possible references(antecedent / context)

====================== LIST090a ====================================
List of verses with      2 possible references(antecedent / context)
VERSE    TEXT: Possible References CAPPED  Who is referred to?*1
======== ================================  =========================
Ex21-22  When men fight
Ex21-22  and they attack a PREGNANT WOMAN
Ex21-22  who miscarries her CHILDREN
Ex21-22  but there is NO DEATH             No death of the woman
-------  --------------------------------  ------------------
Nu16-01  The following arose               '
Nu16-01  DATHAN and AVIRAM sons of Eliav   '
Nu16-01  and OHN ben Peles                 '
Nu16-01f SONS OF REUVEN                    Both OHN and DATHAN
-------  --------------------------------  ------------------
Nu14-07  The SPIES said:God will give land '
Nu14-09  Dont be afraid of the CANAANITES  '
Nu14-10a And the Jews wanted to stone THEM Stone the SPIES!
-------  --------------------------------  ------------------
Nu16-16  YOU  (Korach)                     '
Nu16-16  and your MOB                      '
Nu16-16  be before God tomorrow            '
Nu16-16a You THEM and AAron                THEM = YOUR mob*2
-------  --------------------------------  ------------------
Nu16-03  KORACH: Why take ALL LEADERSHIP   '
Nu16-28  MOSES:By this you will know that  '
Nu16-29a God  commanded THESE THINGS       '
-------  --------------------------------  ------------------
Gn23-08  Abraham: Let me deal with EPHRON  '
Gn23-09  Abraham: I-ll PURCHASE the cave   '
Gn23-09  Abraham: I-ll pay FULL PRICE      '
Gn23-11a Ephron   No                       No need to purchase*3
-------  --------------------------------  ------------------
Nu05-06  and HE(THIEF) descecrates God
.......  By robbing SOMEBODY(AGGRIEVED)
Nu05-06  and HE feels guilty               THIEF
Nu06-07  then HE returns the principle     THIEF
Nu06-07  and HE adds a fifth               THIEF
Nu06-07  & HE returns to the agrieved      THIEF
Nu06-08a But If HE has no relatives        AGGREIVED
Nu06-08b to return to theft to HIM         AGGREIVED
-------  --------------------------------  ------------------
Ex21-29  If the ox of a PERSON             OWNER
Ex21-29  kill SOMEBODY                     AGGRIEVED
Ex21-30  Let HIM                           OWNER
Ex21-30  Pay the ransom of HIS soul        OWNER or AGGRIEVED*4

*1 To clarify the use of this list let us review the
   first example. The verse cites various people
   - Datan, Aviram
   - On
   The verse then says these were the sons of Reuven

   This is ambiguous.
   - Were DATAN/AVIRAM sons of Reuven
   - Was ON the son of Reuven.

   Rashi points out that ALL of them were sons of Reuven

   To clarify this we capitalize DATAN / AVIRAM / ON
   and then clarify SONS OF REUVEN. The last column
   then explains that the CAPPED  PHRASE, SONS OF REUVEN
   refers to both DATAN and AVIRAM.

*2 Note the ambiguity-- the THEM refers to YOUR MOB.

*3 Abraham made 3 requests (a)Deal with Ephron (B) pay for
   field (c) Pay full price.

   Ephrons no refers back to PAYING for the field.
   This is proven by the next phrase
   EPHRON: I will GIVE you the field

*4 The Talmud cites both views (SOUL OF AGRRIEVED/OWNER)
   without coming to a conclusion. The controversy center
   on whether
   - pronouns refer to the LAST MENTIONED NOUN (So here
     the RANSOM OF HIS SOUL refers to the OWNERS soul)

   - or do pronouns refer to whatever is defined by CONTEXT

   Since killing a slave requires paying a flat fee of 30
   units of currency (The abstract worth of slaves) it
   follows that RANSOM OF HIS SOUL would refer to the
   value of the AGGRIEVEDs soul.
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 29 Number 1

#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2005, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
Volume 29 Number 1